Part 39 - Totsuki Autumn Elections pt 11

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Yukihira served his dish and Tsunozaki was the first to complain about the food, "there's no such thing as beef stew like this!". "what are you talking about, those all are garnish~", he shrugged his shoulder before shifting his gaze to look at a very satisfied (name) who was only staring at his food with a smile gracing her features.

"what are you smiling for, (name)-chan?", he laughed as he walked to where (name) was. She looked up at him with her sweet smile, "you listened well Soma", she then ate the food with a smile, leaving out Mimasaka's full plate which was served for her.

"you should try Subaru's food if you want, Soma", she said in the end.

He borrowed her spoon and ate from the plate then nodded his head before looking at a surprised Mimasaka.

"it wasn't impromptu?", Mimasaka gasped.

"what are you talking about? For the past few days, I've been thinking all about you, Mimasaka", he chuckled at the end, before giving another serving to Mimasaka.

And that my friend, marks Yukihira's win so he could go to final.

Mimasaka sighed to himself, "fine... you win, I'll drop off from this school". "what are you talking about, stupid", Yukihira hit Mimasaka's head with a small frown, before revealing an angered Takumi.

"next time, I'll beat you in Shokugeki Mimasaka!", he fumed, "and you too Yukihira!"

(name) then waved to the three of them as she walked to them, "see you in finals Soma~ and Takumi you're so funny...... and Subaru... you better not messed with my friends", she gave them her eye smile.

Both Yukihira and Takumi saw it as a harmless smile, but what Mimasaka saw was nothing like that, he was spooked as hell.

Yukihira grinned at her, "hei, we didn't hang out that much, let's go", he wrapped his fingers with hers before looking at the two boys, who had the nearly the same eye colours, were glaring at him while he only had a playful grin on his face.

The two passed by Hayama, who rose an eyebrow and was looking at him in annoyance once he spotted how Yukihira was holding her hand. (name) simply waved a hand to him with her gentle smile as she let herself being dragged by Yukihira who was still grinning ear-to-ear.


"what the heck is he doing in here, (name)-chan?", Erina pursed her lips at (name) who was sitting on the ground with Yukihira's jacket on her lap, while Yukihira was sitting next to (name), joining her on the ground. She turned her head, "let him be~ he wants to hang out with us".

Just then Alice slide next to (name), "hello my favorite baby cousin", Alice grinned. "hello to you too Alice-nee-chan", she gave her her usual eye-smile. Erina could only puffed her cheeks in annoyance.

"now let's watch the cooking match between Ryo-kun and Hayama-kun", Alice smirked.

Yukihira then piped up, "I heard Hayama is the spectators' favorite to win". "what are you talking about Yukihira-kun?", Alice chimed with a knowing glance before tugging (name)'s arm, "this favorite cousin of mine is also one of the students that is the spectators' favorite to win..... but some say she cheat her way in, but I know (name)-chan's food.... And no way in hell would she cheat her way in", she smirked in the end, before she started talking about Ryo who was picking a fight with Hayama, since he didn't show any power to fight.

Ryo growled, "you're not the one who's going to beat (nickname)", he scoffed while holding his knife. Hayama looked up at him, "bold of you to assume, that you will win this round, Kurokiba", he then started giving some spices, making the whole hall smell the intense spices he used.

~Time Skip cu'z we all know how it ended up~

(name) was dragged by Erina to go straight to the judges who were contemplating about making both Ryo and Hayama enter the finals in a tie, making it a four-person-finals.

"what do you think?", Dojimo proposed to the three Totsuki Elite Ten, (name) standing in between Erina and Isshiki as Erina made sure that (name) isn't glaring at Eizan for existing.

"it never happened before", Erina thought.

"it'll be fun though", Isshiki smirked lightly while placing an arm around (name)'s shoulder as she only pouted while looking up at him, 'why am I even here?'. "let's do that!", Senzaemon stated as he crossed his arms, watching from one of the railing, "a four-person-finals". "oji-chan!", (name) grinned while waving an excited hand at him, he waved back with a smile.

Then the students-reporters started to flood in to interview the four finalists. Ryo was yelling his heart out, angered at the fact that he was tied with Hayama. "what do you feel about being the first to be in the finals, (name)-san?", one of the reporters asked, "it's kinda boring~ but at last I got to beat all of them.... All at once", she smirked at the three boys, making them look at her, "well... all of them did wanted to beat me in cooking, am I wrong?", she tilted her head with her brightest smile.

'that's not all, (name)-chan'- Yukihira

'I'm gonna make sure I beat them to get to you, (name)-chan' – Hayama

'just you wait (nickname), I'll make you taste your first ever defeat' – Ryo

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