Part 33 - Totsuki Autumn Elections pt 6

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After going back to her home and wishing Hisako luck, Tsubasa drove off to a place they've never been before. As soon as they arrived, (name) checked her messages to find out which floor and room were they, and after she read it, she strode over into the lobby before going into the elevator with Tsubasa next to her.

Upon arriving, Tsubasa knocked the door.

"ISAMI! DON'T'!!!", a yell could be heard from the room, as the door finally open revealing Isami with his usual eye-smile, "welcome, Tsubasa-san, (name)-chan", he greeted, "nii-chan had been waiting for you.... Very relentlessly waiting", he added in the end with a teasing smile.

"oh no...I'm sorry that you had to wait long Isami, Takumi", she apologized as she tilted her head.

"come in (name)-chan", Isami paved way for the both of them to enter their shared apartment.

Takumi quickly shook his head and hands at the same time, "don't listen to Isami... he's talking nonsense", he glared at his brother who was laughing on his own, "a-anyway, have a seat... I'll heat up the kettle for a bit", he avoided eye contact as he walked away to the kitchen.

"nii-chan is just shy", he smirked as he took a seat across the two.

"eh?? There's no need to though~ besides it's just us... it's not like we're scouting or anything of that sort", she giggled before looking at Isami, whose eyes were now can be seen. "if (name)-chan gets to know more about nii-chan, I'm pretty sure you'll understand how he is.... Nii-chan is actually really caring", he smiled.

(name) smiled brightly as she watched him bring out the tea cups in a tray, "I can see that.... For all I know... he have done good deeds for as long as I can remember", she said, earning a blush from Takumi who just placed the tray on the table.

"th-this is-".

"earl grey tea...... as expected from Italian", (name) grinned as she watched the tea swirled.

"how did you know, (nickname)?", Takumi's eyes widened a little as he took a seat next to Isami.

(name) simply shrugged her shoulder, "I just know it...". "then please have some tea", he stated as he sipped his while his curiosity widened.

After sipping her tea, she looked straight at Takumi as her tone changed into a serious one, "Takumi... I heard your opponent is Mimasaka Subaru, correct?". He raised an eyebrow before nodding at her. "then.... Allow me to say this.... Mimasaka Subaru is the type of person who'd provoke you in any way he can... then please be careful of him, okay?".

His eyes widened for a fraction before regaining his usual confident smirk, "don't worry (nickname), that guy won't get his way".

(name) let out a sigh, "you may say that but.... Mimasaka Subaru is basically Etsuya's pawn.... And he won't let you get away easily".

"Etsuya... you mean Eizan-senpai?", he asked.

She nodded her head, "yes, him.... Etsuya will always use any tactics to bring down his opponent, even using cheats... ", she then looked away, "it's just.. I'm worried about you Takumi, whatever he says.... Don't listen to him".

He blushed beet red, "o-o-okay.... I will try my best and win tomorrow's cooking battle", he grinned confidently.


Tsubasa brought (name) to their next destination, it was already dark, Tsubasa closed the car door behind her after she walked away to a hilly area. Hayama told her that he'll be waiting there.

After (name) saw Hayama, lying on the grass, she called to him with her bright smile, "Akira". Hayama looked up and sat up before smiling at her, patting the grass next to him, "sit with me (name)-chan", he called.

Tsubasa stood a few distance from the two, guarding from afar.

As (name) sat on the grass, next to Hayama, she stared at the night sky, "what a beautiful night", she said to herself. "you're's beautiful", he stared at her, hiding his genuine smile.

"so (name)-chan..... we haven't talk for a while", he stated as his hands reached to her hair, stroking it ever so gently. (name) giggled and nodded, "besides.... Each of us were busy.... Tomorrow is your match with Hisako-chan, right?". He let out a sigh before lying back on the grass, "yes.... And I plan to win, to go to the finals.... And beat you".

She turned her head to look at Hayama, "beat me? We'll see~".

"about the spices..... the element you used for mixing the spices in the seminar weeks ago, was quite intriguing..... so I tried to check on it, who would've thought you still had the Holy Basil I gave you", he chuckled in the end of his words.

"it's a gift, of course I'll try my best to keep it, Akira gave it to me afterall~", she looked at him with a smile.

Hayama sat up again and pulled her into his arms, "(name)-chan...", he muttered as he hid his face on the crook of her neck. "yes?", she asked. "I'll do my best to beat you and win the finals", he muttered onto her neck.

(name) patted his head with a smile gracing her lips, "sure do Akira"

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