Part 54 - Meeting Shinomiya's mother

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On the last day of the pre-open day, (name) was washing her hands in the sink, as it was closing time, "(name) come with me", Shinomiya called after peeking through the kitchen door with Yukihira behind him.

She unfold her sleeves and nodded her head, "excuse me then", she said smilingly at Abel. "it's fine, it's almost finish anyway", he shrugged his shoulder. She skipped over to the door as Shinomiya opened the door for her.

"What is it?", she asked while looking up at him, who had a blank façade.

He placed a gentle hand on her back and brought her to the center of the restaurant as (name) wondered to herself what he was thinking. Yukihira simply stood next to her side with a bright grin.

"I've invited one last group for the last pre-open day..... and I also want you to meet someone special", he looked at her with an unreadable expression. (name) simply tilted her head before smiling, "okay~", she chimed.

The door then went open, (name) turned her head back at the door and smiled widely, "Hinako-nee, Mizuhara-nee", she waved with her bright smile. "(name)-chan!!!!", Hinako glomped her while Mizuhara patted her head gently with a small smile.

"what are you doing here, (name)? are you helping out Shinomiya?", Mizuhara asked with a small smile. "actually me and Soma are having an internship here", she spared a glance at Yukihira who was talking with Chapelle.

Shinomiya then placed a hand on (name)'s head, "this brat was bullied by the upper Totsuki staff, the first stage of her stagiaire was being forced to work alone in a café that was almost went bankrupt 3 months ago", he explained, clear annoyance in his tone. "Kojiro~ we already talked about this..", she grabbed his hand from her head.

"WHATT!!??? HOW DARE THEY DO THAT TO OUR (NAME)-CHAN!!???", Hinako screeched. "tell me their names... I'll tell the director to fire them", Mizuhara's eyes was glinting as she took out her phone. "e-eh? It's okay", she let Shinomiya's hand go and hold Mizuhara's and Hinako's hands, "I'm sure I did well that's why I passed, anyway please have a seat", she smiled sweetly at both of them.

"MY PITIFUL AND PRECIOUS (NAME)-CHAN!!!", she weeped, making the younger girl giggled.

"(name)", someone called out to her, she tilted her head with a smile, as she noticed Shinomiya standing next to an older woman. "mother... meet (name)", he introduced. "good evening, okaa-sama", she smiled sweetly.

"oh my~ what a beautiful young lady, Kojiro", Shinomiya's mother patted Shinomiya's arm.

"allow me to bring you to your seat", she held her hand as she brought the older woman to her side. "and she's so respective, I like her Kojiro", the older woman smiled at Shinomiya who only had a small smirk.

As she sat, (name) smiled, "I've heard good things about okaa-sama from Kojiro here, but one thing for sure, he did lie something about you". His mother tilted her head in curiosity while holding the raven-haired girl's hand, "what is it dear?".

"that you're really pretty", she smiled brightly.

If this were a Webtoon or a Manhwa, everyone could see the bright light coming from her beautiful bright smile.

"oh~ you flatter me dear, come and have a seat with me, I always wanted to have a daughter like you", she said dreamily before looking at the standing girl. Shinomiya cleared his throat, "but mother she's a bit busy, since she's an intern here", he said.

"I'd love to keep you company and talk more but as you can see, Kojiro is a perfectionist and quite stubborn, I have to listen to his needs at time", (name) giggled smiling at Shinomiya who had a small annoyed look since she's taking his mother's attention.

"mou~ Kojiro~ you don't have to be jealous of me talking to your beautiful girlfriend here", his mother joked, making the girl next to her blushed brightly. Shinomiya's face was getting redder by second, "I'm not jealous, mother", he denied before grabbing (name)'s arm, "let's go".

"t-talk to you later okaa-sama", she waved at Shinomiya's mother while she was being dragged by Shinomiya to the kitchen.

"Kojiro", (name) cooed. "what?", he asked with a serious tone while (name) was prepping for the food. "your mother seems so nice", she smiled to herself. "I'm glad you like her, and please don't put any mind into what she just said.....she's just joking around", he said while hiding his smile. "oddly..... okaa-sama is very friendly unlike her son pffft-!", she stifled her laughter. "shut it (name)", he warned, making the girl stuck out her tongue playfully at him, "why would I~?", she taunted him.

"if you do that again I'll lose my mind", he growled.

"really now~?", she smirked, finding him cute as his face was getting redder than before.

"stop it (name)", he turned around quickly caging her at the counter, "I'll kiss you if you do that again". The closeness made (name) flicked his forehead, "idiot, I'm cherishing my first kiss, bleh", she stuck her tongue again at him, making him annoyed. "you brat!".

"Soma!! Kojiro is bullying me", she grinned while running in circles while Shinomiya was hot on her tails. Yukihira sighed to himself, 'why do I feel like I'm already losing?'. 

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