Part 74 - Moon Banquet Festival pt 9

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"(name)-chan, would you be okay, dealing with the black pepper bun too? While Tadokoro deal with the customer service", Yukihira cast a glance at (name) as she simply nodded her head and serve the customer both Danzi-noodles and black pepper bun swiftly like it was a norm for her.

'she's really amazing, to work under pressure with a genuine smile like that', Yukihira thought with a grin on his face.

Tomita was really impressed, 'Tadokoro-chan is so good at giving customer service, the rusty big boy is very good at keeping up with Soma-chan... and (name)-chan really exceeds my expectation... I've never seen her work before but to handle three things at the same time is really amazing, she's sorting out the customer's order, handling the black pepper bun while cooking the Sorta-Danzi noodles, HER MULTI-TASKING ABILITY IS AMAZING!!'.

As it was getting darker, (name) couldn't hold her excitement any longer, "is it coming Tadokoro-chan?", she grinned excitedly. Tadokoro blushed and smiled at her, "I'm sure they're coming".

Just in time Tadokoro's captain called out to her name, indicating that they have come along with the props.

(name)'s eyes sparkled at the sight, "lantern... I've always wanted to see this".

They set up the lanterns next to the benches, making it seem like a place for sightseeing and it was really remarkable, (name) couldn't control her bright smile, watching the beautiful lantern.

Yukihira felt proud as he watched (name) happy under his care, the lantern reflecting from her (e/c) orbs with a tint of gold made it seemed like her eyes were all gold instead.

Soon enough, loads of customers started to flock for Yukihira's booth because of the beautiful lantern surrounding the benches like in Jiufen place at Taiwan. (name) was cooking the Sorta-Danzi noodles as she noticed a pressured Tadokoro due to loads of customers that was giving the ticket to her while ordering at the same time.

"it's getting pretty hard to keep this going with just four people", Yukihira grunted while cooking. "yeah but if we don't stand our ground now, we'll never be able to catch up to Chinese Cuisine RS", Mimasaka agreed as he was cooking next to him.

"fret not, I did call for back-up", (name) smirked as she swiftly cut the noodles for both Danzi noodles and Mapo Noodles. "back-up?", Yukihira raised an eyebrow, 'when did she had the time to take out her phone to call someone....'.

"Tadokoro's starting to crumble.. I'll have to handle the black pepper bun!", Yukihira stated before turning around, only to meet a smirking Ikumi, "idiot! (name)-sama told you already, didn't she? That she already called for back-up and besides if you step away from the burners, you're gonna lose your shot at victory! Let Megumi focus on customer service, I'll handle the black pepper buns".

(name) smiled up at her, "thank you for agreeing to help us, Ikumi-chan".

Ikumi started to blush and looked away, "I can't just let (name)-sama work too hard, and since (name)-sama is the one asking for help who am I to reject it", she smiled with a blush on her face.

"then what about the Don RS, Nikumi?", Yukihira's eyes widened for a fraction. Ikumi gave him a thumbs up as she answered that she let the junior members handle it before she started with handling the black pepper bun with a visible smirk on her face.

Someone cleared their throat trying to grab the people's attention, "you seem to be struggling, Yukihira, I can't stand to watch, I suppose that if you insist, I wouldn't mind lending a hand", Takumi said proudly.

However, Isami already made his move, "I'll boil the noodles, (name)-chan, Yukihira-kun", he said voluntarily before looking at his brother, "what are you talking about, nii-chan? You came here because you were worried about (name)-chan though".

"hey, wait a minute, Isami!", Takumi screeched with a heavy blush on his face, making (name), the human cctv, giggled at his cute reaction. Isami strode over next to her with his usual smile.

"I'll help you out, (name)-chan", Isami smiled at her. (name) nodded her head, "thank you for agreeing to help us, Isami".

Isami grinned, as he cut the noodles with her, "well actually, after nii-chan received (name)-chan's call, he immediately wanted to help you out....but we ourselves had a lot of customers at the moment since it was lunch hours~".

(name) giggled, "sorry that I called at the wrong time". "you don't have to worry about that, that much, (name)-chan, we're glad to help you and Yukihira-kun any time", he grinned before he started to boil the noodles as (name) check the broth.

"we have one more hour until the day's sales are tallied! It's the last spurt! Let's do our best!!", Yukihira grinned.

As it was about time to hear the announcement, everyone was restless to hear the rank.

"we will now report the sales ranking for the Central Area, Rank 3 El Fuego by Spanish Cuisine RS, Rank 2 Kuga Restaurant by Chinese Cuisine RS and Rank 1 Yukihira Soma's Chinese Cuisine Stall!!"

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