Part 78 - Moon Banquet Festival last pt

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[miru's note:~ i had trouble writing this chapter I even had a major headache because I seriously don't want to write it at all but I had to ya know~]

'what business does Tsubasa needs to attend to anyway... he was never busy enough to leave me be...... let's think positively~ maybe he has a date?', she giggled to herself as she was walking alongside Yukihira.

The place where they were walking was a bit dark near the forest.

She didn't even bother to look at the ground as she accidentally stepped on a log, making her fell to the ground, "ouch....". "(name)-chan!", Yukihira quickly checked for any wounds as she helped the girl up to her feet.

"oh no (name)-chan, are you okay???", Tadokoro gasped, "you have a cut on your knee....oh my God....", she frantically looked around, "what should we do? What should we dooo???", she started freaking out, "Nakiri-san might get angry if she knows that (name)-chan got hurt while being under our care".

[miru's note:~ this literally just happened to me yesterday, I fell while playing bowling yesterday and my knees were purple and red LMAO it still hurts anyway proceed~]

(name) frowned to herself, 'why do I feel like there's a bad omen? Or maybe it's just my imagination.. nah~ maybe I'm just tired and overworked the past few days..', she looked away while wincing a bit. "this isn't good, get on my back, (name)-chan", Yukihira stated while he showed his back and crouch down, "I'll carry you to Nakiri's booth".

She shook her head vigorously, "Soma, you don't have to, it's just a measly cut", she tilted her head with a smile.

"if only Tsubasa-san is here, he might have an idea on what to do..", Tadokoro said to herself, and (name) heard it clearly, she shook it off and stood perfectly, "I'm okay~ it's just a cut, we can deal with it later... let's go~ Eri-nee-chan might be waiting for me".

Yukihira stood up properly and sighed to himself, "fine, atleast put your arm around my shoulder", he muttered. "but Soma-kun, you're too tall, it's better for me to help her", Tadokoro implied as she scooted closer to (name) and helped her. "thank you Tadokoro-chan, Soma".

When they arrived, Yukihira opened the door and look at Erina, "hey, here have some black pepper bun, it's a sign of me apologizing to you for (name)-chan", he looked behind him to see (name) with Tadokoro.

Erina's eyes widened even more, but she was stunned at her place since the unwanted person, Nakiri Azami had arrived at her place. 

[miru's note:~ the girl was too stunned to speak, jokes!! please proceed! I'm sorry for the numerous Miru's note]

"(n-name)-chan..", she was trembling while calling out to her sister. (name) winced before walking over to her, "are you okay, Eri-nee-chan?". "y-you're hurt too (name)-chan...", Erina was trembling as she held (name)'s arm gently.

"ah, if it isn't my favorite little one....", a deep voice reached to her ears, making the raven-haired girl turned her head, "you've grown beautifully, my dear little (name)", Nakiri Azami strode over to (name) as Erina took a few steps back away from the two.

Nakiri Azami patted her head, "now I see the resemblance between you and your older brother", he smirked lightly. Hearing what he said, made (name)'s eyes widened in surprise, "".

He tilted his head with a crooked smile, "of course..... didn't he tell you yet?". "I-I have an older brother....", her eyes started to pool with tears but she quickly blinked her eyes and look up at him while holding his suit, "who..? where is he?".

"then follow my footsteps, little (name), and I'll tell you who your brother is..", he smirked before looking at Erina, "I am in no mood to eat here any longer, so I shall leave..... come with me little (name)", he placed his cold hand on her back as he escorted her outside the booth.

"oi..... what the heck is going on?", Yukihira turned his head to look at Erina, "you're trembling..?", he turned his head again to look at Hisako who was now trembling in fear, "no...".

As (name) was brought outside along by Azami, who still had his cold hand on her back, indicating that she shouldn't leave him. "what happened to your leg? Ah, you don't have to tell me..... it must've been since you hung out with those worthless students, right?", he looked at her as he opened the door revealing car lights shining onto the two.

(name) furrowed her brows, "otou-sama.... They are not worthless", she took a step back.

"I was just about to pay you a visit, this reception is a great honor, you look well, father", Azami smirked at Senzaemon who was simply glaring at him. "begone! Leave little (name) alone, she's not your real daughter! Moreover you have no right to step your foot here, didn't I told you that I forbid you to ever claim the Nakiri name".

Then Azami pointed to himself, "I am the one who brought little (name) here to assess her unique golden eyes and I am also the one who made Erina into her current form as the God's Tongue, you may exile me but my education and lineage cannot be extinguished", he switched his gaze to (name) who had taken a step back, "besides~ this child will work under me as I am the one who lead her here in the first place, aren't I right....Little (name)?".

(name) bit her bottom lip and looked away.

"according to this letter, the Totsuki Elite Ten Council have authority equal to, and perhaps above, that of the academy's director.....", he gave the letter to Senzaemon, "a majority of the elite ten agree that reform is needed, they support my appointment as the academy's new director", he smirked and turn around to look at (name) again, "don't you want to know who and where your brother is?".

"he had always been with you all this time..... Yo Tsubasa, is your older brother", he added in the end, with his usual crooked smile. 

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