Part 12 - Training Camp pt 5

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As she arrived in her room, she was surprised to see two people in her room, an annoyed Tsubasa and a drunk Shinomiya.

"Tsubasa....what is he doing in my room?", (name) walked over to a frustrated looking Shinomiya, sitting on her bed.

Tsubasa sighed exasperatedly before explaining, "I was opening your door when this guy pushed his way into your room, I kept asking him to leave but he won't so I thought after I prepared your bathrobe and your bath essential, he'd leave.....but ......... he's really stubborn".

She could only facepalmed, before she lightly tapped Shinomiya' shoulder and tilted her head to get a better look on him, "Kojiro, are you feeling alright?".

"kya!!", she squealed as she was pulled by him onto the bed with him ontop of her. Tsubasa started to freak out as he tried to pry the stronger male off of her, "Shinomiya-san", he struggled.

" have explanation to do... (name)...", he slurred.

"me???? You are the one who has explana-".


Shinomiya passed out right ontop of her, making the girl a blushing mess, "Ts-Tsubasa", she cried out. After Tsubasa helped (name) from under Shinomiya, (name) sighed to herself, "just leave him here, I'm sure he'll wake up after I'm done at the hot spring, besides....we need to talk anyway", she said before taking the bathrobe and brought it into the washroom to change.

Getting out of the bathroom, she saw Tsubasa still waiting in her room, "you're still here? Go ahead and rest Tsubasa, you need it as much as I do, I'll go to the girl's hot spring now", she carried her basket and walked there while humming a song.

"oh? Eri-nee-chan", she said before hugging her. "eh?? I thought you're already inside since you finished early", she thought.

"something happened, that's all~ let's get in", (name) cheered before walking into the hot spring with Erina.


"did you found anything about that second-rate chef, (name)-chan?", she asked as she soaked into the hot spring. (name) leaned onto the wall before giggling, "he may be a second-rate chef but he's actually good...and unique too".

She gasped, "don't tell me you got possessed by his stupidity???".

"Eri-nee-chan~ ahaha~", she simply shook her head, "that's not it... I just thought that he might be a genius afterall~ he's a good guy anyway, you just need to learn more about him", she shrugged her shoulder.

"ah~ this feels so nice", she added, "ne Eri-nee-chan, do we have hot spring in Totsuki Academy or maybe in any dormitory?".

Erina shook her head, "I don't think we have one except for here? Why? Do you want me to ask grandfather to build one for you?", she tilted her head with curious eyes. (name) quickly shook her head, "n-no, it's okay... you don't have to Eri-nee-chan".

Minutes later, Erina noticed that her beloved sister was red all over, "umm... you okay? I think you should stop". Erina helped the silent girl up on her feet before she noticed blood trickling down from her nose, "EHH??? Omg!! Are you okay???".

(name) look down, "I guess it's too hot for me, sauna would've been better", she said to herself before tilting her head to face the ceiling, while she could hear Erina panicking, running here and there, trying to find tissues or towels.

"if only Hisako would be here, she would know what to do", she bit her fingernails, tear in her eyes, worried of the other girl.

Soon enough the blood stopped without Erina knowing, (name) simply washed it off before going to a panicking Erina, "Eri-nee-chan, I'm fine", she wobbled a little, "I'll go back to my room, okay?".

"will you be alright??".

"of course, I am me~", she joked before walking away, leaving a worried Erina.

As (name) was on her way back to her room, she met with Hisako and told her that Erina was still in the Hot spring, and then she stumbled upon Yukihira who was excited to go to the hot spring.

(name) fell on her butt with a small pout.

"(name)-chan, good to see you here!", he helped the girl up before smiling, "we'll be hanging out at Marui's room later, you wanna come?", he asked still holding her hand.


He then furrowed his brows, "you don't seem good, you should just rest, I'll tell the others you're feeling unwell then", he ruffled (name)'s hair gently before waving goodbye.

'he's totally talking on his own, cute', she thought to herself before walking back to her room and see Kojiro who was finally awake.

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