Part 56 - Taking a nap

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All of them spent the night there, not really sleeping there but were busy teaching Yukihira how to make a better French Cuisine, while (name) taught Shinomiya and the Shino's chefs on how to make her Mille Feuille. Of course, Abel put close attention to (name) even more since this dish will be remake by him.

It was already morning when all of the work, teaching, cooking and testing was finished. (name) was glad that Tsubasa brought a change of clothes, so she had her bath in the morning before leaving with them.

"Yukihira, grab the first seat", Shinomiya smirked at him, while (name) was standing next to Yukihira with a blank look. "yes, Shinomiya-shisho(master)!", Yukihira grinned widely. Hearing that made Shinomiya fairly embarrassed, "d-don't call me that!".

Hinako stifled her laughter as she stood next to Lucie, "you let him call you master pfft!". "he must've like being called that way", Lucie tried to stifle her laughter but she couldn't.

Shinomiya was annoyed at the fact that they were teasing him so he squeezed both of their faces, making them struggle. (name) was giggling, "I think it's cute though". Shinomiya sighed to himself, "not you too", he groaned. (name) then took a few step to him and smiled, "you should let them go, Kojiro".

He looked at her and let them go. His eyes never left her as (name) stood right next to him.

"are you going back to France again?", (name) pursed her bottom lip as she asked him carefully.

Gentle golden orbs met with worried (e/c) with a tint of gold, as Shinomiya held (name)'s hand and kissing the back of her hand, eyes still on her, "I promised you, didn't I? and I'm a man with words.... So don't worry too much, I'll be here occasionally and contact me before hand if you want to visit", he pressed his lips on the back of her hand lastly before letting go with a small smile.

"if you back down on your words, I'll kick you.... No even more I'll banish you", she pressed her lips into a thin line making a small frown.

"banish me? How so, (name)?", he smirked still holding her hand in his lean ones.

(name) furrowed her brows, "I-I'll found out a way, yes that's right!". He chuckled, "if you do banish me, doesn't that also mean I still broke the promise?", he raised an eyebrow with a knowing look.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance, "idiot!", she kicked his knee whereas Shinomiya was unbothered by the kick as he still held (name)'s hand with a genuine smile.

"(name)-chan, come on, let's go back to Totsuki", Yukihira slightly glared at the taller male as he swatted his hand from holding (name)'s hand. "alrighty Soma~ good-bye everyone!!", she smiled while waving her hand before she went into the car seat with Yukihira together.

As the car left, all eyes were on Shinomiya.

"promises, huh?", Hinako taunted.

"Chef Shinomiya is a man of words!~", Lucie cooed.

"Shut it", he glared at them, making them shut their mouth.

While with (name) and Yukihira in the car, as Tsubasa drove back to Totsuki. "Soma, you should rest", (name) mumbled as her eyes were a little bit drowsy. Yukihira looked up to her with a confused look, "I don't think that I'm the one who should rest", he shrugged his shoulder while still staring at her.

She pouted, "you should rest too!".

From the driver seat, Tsubasa chuckled lightly, "both of you should rest, it'll be a long drive so I'll wake you both when we arrive", he gave them his eye-smile from the rearview mirror. Yukihira smiled back and nodded, "alright then", he slide next to her and grinned, "(name)-chan, you can sleep on my shoulder", he proudly patted his shoulder.

"you should rest too", she pursued before hugging his arm like a pillow.

"of course (name)-chan", he gave her his eye-smile. (name) nodded her head and rested her head on Yukihira's shoulder as she held Yukihira's arm, hugging it like a pillow as she fell asleep on him.

Yukihira was smiling as he watched her sleep, 'she's so pretty...', he then tucked (name)'s strands of hair behind her ear.

After a moment of silence, he too fell into a deep slumber while in the car, while resting his head on (name)'s head.

Tsubasa glanced at the mirror with a small smile, '(name).... I wonder who you will choose, Yukihira-san has a lot of rivals.......but will that make you happy?', he thought to himself before shaking his head and continue to focus on driving the limousine with a small unnoticeable frown on his face.

"I hope for your happiness", he muttered under his breath, "mother and father would've wanted it too".

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