Part 49 - Scrap knee

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[miru's note:~ Greetings!!!! took me long enough to continue this story, anyway!! I kept receiving a lot of hates on Shinomiya but hear me out okay? Shinomiya Kojiro is one of the love interest, secondly I saw one of the comment stated that the age of consent for Japan is 13, third CHILLLL this is just a fanfiction, anything can happen~~ and lastly my loveeeeee no hates on Shinomiya okay? or I will stop updating :'D cu'z I love my Shinomiya-boy (myb cuz our age gap isn't that far... 5 years ehek ANYWAYYYYYY enjoy the storyyyy I will continue on posting the story throughout December although not consecutively cu'z December is the only month I will have my holiday cuz next year I'll be busy agaiiinn~~ okay shut up Miru wait one more last thing ^^ a few days ago it was my birthday, on 3/12 hehe... okay I should shut up, ENJOY!!!!!]

"now let's introduce ourselves", a girl with short teal hair grinned with her squeaky voice, that sounds a bit like Yoshino, "we're from the main place, I'm Hugo Lucie". "and I'm Gao Wei", the taller women who had a refined look introduced herself with a smile.

"I'm (name) and this is Tsubasa, my assistant", she smiled sweetly at them. 'what a cute young girl', Abel thought to himself. "(name)-chan is so adorable, ne Chef Shinomiya, can I keep her?", Lucie wrapped an arm around the younger girl's neck with a playful grin.

"hands off", he glared.

"okay", she quickly put her hand down while her other hand was saluting, "anyway that guy is Abel, he used to be the sous chef in the main place, but now he'll become the head chef in this place", she said proudly while pointing at the male. The tall male puffed his chest while trying to make himself look cool. "amazing", (name) complimented out loud, earning a look from Shinomiya, 'I didn't even get any compliment from her since the beginning and here she is, complimenting another guy who she just met'.

"oi you over there, help with the carpenter", Shinomiya called out to Tsubasa.

(name) sighed to herself before shaking his head, "the 'you over there' has a name, and his name is Tsubasa", she stated in a matter-of-factly voice. His brows were twitching in annoyance, "and Lucie get her an apron".

"okay~", she chimed before dragging (name) with her, but too bad there wasn't another apron.

(name)'s job was to wipe the window and wipe the tables, pretty simple and yet she didn't knew why it was that simple, maybe because she didn't have an apron. She was standing on one of the chairs, humming to herself a song called 'Cloudy Day' sung by Otonomiya Saku. She sprayed the window and start wiping it with a towel. [miru's note:~ the song is in the video]

Yukihira walked over to her and grin, "you should be careful while standing on the chair", he said while holding onto the chair. "don't worry, Soma~ but look! I'm taller than you", she tilted her head while grinning ear-to-ear.

'cute!', his jaw dropped.

"Yukihira, come over here and help me out", Shinomiya called out to him while tapping a wardrobe. "talk to you later I guess", he grinned before walking away and helping him out to carry it.

"hmm.... I remembered one of the chairs having a flaw, where did it go?", Lucie thought to herself.

(name) continued to wipe the higher part as she leaned her weight to one spot.


"kya!", cue (name) falling on the ground.



"f*ck", Shinomiya cussed before he quickly walked over to (name), he checked her. "I'm okay Kojiro", she said. "can someone throw this chair away?", Shinomiya ordered with a stern voice. "oui chef", Abel quickly took away the broken chair.

"Kojiro I'm fine", she said again while looking at a furrowed brows Shinomiya. "how could you say you're fine when you scrapped your knee?", he glared at her. Tsubasa's eyes widened, "I'll get the first-aid kit", he got up and went to the door.

"no need", Shinomiya carried (name) in his arms, "we have one in the kitchen". (name) couldn't help but facepalm, 'why is he overreacting?'.

"you stay out", he glared at Yukihira from entering the kitchen.

"Kojiro, I said I'm fine", she whined as she was placed on the kitchen counter to sit there as he walked away to get the first-aid kit. He strode over to her while carrying a first-aid kit and checked the scrapped knee, he didn't know if he was glad or not since she was already wearing ripped tights on the knees, orelse he would have to rip it open.

"I'm glad it isn't that deep", he said to himself while cleaning up the wound with alcohol, making the girl winced, "o-ow! That stings, you could've at least warned me first, Aho-jiro", she pinched the man's cheek in annoyance.

He didn't even bother to pull away from her pinch, he didn't mind at all since he knew what hurt him the most is seeing her hurt instead.

After wrapping a bandage on her scrapped knees, he could hear from outside that they were talking about him. He stood up properly and went to the door, "continue your work!", he growled.

"oui chef!", they continued to do their work.

He then washed his hands and helped her down, "you can stand, right?". "of course I can, I'm not a baby", she pouted while looking away before walking to the door. "you are to me", he muttered.

"did you say something, Kojiro?", she turned her head to the leaning male on the counter.

"no, nothing.... Be careful next time, (name)", he said with worried eyes. She puffed her cheeks, "I am", she left by the door.

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