Part 93 - Takumi being bold

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"where's (name)-chan??", Tadokoro asked as Yukihira came alone after the shokugeki. He sweatdropped and looked at Erina, "sorry Nakiri". Erina couldn't help but frowned at his words, his apology was unsettling for her.

"what do you mean, Yukihira?", Hisako intervened with a frown on her face. "let's talk inside", Yukihira said in a serious tone while Yoshino was too busy cheering for the celebration.


It was already dark outside as a duo arrived at a certain place, intruding on the ruckus of a place, "Yukihira!! I watched your Cooking Battle!!", he pointed an accusing finger at him before looking around with a raise brow, "well.. You had no choice, your home was under threat even I would've done the same......... by the way.. since it's true Nakiri-san is here..... where's (nickn-) I mean! (name)-chan?".

Hearing that made Erina glared at Yukihira.

"ah, since you're here! Might as well have something to eat and I'll tell you what happened.


After the shokugeki with Eizan against Yukihira. The judges saw (name) and greeted her properly. "we apologize for not greeting you beforehand, (name)-sama", the oldest one rested his hand on his chest with a light bow, "we would like to work with you in the future".

(name) looked at them, 'they only wanted to work with me because of otou-sama... I see no sincerity', she hummed and gave them a fake smile in which they thought it was a genuine one, "let's see then", she turned her head away and walked away after hearing one of them mumbled, "spoiled brat... you're just an adopted daughter".

Rindo, who was right beside her, glared at them for saying that in her presence. "oi, do you have a death wish?", she clenched her fist before smirking, "well, it seems like I have to report this to Nakiri Azami then", she walked away earning the judges surprised look.

"(name)-chan~ don't... never listen to those stupid people, okay? You are Nakiri Azami's favorite daughter after all", Rindo said out loud, ensuring that the three judges could hear her. (name)'s smile faltered as she heaved out a sigh.

"(name)-chan, let's go home", Yukihira held her arm gently.

The raven-haired girl looked up at him and smiled, "you go ahead... I'm meeting up with Eishii and the newbies".

He frowned hearing what she said, 'Tsukasa-senpai?....', he cleared his throat before rubbing his nape, "you'll come back, right? Your sister will be waiting". She nodded her head, "don't worry, I'll be there after I finished".


"ah, I see...", Takumi sighed and looked away while Isami was smirking to himself since he knew too well that he actually came here to see (name), he had been dreading to meet her since it had been a while.

The slam of the door made all the dormmates including the guest switched their attention to the door.

"oops, I push the door to hard", it was a giggling (name).

"(nickname)! You're here", Takumi's face brightened as Isami beside him simply smiled. "how have you been doing, (name)-chan?", Isami asked while patting her head. "thanks to them, I'm feeling better".

"(name)-chan! Don't ever do something rash like that!", Erina went over to her younger sister and hugged her tightly, "you scared me", she was trembling. (name) smiled to herself and patted her back, "don't worry Eri-nee-chan, I made a promise to come back after all~", her eyes locked with a grinning Yukihira.

Erina finally pulled away and looked at her (e/c) with a tint of gold orbs, "next time, don't do that without telling me". (name) smiled and nodded her head. "umm... since the Aldini brothers are here, you should keep them company", Erina heaved out a sigh.

"alrighty~", she grinned and turned her head to look at the Aldini twins as Erina paved a way for her to go to them as she herself returned next to Hisako's side. "Erina-sama.... You can trust (name)-sama, she will never leave your side", Hisako cast a gentle smile, making the other girl nodded in agreement, "I'm just worried if (name)-chan was threatened by otou-sama... so that she should come back", she sighed to herself.

"I guess I missed a lot of studying, hunh?", (name) giggled while having a drink with the other two. Isami nodded his head while chewing on some dry squid, "but of course you can always rely on nii-chan if you have any problems, right nii-chan?". Takumi was blushing after hearing what his twin brother said.

"I-I, of course I'll help you... you can count on me", he tried his best to look cool which made the girl giggled, "you are so adorable, Takumi". Hearing that made the blonde boy blush even more than before, "a man shouldn't be adorable in the eyes of a beauty such as you, (nickname)".

(name) gave him an eye-smile which was too cute to be true, "alright Takumi, I'll keep that in mind... thank you for the compliment though.... But please I'm not that pretty, Eri-nee-chan is prettier than me". Takumi pressed his lips together before shaking his head, "in my eyes, you are more-", before he could finish his words, Isami cut him off, "is nii-chan confessing to (name)-chan?", he smirked.

At that, he went speechless as his face went completely red, making the others laughed out loud.

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