Part 57 - Paperworks!

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After (name) arrived at the Nakiri mansion, she met with a smiling Erina. "welcome back, (name)-chan", she said with an open arms, waiting for the younger girl to hug her.

(name) quickly wrapped her arm around her sister, "I missed you Eri-nee-chan". "m-me too.....", she pulled away to look at her, "now tell me the truth (name)-chan, did anyone treated you like you are a trash?", she frowned as she rested her hands on her hips.

(name) tilted her head with a smile, "what are you talking about? No one treated me like a trash, they know I'm a human", she smiled brightly.

Erina sweatdropped at her words before sighing in the end, "it's just that I heard from Tsubasa that you were mistreated during your first stagiaire", she looked away. "oh that!", she giggled, "don't worry about that Eri-nee-chan~ I'm fine". "oh my God, see! They did mistreat you, I'll fire the staff", she gritted her teeth.

"Erina-sama", Hisako's voice could be heard as she strode over to Erina and (name)'s side. Erina smiled, "welcome back, Hisako", before clearing her throat and taking out her phone and dialed a number, "yes, this is me, where's the-".

Before Erina could finish what she wanted to say, (name) took her phone from her ear and ended the call, "calm down, Eri-nee-chan..... I told you, didn't I? I'm fine".

The sound of notification came from both Tsubasa's and Hisako's tablets.

Tsubasa heaved out a sigh, "it seems Yukihira-san is having a shokugeki with his juniors". (name) shook her head in disbelief, "he's really unique.... But I can't go watch though..... Eri-nee-chan, can you watch it for me?", she looked up at her sister with her puppy eyes, making the older girl gulped down the lumped in her throat and nodded her head while looking away.

"yay! Thank you Eri-nee-chan", she hugged her sister before looking at Tsubasa, who nodded his head and contacted someone.

"yes, this is (name)-sama's aide....... Correct, she'll be there in 15-25 minutes....... Please do and thank you Tsukasa-san", he then hung up, and turned his head to (name). "let's go~", she chimed as she skipped to the limousine, along with Tsubasa.


"(name)-chan, aren't you tired? You just came from your stagiaire though", Tsukasa looked at her with worried eyes, as she forced her weakly to take a seat on his office chair. "it's fine Eishii~ I did promise to help you, didn't I?", she smiled sweetly while looking up at him, "anyway you should rest for now, I'll do the paperwork".

"are you sure? Umm... I know I'm a boring person, so, do you want me to call Kuga-san?", he tilted his head as he placed his tie on his shoulder. She nodded her head, "sure, at least he can keep you company~".

Tsukasa went over to the phone on his desk and called Kuga and within a few minutes, the three of them could hear stomps and a yell.


The door went open, revealing a cinnamon roll of Kuga.

"how is my favorite junior!?", he walked over to her and ruffled her upper hair. "I'm doing great, Kuga", she smiled up at him. "oh? Are you helping Tsukassan?", he raised an eyebrow at her and she nodded her head.

"cool! I should make some snacks!! Tsukassan, let's make some snacks for (name)-chin", Kuga pulled the tired boy with him. "eh? Me too?", that was the last thing she heard from Tsukasa before the room went silent.

(name) stood up and re-arranged the paperworks in order with the help of Tsubasa, she tilted her head in confusion as she spotted something, "Rindo-senpai's paperwork is here too", she heaved out a sigh, "I guess we should divide Rindo-senpai's work and Eishii's work then~".

After re-arranging the paperworks for the second time, (name) finally sat back down on the office chair and start reading the paperworks about the reconstruction of a new building within Totsuki and then in the midst of the paperwork, she saw a letter of approval from someone name Nakiri A.

"what's this?", she muttered to herself. Tsubasa peeked from her shoulder to see what she was reading, only to be flabbergasted and eyes widened at the letter, he quickly took the letter from her and stash it into his pocket.

"don't worry about that, (name)-sama, it has nothing to do with Totsuki", he smiled warily at her, while she stared at him with a confused look.

The door slammed open, revealing Kuga and Tsukasa with trays of desserts and drinks.

"sorry for the wait (name)-chan... Kuga-san is worried if you don't eat a lot....", Tsukasa weakly smiled at her. "hehe~ Tsukassan is right, (name)-chin, you should eat a lot like Rindo-senpai", he grinned and placed the tray of desserts on the coffee table next to the sofa, "come over here and let's eat first", Kuga slipped his hand to hold (name)'s hand and dragged her to the sofa.

Tsukasa sighed to himself, "you should eat first before working....".

"sure Eishii, Kuga", she joined them with eating.

"oh right, in a few days there will be Momiji meet-and-greet..... since you're part of us, you should seat with us!", Kuga grinned up at her as he placed an arm around her neck. "we do that every year anyway~ who's making the food on that day?", she looked at both of them.

"Momo-senpai is making dessert", Kuga held up his finger with a knowing look. "it's just that since (name)-chan is a first-year, you would've want to seat with the first-years.... That's why Kuga-san asked you about it", Tsukasa weakly smiled at her. (name) shrugged her shoulder, "we'll see~".

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