Part 101 - Instructor

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(name) was wearing her chef attire as she enter a class filled with students that was a year above her. According to the letter she received just yesterday, she was needed as a substitute instructor due to dire reasons.

She smiled as she stood infront of the students, "Hello and Good Morning", she waved her hand lightly to them, "I'm the Elite Ten's Phantom Seat, Nakiri (name)... I'm not sure if all the senpai here know me, anyway... so please treat me well", she lightly bowed her head.

Isshiki smirked to himself while watching the girl right infront of his class. Yes, (name) was teaching in his class.

Then (name) clasped her hands together with a sweet smile, "now since this may or may not be my first time teaching as an instructor, I'll be preparing three types of cuisines today and I will let you guess from which region they are before you start cooking.... Now I need one assistant to help me prep the food".

At first it was silent, but seconds later most of the seniors raise their hands since they wanted to work alongside her, and most of them wanted to get on her good side.

"ara...", (name)'s eyes widened before tilting her head with a smile, "umm... Satoshi..", she said carefully earning glares at Isshiki from the other seniors. Isshiki chuckled and went to her side, "ah~ it is an honor to work alongside you, (name)-chan", he placed his right hand on his left chest with his usual eye-smile.

She giggled and nodded her head, "good then". "umm, am I to guess where the cuisine come from, too?", he asked with a smile, "your cuisines are vast and I can't think of the correct one as soon as you ask", he laughed it off, it made the seniors gasp.

(name) looked at Isshiki with a smile, before looking at the seniors right infront of her, "well.... I'm pretty sure it's going to be easy since you are all my senpai... so anyway, since it's going to be only three dishes of each different cuisine, it'll be easy and over as soon as it starts~ now Satoshi.. here", (name) gave the recipe and instructions before smiling at him, "well, let us begin~".

She smirked, eyes glinting with striking gold as she took care of the main while she let Isshiki handles with prepping the food.

Within minutes, all three dishes were finish and it was laid out infront of the class.

"there~", she smirked with her golden eyes still blazing with superiority, "now as I've said before, these three dishes are from different countries so whoever guess it correctly, are allowed to have the first taste of this dish", she tilted her head down, smirking while crossing her arms across her chest, locking her gaze with each of the students in the room.

One by one they tried to guess the food, but most of them were wrong.

"(name)-chan... even I as your friend, couldn't tell which cuisine this is", Isshiki sweatdropped. She puffed her cheeks as her eyes returned to their normal colour, "fine then.... I'll just choose whoever to taste and they will tell the whole class where it brought you", she grinned before looking around the class and pointing to three different students from different stations.

The three students stood infront of each three dishes with a curious look, they gulped and taste it, they were speechless as tears flow down from their cheeks.

(name) smiled up at them, "now tell the class, where the food brought you to".

The first student quickly wiped their tears before turning around and presented the first dish, "I see... the Berlin..... it felt so real as if I was brought there in the flesh!! Could it be... German Cuisine, (name)-san?".

"correct", she smiled, "this is called Sauerbraten a German food and it is considered as one of the country's national dishes, although despite not marinating it beforehand, I made sure it has the same taste as it was marinated

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"correct", she smiled, "this is called Sauerbraten a German food and it is considered as one of the country's national dishes, although despite not marinating it beforehand, I made sure it has the same taste as it was marinated.... Since I presumed it is a national dish, I thought you all might now, but it's okay~ now next dish~", she chimed.

The second student blushed, "u-uh..... it feels like I went to ancient time.... This food may look like Italian food at first glance but.... Dude, we're so wrong... is it Greek Dish?", the student looked at her.

(name) nodded her head with a gentle smile, "correct~ this dish is called Pastitsio it could be found in Greek, Egyptian, Turkish, Maltese and Cypriot cuisines although it's origin is from Greece and usually it's a common dish and often served as ...

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(name) nodded her head with a gentle smile, "correct~ this dish is called Pastitsio it could be found in Greek, Egyptian, Turkish, Maltese and Cypriot cuisines although it's origin is from Greece and usually it's a common dish and often served as a main course~ now off to the last one~", she looked at the last student.

The last student laughed to herself, "why couldn't we think of it in the first place..... this is a Chinese Cuisine, right Nakiri-san?". (name)'s smile faltered a bit after hearing what she just called her with.

She cleared her throat and smiled, "that is correct

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She cleared her throat and smiled, "that is correct... this dish is called Shrimp with Vermicelli and Garlic, suànróng fěnsī zhēng xiā, this dish is not only being favored by the Chinese younger generation~ but also by the foreigners as well! Both the Garlic and the Vermicelli are put to use to bring out the best it could be....", she tilted her head while clasping her hands together, "now that we just finished with that, I'll see how you imitate this dish".

"yes, chef!", the nodded proudly and started cooking.

(name) grabbed Isshiki's sleeve, "thank you for your help Satoshi". He laughed lightly and patted her head, "you can always lean on me if you have problems~ now excuse me, I'll be partnering up with my fellow friend", he then leaned over to whisper to her ear, "you did well, (name)-chan, I'm so proud of you", he winked playfully before walking away.

She nodded her head and smiled, 'first day ended well, I guess'.

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