Part 96 - Why does she dislike Eizan?

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"Hunting survivors?", Yukihira pondered out loud while in the middle of staring at (name) absent-mindedly. Marui pushed his glasses, "That's what Central's calling Shokugeki against the organization that wants to survive.... The first set's happening today". "students from Central will be participating in the matches....", Ibusaki muttered before shifting his gaze to (name) who was sitting next to Tadokoro, 'gladly she isn't one of the Central..'.

"seems interesting... the Pro-Azami..", Yukihira muttered with a glint in his eyes. All of a sudden, the others started nagging at him in case he was doing something alone again like before.

Takumi and Isami who just came after finishing their classes, interrupted them with their arrival, "Yukihira, if you're going to watch the Shokugeki, I'll go with you", Takumi said coolly, while stealing glances at a smiling (name), "I'd be too worried if I let you go by yourself!".

(name) raise her hand with a bright smile, "Me too!! I wanna go too!!". "if (name)-chan goes then I'll go too!", Tadokoro furrowed her brows, showing how serious she was, "b-besides I'm quite sure that Regional Cooking RS will also be having a Shokugeki".

Ibusaki crossed his arms across his chest, "There's supposed to be three separate arenas". Yoshino then clenched her fist, "Then how about we split up and cover them all?". Yukihira grinned widely, "That's a good idea".

After, splitting up with Sakaki, Ibusaki, Yoshino, and Isami in Hall A group, Sato, Marui, Aoki, and Hisako in Hall B group, and lastly, Takumi, (name), Tadokoro and Yukihira in Hall C group.

"here wear mine instead", Takumi insisted as he put the headgear on (name)'s head and fixed it for her while (name) was pouting. "don't treat me like a child, Takumi", she whined. He chuckled, "Trust me, I'm not".

All the while, Yukihira was watching with an annoyed look and Tadokoro noticed it.

"now get on", he smiled as he himself get on his bicycle and turned his head to look at (name). She nodded her head and sit on the side since she was wearing a (picture above), she then lightly tugged on Takumi's waist, and when he just realize it, he blushed at the contact.

Yukihira's frown deepened before he shook the feeling off since he wasn't sure if the feelings he just had was really himself.

"h-hold on tight, so you won't fall, (nickname)", he stammered, focusing on his front as he blushed even more when he felt her lean arms around his waist. "let's go then", Yukihira muttered before grinning. As they were riding to Hall C, Takumi looked briefly at Yukihira, "Yukihira, today is for scouting purposes only, alright?".

Yukihira replied with a cheery voice, "I know, I know".

"besides it's not safe for (nickname) to be out for too long", Takumi looked at the street, while (name) rested her head on Takumi's back before smiling at the other two, who in return smiled at her back.

"early this morning, Momo-senpai texted me saying I should come to her shokugeki", (name) muttered while staring at Tadokoro with a smile. She blushed in return, "Akanegakubo-senpai?". (name) then nodded her head and giggled, "yeap~ she even sent me her selfie, senpai always boasts her selfies and it's quite cute".

"I guess, (name)-chan and the Totsuki Elite ten are really close, huh?", Tadokoro smiled back at her, "D-do you feel bad you couldn't contact them as much as you do before, (name)-chan?", she asked in a worried tone. (name) slightly shook her head, "Well I'm not close with all of them.... Most of them are close.. except for Etsuya..", she gritted her teeth.

Yukihira nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, I was actually wondering why you dislike Eizan-senpai to the point you want him expelled. I'm quite curious, (name)-chan". The girl lightly clutched on Takumi's school blazer with an obvious pout, "what is there to like? Besides... when he was in his first year.... He treated me like I'm some kind of trash and creepy girl...just because of having a two-toned eye-colors", she hid her face on the back of Takumi's blazer, making the boy blush at the contact but was angered at what she said about Eizan.

"What the-! How could he say that to you?!", Yukihira nearly stopped his ride to try and glare at something but continued to focus. "(name)-chan's eyes are really pretty though!", Tadokoro tried to brighten up the dark mood coming from the other three, and well it kinda worked.

"What else happened between you and Eizan-senpai?", Yukihira couldn't stop furrowing his brows in pure anger. (name) hummed in response before muttering, "Well..... when he was in his first year, he had a bunch of Shokugeki with me and he said he was going to use me to further his use on money and property expansion....".

"that guy..", Takumi frowned deeply as he cussed under his breath. "and he used to call me b*tch... like how he still calls Rindo-senpai like that.... But that stopped once he started joining the Totsuki Elite Ten circle... I guess Eishii told him about me since as Satoshi said.... It's part of the Elite Ten to know who I am", she sighed to herself.

"then... why do you still hate him?", Tadokoro asked questioningly, "he stopped right?". "(nickname) you don't have to cuss because of him....", Takumi said worriedly.

(name)'s arm around Takumi's waist tightened a bit, since it was loose before, "like I said before.... What is there to like?", she pursed her lips, "he purposely tried to provoke me every time since he said that he is older than me then I should respect him like how I respect Rindo-senpai....".

Tadokoro grinned, "Don't worry (name)-chan, you are much more superior than him", (name) simply giggled.

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