Part 76 - Moon Banquet Festival pt 11

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(name) smiled sweetly as this was the final day and she finally could visit Momo's booth, Tsukasa's booth and Erina's booth. She was wearing her lucky attire that would suit for all. (the picture above)

For (name), she enjoyed working and helping out Yukihira's booth to the last day very much, even Rindo came over to try out all the food from Yukihira's booth. "ne, senpai..... don't leave without me, okay?".

She ruffled her upper hair, "I won't leave you, (name)-chan, you can just stay at the Uptown Area and wait for us, after you visit Momo's booth", she grinned at her before slurping the Sorta-Danzi noodles made by (name).

"y'know, (name)-chan I find it amazing how you can keep the cooking as if the real person is cooking, ya get what I mean?", she switched her gaze from her food to (name)'s confused look.

"are you talking about Soma's cooking?", she tilted her head with an obvious confused look on her face. The red-haired nodded her head, "exactly~ it's amazing, but honestly I'd love to taste your own food too (name)-chan... it's been a while since I tasted your originals", she pouted after slurping the last of the soup.

She put the bowl down and held both of (name)'s hands in hers, "ne (name)-chan~ when will you cook for me~~". (name) simply smiled, "I will when you set a date, Rindo-senpai".

"really?? You will??", she grinned excitedly before nodding her head, "alright then, I should go taste Kuga's food now~", she waved goodbye as she strode into the place without waiting in line, since yesterday she was annoyed that she couldn't get to eat for free.

Kuga, however simply gave her the privilege to enter without the line but has to pay for the food. Rindo didn't really mind since she prefer to go to the food immediately.

"(name)-chan, 3 Sorta-Danzi noodles", Tadokoro called out to her. (name) nodded her head with a smile, before her phone lit up as she received notification from a message.

From: -Unknown number-

I'm coming later

She tilted her head, wondering who was that unknown number, but she shrugged her shoulder thinking that they send the text to the wrong number as she started to cook swiftly with a smile on her face.

When it was already 6pm, (name) tapped on Yukihira's shoulder with a gentle smile on her face, making the boy couldn't help but smile back, "yes, (name)-chan?". "I'm going ahead, okay? Momo-senpai reserved a table for me right now, see you later", she smiled up at him.

Yukihira placed his hand ontop of her head, "have fun then and don't roam alone too much, don't forget to call Tsubasa-san too".

She giggled, "will do~ you did great this five days Soma", she returned his gesture by placing her hand ontop of his head before slipping off the apron and fold it before putting it inside the cupboard. She skipped over to Tadokoro and smiled at her saying the same thing she said to Yukihira, before lightly glaring at Mimasaka.

"thanks for helping out, Subaru..", she hmphed and walked away while taking out her phone to call for Tsubasa.


She went in with a smile as the waiter knew her face as she was the VIP for Momo's booth, (name) didn't even know that she was treated differently than Momo's other walk-in customers. Tsubasa was following (name) from behind her, "how was your day, (name)-sama?", he asked.

She turned her head to look up at him, "so far it was fun, however the day is still not over", she giggled as she looked around the place, "this place is so cute! So many teddy bears and cute stuff".

"that is correct, Akanegakubo-sama made sure to make this place as cute as possible", the waiter implied as he was still leading her to the VIP room.

When they arrive, Momo was already prepping for the desserts with Bucchi by her side. (name) watched her with a wide grin, "you've prepared five course today, right Momo-senpai?".

She nodded her head, "yes, I will make sure that the dessert is to your liking, (name)-nyan".

"I always love your dessert", she giggled as she sat down as the waiter set the chair for her. Tsubasa was simply amazed at the change of (name)'s expression as she watched Momo baking the dessert.

The smile on her face, makes him remember of the past when she barely made expression, until she met the 79th Generation, who cracked her code to become who she is today. As Momo passed the dessert to the waiter, he brought the dessert carefully to (name)'s table.

(name) smiled brightly. Tsubasa let out a small smile, he wanted to cherish her smile, before it's too late.

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