Part 18 - Training Camp pt 11

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It was already one hour since it had begun and (name) has served 450 servings. (name) smiled on her own before looking at Takumi who was busy cooking as he had already served 115 servings.

(name) walked out of her station, and place her cuisine on his station with a gentle smile, "you can do it, Takumi", she stated softly, "enjoy my treat while you're at it". "th-thank you", he cleared his throat before continue finishing his cooking but couldn't help but stare at the dish she brought for him.

He gulped and stopped what he was doing before taking a knife and cut the bacon into half, making the eggs beautifully drip down on the plate, as he ate the food his eyes widened, he didn't know what to say but it was delicious. However, he felt something while eating her dish as his eyes were slowly brimming with tears.

'what is this feeling?', he asked himself while he felt himself tremble, 'what did she had to go through to feel this much pain?', he thought before blinking his tears away to look at the smiling girl.

He knew it, but he just can't believe it, her smile, her beautiful smile was simply a façade to hide her sorrow.

"what... happened to you", he said.

"haha~ look mother, that onii-chan is crying", a child pointed at him while looking at his mother. His mother sighed, "don't do that Toshio", the mother then looked at the blonde boy before apologizing at him and taking two plates from his station.

"(name)-", before he could grab her attention, someone beat him to it.

"(name)-chan? Why are you still here? In 5 hours-time, there will be our next assignment, you finished way early, why not stop early?", Erina tapped her fingers while looking at the smiling girl.

"help me give out the students some of my dish", she grinned brightly, with that she quickly blushed, "no way, I, Nakiri Erina, will not steep that low to give low rate chef even a bat of my lashes", she looked away.

Sighing lightly, "alrighty then, you go ahead I still want to see the guest". Erina looked at her for a while before nodding and going back to her station, since her dish was almost finish, also taking the initiative to bully Yukihira who only had ten serve since the start of the task.

(name) watched him with worried in her eyes, before she quickly plated one dish for him, "Soma", she called sweetly making the boy turned his head with a grin, "here you go, enjoy my treat", she smiled with worrisome laced in her voice.

She looked around since Erina was stealing most of the guest from him, she sighed internally before she gestured him to come closer, he did without a doubt, "eat my dish and you'll feel the magic", she whispered.

He pulled away, looking at her with utter confusion as she waved goodbye with her usual signature smile, "don't mind if I do", he cut it half with a spork, couldn't help but blush at the nice spice emitting from her dish, before putting it into his mouth.

"wh-what the heck...", he swiftly turned his head to look at (name) who was talking with a worried Takumi, tears were dripping down his cheeks, 'why the heck am I crying..... this is...', and as if something just stabbed him, he had an idea... despite he was losing time.

30 minutes had passed, Yukihira had finally finished 200 servings, and so did Takumi, who finished earlier than him.

"congratulations on finishing your servings, Takumi", (name) looked at him with her eye smile, making the boy go 'ba-thump'. "y-you too, (name)-san", he looked away with a small blush spreading on his cheeks. "Takumi", she called again. "wh-what?", he stuttered before looking at her directly.

"please drop off the honorifics, (name) or (name)-chan is fine", she giggled.



"(nickname) would be good too", she added since Ryo called her like that.

Ba-thump to the max!!

"th-th-th-there's no way!", he freaked out with a wild blush on his face, he quickly covered his face in embarrassment. Seeing his reaction made the girl giggle even more.

A laughter could be heard, near (name)'s station, the two looked to see Yukihira with his usual dumb smile, "flirting I see, not on my watch", he stated as his eyes turned serious for a split second.

Then another announcement was made through the intercom, it was Dojima's voice, "congratulations to those of you who had passed this assignment, in the next four hours there will be another assignment for those who pass, get yourself ready".

Takumi then pointed an accusing finger at him, "I, Takumi Aldini, will henceforth make another duel with you Yukihira Soma", he grinned widely. "pass", he waved his hands lazily, "I wanna have a nap....hei (name)-chan, can I take a nap at your place??".

"WHAT!!???", Takumi screeched.

She thought for a while, "sure, but for your information, I won't be in that room, I'll be in Eri-nee-chan's room, see ya in 4 hours Soma, Takumi", she waved before skipping over to Erina who was waiting for the girl. 

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