Part 69 - Moon Banquet Festival pt 4

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[miru's note: just so you guys know ehe~ I read all the comments. Wait oh!!! It's my birthday today 3/12 Happy Birthday to meeeee🥳🥳 not me publishing this in the middle of the night(in my country)]

Around 7pm that day, an announcement was made indicating the first day sales for the Moon Banquet Festival. In the Main Street Area, Rank One was the Pop-up Trattoria Aldini, Rank Two was Skewers RS and Rank Three was Don Rs. In the Central Area, Rank One Kuga Restaurant by Chinese Cuisine RS, Rank Two was El Fuego by Spanish Cuisine RS and Rank Three was Yo-Yo Restaurant by Western Cuisine RS. In the Uptown Area, Rank One Akanegakubo Momo, Rank 2 Nakiri Erina and Rank 3 Megishima Tosuke.

(name) was walking with Tsubasa as they head to where the others were meeting. Tsubasa slid the door open and (name) skipped in with a smile, "Good Evening everyone". Isami who was closer, grinned back at her, "I saw you in the newspaper (name)-chan".

She tilted her head as she brought her index finger to her lips with a wondering look, "what do you mean?".

Erina rest her hands on her waist with a knowing look, "you seem happy in the front cover". "fr-front cover??", her eyes went wide for a fraction as a blush was on her usual pale cheeks. Erina showed the front cover to her, revealing (name) standing at the bridge, she was beautiful, the headline was "The Beauty enjoy the first day at Moon Banquet Festival".

Takumi grinned, "where is that anyway?", he walked closer to a flustered (name). She pouted, "it's at Polar Star Dormitory... Satoshi's booth... when did they took this picture??", she tilted her head with a small cute frown.

"(name)-chan, come here and scold those three", Erina called, ushering (name) to stand next to her. She walked over to Erina with a confused look, "why do I have to scold them though? They didn't do anything bad, do they??", she looked at the three, standing next to each other.

Hayama rested his hands on his hip with an angered look, "how in the world are you going to take responsibility for this, Nakiri?".

Takumi showed (name) the total tally for all booth and showed Yukihira's booth and Shiomi Seminar's booth were loosing money from the get go. She giggled and walked over to them with a grin.

"Alice-nee-chan, you should try listening to other people's opinions you know", she shrugged her shoulder. "you don't have to worry about us, (name)-chan, me, Ryo-kun and Hayama-kun can handle this, we'll start from scratch!", she smiled as she wrapped her arms around (name).

"oi", Hayama glared at her, "let go of her".

"what's wrong with me hugging my favorite cousin?", Alice stuck out a tongue at him.

"ALICE!", Erina yelled at her.

Alice looked at her, "what is it, Baka-Erina?", she asked mockingly. (name) pulled away lightly, "Alice-nee-chan..", she whined a bit. Erina facepalmed, "we're not supposed to talk about that out loud". "why?", she pursed her lips.

Tsubasa cleared his throat, "because (name)-sama does not have any last name".

"then we should change her last name into Nakiri, isn't that easy?", Alice continued to pout at her real cousin. Erina frowned at her, "you know it doesn't work like that... she must have...the person who brought her here to sign the guardianship...", she hugged her own body as she could feel herself tremble.

(name) was worried of her sister, so she pulled away from being hugged by Alice, to encased her arms around Erina, "Eri-nee-chan.... I'm here, don't worry about otou-sama".

'so.... They are related? But she didn't have any last name...', they thought to themselves.

"moreover, is (name)-sama going to be okay? Isn't she helping Yukihira out with his booth", Ikumi sweatdropped while looking at (name) worriedly who was still hugging Erina with a gentle smile gracing her face. "well I'm sure we'll figure something out", Yukihira finally came, carrying a plastic bag filled with the black pepper buns.

"Yukihira, where have you been??", Takumi yelled at him, "you shouldn't leave (nickname) alone like that". (name) giggled, "I'm not alone though Takumi~ wasn't I with you guys the whole time?", she tilted her head. Takumi quickly paced to her, "no, I mean before you came here".

Erina who was already calmed down, pulled away lightly so that she could talk with Takumi properly.

(name) smiled up at him and ruffled his head, "I was with Tsubasa, remember?". "b-but even so-!", before he could even finish his words, Isami pulled him, "nii-chan, let's eat the black pepper bun, Yukihira had for us".

Yukihira was giving out pepper bun to everyone in the room until he reach both (name) and Erina. "here ya go (name)-chan", he smiled at her and she returned the gesture with a sweet one, "thank you Soma". "and this last one, can you give it to Nakiri? The other Nakiris accept it", Yukihira stated nonchalantly.

"I told you not to call us that! I'm not eating anything! I inadvertently helped you with taste-testing, but I have not acknowledged your cooking as legitimate!", Erina fumed. (name) quickly wrap her free arm around Yukihira's arm, "but Eri-nee-chan~ it's really good though".

Erina blushed, "don't do that to him, (name)-chan", she yelled. The other boys when they saw what (name) did, they were frowning with jealousy.

"oi, Yukihira!", they yelled at him, "let go of her".

(name) tilted her head as she was the one who let go of Yukihira, "don't be mad....", hence all of them started freaking out, thinking that (name) was going to cry.

Erina fumed and pulled (name) to her side, "stay here, (name)-chan".

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