Part 102 - Helping Tsukasa

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(name) peeked into the kitchen door and she saw Tadokoro running out from the kitchen door, although Tadokoro managed to greet her. "Eishii~", (name) called out gently seeing Yukihira wearing his jacket. "oh (name)-ch-", before he could finish his words, someone else beat him to it.

A groan.

"there you are, Eishii", (name) rushed over to Tsukasa who had a trouble getting up, completely ignoring Yukihira, "I read your text so I came here as soon as I finished my class, I guess it's still hard for you, ne?", she smiled as she dragged one of Tsukasa's arm around (name)'s neck to support him.

"..... uhh.. you're still here, Tsukasa-senpai", Yukihira asked while looking worriedly at Tsukasa who was leaning his weigh on (name). (name) blinked his eyes, "oh? Soma?", she just realized that she forgot Yukihira was there, since her sole focus was on Tsukasa since she entered.

Tsukasa heaved out a light groan with a ragged look, but he still looks hot, "I'd been wound up so tight that once the class was over, I lost all my tension.. that was really scary", he whined, "being asked to cook infront of so many students....". (name) giggled and patted his upper silver hair, "I'm sure you've told the students everything that's important.. so, don't worry too much".

"let's just hope, Rindo's not going to get mad at me again for sounding so unsure.... But (name)-chan, thank you for coming for me", he looked at her on his side, "and thank you for easing me". (name) smiled back at him, "it's okay Eishii~ I can always help you... now let's get you back to your office, so you can rest".

Tsukasa let out a small laugh before resting his lips on the side of her hair with a smile, "wait a bit, okay? I need to talk with Yukihira". She nodded her head and let him go a bit before looking at one of the stations to have a seat.

"here, let me help you", Tsukasa grabbed her waist and let her sit on one of the stations. (name) was surprised thinking that he lost his strength just a while ago, it seems as though he still had some strength in him. Tsukasa walked over to the glaring red-headed boy, "anyway, you were impressive, Yukihira, you're more skilled than I'd thought".

Yukihira's bangs covered his eyes before he grinned, "oh, I had fun, I learned a lot too". "I could use someone like you..... before, I used to think that having (name)-chan around to become my assistant was good, but after knowing that she's the director's daughter... I didn't want to trouble her.... Well, Yukihira Soma, would you be interested in becoming my right-hand man?".

Yukihira remembered those words he heard before, he knew he heard it before during Stagiaire but he didn't remember who said it.

"will you join Central?", Tsukasa asked in a serious tone, seeing that he wasn't focused on what he had been saying before.

"Eishii!", (name) warned, but Tsukasa simply smiled at her. "are you telling me to join Central? That's a bad joke, Tsukasa-senpai~ why would I do that??", Yukihira replied simply, making (name) felt a wave of relief. "I see, I guess you wouldn't..", Tsukasa muttered dejectedly, looking drained all of a sudden. Yukihira freaked out, "eh! That shouldn't make you feel so bad! Well, I mean it's honestly nice that you recognized my skills but I don't feel like presenting Yukihira Diner's cooking at Central, so..".

(name) jumped from the station to the ground, before saying, "you don't get it do you, Soma?", she stood right next to Tsukasa, "Central doesn't want to feel our own cooking".

Tsukasa nodded, "that's right, that wouldn't be necessary.. Yukihira Diner's cooking isn't necessary... what I wanted was your supportive capabilities... with Yukihira at my side, I feel I could further refine my cooking although I may not be able to beat (name)-chan... not that I want to anyway... um, so, it'd be nice if you could think it over for the sake of my cooking", he asked while rubbing the side of his face awkwardly.

(name) crossed her arms across her chest before pursing her lips, "mou Eishii... you shouldn't be so selfish though..". "but (name)-chan.. in order to follow the Director's Utopia, we as the Central needs to focus on the perfect gourmet.... Ah now that I remember, how was your class? I heard you were handling your senior??? Oh, I hope they'd listen to you..... what if you were bullied??!!!", he started to relentlessly freaking out again.

(name) sweatdropped and shook her head in disbelief as she had a smile on her face, "fret not, Eishii~ all the senpais in my class were keen listeners... although they need to learn about different types of cuisine".

Tsukasa laughed, "I see, it's understandable that you can cook different types of cuisine... I honestly just wonder, how did you even get to learn it.... I heard you only traveled twice.... From your country to here, and from here to Thailand, right?".

She nodded her head, "hei... since otou-sama aren't going to tell me where I used to live, won't you tell me?", her eyes were bright shades of (e/c) with a tint of gold as she looked at him with her puppy eyes and a pursed lips.

His eyes widened for a fraction as he took a step back, "uhh...(name)-chan..?", his cheek reddened. "well?? Otou-sama told me that Tsubasa is out of country... is he perhaps at the country I used to live?", she blinked her eyes at him, with the typical Chitanda-Eru-type-of-eyes. (Gif above)

He looked away as he was leaning onto one of the stations. "Eishii?".

He blushed beet red and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry, (name)-chan....but the Director said that if you wish to know where your brother went... you should go to the Director instead". (name) sighed to herself and puffed her cheeks, "otou-sama is so stubborn". He laughed lightly and finally stood properly but was still a blushing mess as the two locked gazes.

"ahem..... I'm still right here", Yukihira cleared his throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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