Part 95 - The Letter

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The Letter~

Dear Totsuki Student, Nakiri (name).

As a part of the Elite Ten Circle, we as the Azami Administration hereby give you a proposal as one of the Centrals. In about a week or so, after the end of the Shokugeki challenge held by the Hunting Survivors. There will be a teaching class in which all the Elite Ten are to teach the students some cuisine, the cuisine is your choice.

Please reply to this letter if you agree, since we are in need of future alumnus to join as staff members.

Sincerely, Azami Administration.

(name) was in the kitchen drinking milk after having another nightmare, but this time she remembered it as her past since she herself have seen and remembered it before. She breathed out a shaky sigh before clutching on the glass of milk in her hand.

She remembered the dream she had.

Beep! Beep!

The sound of beeping noise could be heard as the young 5-year old girl fluttered her eyes open. As soon as she opened her eyes, she quickly closed it back since the light of the room was blinding her eyes.

"d-doctor!", she could hear a faint voice, rushing out to the door calling the doctor for her.

'Who am I?', she thought to herself, as she sat up on what she now knew as a hospital bed. She was being monitored and checked by the doctor and nurse. 'why am I here?', she looked around and winced, "head........hurts....", she mumbled.

"it seems she has....".

She couldn't hear what the doctor said as she could hear a loud ringing noise, making her slowly lose her conscious again.

"doctor please help her!", the same familiar voice.

"ah I see...... this is the girl, (name) –", another familiar voice muttered, it was Nakiri Azami, but his other words were blurred out.

(name) frowned to herself and muttered, "What was Otou-sama going to say?? And that familiar voice... is he.. Tsubasa?", she pondered to herself before drinking the milk.

Erina who was worried of her, went to her side and placed her hand on her shoulder, "are you okay? You left the room so suddenly and I thought something bad happened.... Did you have another nightmare again?", she asked with a worried tone.

The other girl nodded and looked away, sighing to herself, "Eri-nee-chan.... Since there was a letter from the administration, should I help out a bit? Will that be okay?". "does it trouble you that much? I know you're just the type of person who can't ignore someone in need.... But do you really have to?", she held (name)'s free hand in hers.

(name) still didn't meet her sister's gaze, "If Eri-nee-chan doesn't want me to do it, then it's okay".

"(name)-chan..", she called out to her sternly, "it's not about me and my decision.... I'm just worried that if you're going to teach students, you are going to be alone! I'm already worried sick when Yukihira left you alone with Rindo-san.... Luckily Tsukasa-san was there to send you back here.... But still, I fear something might happened to you without me knowing".

"so you're saying you don't want me to teach the students?", she tilted her head confusingly.

Erina let out a sigh of frustration before hugging the girl, "no, not that", she patted the back of her head while seeking comfort within the hug, "it's just.... I don't mind you teaching the students.... I just wanted someone to be by your side so that nothing bad happens".

(name) pulled away and looked at her sister's concerned face before she smile at her, "Eri-nee-chan~ then if you're alright with it, we can ask someone from this dorm to stay with me? how's that?".

She hummed for a while, "Well the idea is not that bad for you... but who doesn't have a clashed schedule with their classes so that they could go with you?", she asked tilting her head as her blonde hair moved the slight movement.

(name) looked at the fridge while thinking of the students that lives in this dorm.

"how about Hisako?? She's trustworthy", Erina smiled brightly at her sister but (name) shook her head with a soft smile, "Hisako-chan is guarding Eri-nee-chan~ so I can't trouble her too much... she's already busy".

Erina frowned a bit, "In my opinion, Yukihira is not reliable yet so I don't want him to be around you yet.... Who else though.....", she thought to herself bringing her index finger to her chin with cocked eyebrows.

(name) put her glass into the sink and washed it, "we'll just ask them about their schedules later, Eri-nee-chan~ let's go back upstairs". Erina pursed her lips at her, "if you say so".

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