Part 89 - It's not your fault!

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(name) was in her room, together with her sister as she was watching the Shokugeki live in the tv. (name) had her eyes on the letter before she ripped it open and started reading to herself.

"My dear beloved (name),

I assume you are safe in the dorm with your sister, Erina. So far, what I had been proposed is going well and better than I expected. I've come to inform you about the candidates that are siding with Central and also the candidates that will join the Totsuki Elite Ten. For now, I have met with the two candidates and I can assure you their talent, Kaburagi Shoko and Shiratsu Julio. There are also about 4 skillful students that had joined Central, Kusunoki Rentarou, Yanai Mea, Kumai Shigemichi and Kofuru Rui. All of the talented and skillful students, are siding with Central.

Secondly, regarding Tsubasa who had been missing, I assure you he's doing fine out of country. If you want to know more about Tsubasa, you better come to me and join the Central. That is all. ".

(name) spotted a pin inside the letter so she looked at it with a wondering look as she decides to re-read the last paragraph with a small frown, 'out of country? Where could he be?'.

She simply put the pin badge in her pocket and turned her head slightly to watch the tv as Eizan prove that he also bought the judges so that no one could be on the opponent's side. She frowned and dialed Kuga's phone number.

"Teru... how have you been doing?", she asked as she stood up from her chair to walk out of the room.

"is (name)-chan going to be okay?", Erina looked worried after she left the room. Fumio who was standing right behind her chair heaved out a sigh, "so far she's returning back to normal.... But every time someone mention her brother, her eyes would show obvious lonesome..... before she could hide it but now.... Ugh~ all this mess is giving me a headache", she patted her arm gently, "I'm gonna head down to prep for dinner".

(name) was already at the dining room where the others were and as soon as she heard what Tadokoro said, "what should we do? Nakiri-san and (name)-chan will lose a place to hide".

She gritted her teeth as her orbs were gold and angered, she clutched the letter in her hand as she placed her phone on the nearest table, making a thud sound and also making the others look at her worriedly.

"I'm sorry........", she pursed her lips before looking up to lock her gaze with theirs, as her tears were brimming down her cheeks, "th-this is all my fault", she fell onto her knees.

"(name)-chan!", they yelled in unison as they quickly went to her side, Tadokoro and Yoshino helped her up, while Sakaki wiped her tears with her own sleeve.

For them, it was their first time seeing (name) crying as she was always the sweetest and lovely girl in their eyes, they always wanted to protect her smile and this sh*t happened, making them even mad than mad hatter.

"I-I.... I should go back, right?", she tilted her head with an eye-smile but tears were trickling down her cheeks.

"no!", they yelled again.

"maybe I can stop otou-sama from disbanding this place.... I always love this place... *hisk* this is my second home, uwaaa", she covered her face as she cried. Yukihira clenched his fist as he himself was frowning, this was his second time seeing (name) crying.

Sakaki held (name)'s hand and wiped the tears again, "(name)-chan... don't worry about it..... we'll find out a way to stop this, you are not at fault here, don't blame yourself".

"yes, Sakaki-chan is right", Aoki grinned awkwardly, trying his best to cheer the girl. Sato placed his arm around Aoki's shoulder, "look at us, we're good! It's not your fault things had happened, so don't blame yourself! It's not your fault! None of this is your fault".

Tadokoro nodded her head, "it's true..... here you go", she assist her to take a seat on the chair since her knees were wobbly and weak, "if only Isshiki-senpai is here.... He would've known how to calm her down", she said to herself but could be heard by others.

"we would've called him but he haven't been here for awhile..", Ibusaki muttered while looking away.

"Yukihira-kun, do you know how to calm her?", Yoshino turned her head to look at a furrowed brows Yukihira, he was curious and confused at the same time as to how to calm her down, since he saw Isshiki did it before.

"hug her?", he raises an eyebrow while tilting his head a bit.

"okay everyone, let's hug (name)cchi!!!", Yoshino called out to all of them before they nodded their heads and started to surround the girl who had her eyes wide due to shock, when everyone decides to wrap their arms around (name).

She was blushing beet red due to the attention, but somehow, she felt content as her eyes turned into their normal colour.

"don't be sad again, (name)-chan.... We're with you... and it's never your fault, so don't ever go back to that Azami-guy", Yukihira gave a reassuring thumbs up as he was the only one who didn't join the hug, as much as he wanted. 

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