Part 85 - Unknown Number

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[miru's note:~ reader-chan's night gown👆🏻]

Tadokoro knocked on their door, "hello, umm is (name)-chan in there?". Erina and (name) just finished their hot bath together, so Erina was lightly drying (name)'s hair since she also washed her hair unlike Erina.

"I'll go take the door, you just stay here okay?", Erina smiled reassuringly at her as she simply nodded her head and waited.

As Erina opened the door, she saw Tadokoro with red puffy eyes, she looks like she had been crying a while ago, "T-Tadokoro-san, are you okay?". Tadokoro quickly nodded her head, "is (name)-chan in the room? May I come in?".

Erina opened the door wide enough so that the other girl could enter the room. (name) was still sitting on one of the chairs, looking up at Erina and Tadokoro with a blank look.

"i-is (name)-chan, going to be okay?", Tadokoro stared at (name)'s hand that was holding a phone, Tadokoro decides to dry (name)'s hair with the towel. Erina sat on the bed as she watched her do it.

"I don't know.... But I hope she's going to be well while staying here", Erina ended her words with a light sigh as she watched her beloved sister with worried eyes. "anyway, Nakiri-san, (name)-chan... the others are worried about you two, so you two should meet them later, if that's okay?", Tadokoro smiled widely while braiding (name)'s long black hair.

The sisters stared at each other before nodding their head in unison.


When they finally got downstairs, they were greeted with crying peoples. Erina, who was holding (name)'s hand, was surprised to see them crying all of a sudden. Daigo then screeched, "I hate that Azami guy! How could he do that to you??", he blew his nose with a tissue.

"parents shouldn't do something like that to their kids, damn it! Even having an adopted daughter, precious like (name)-chan, they shouldn't use her without her consent like that!", Sato clenched his fist with tears streaming down from his eyes.

"(name)cchi!!!!!!!! My beloved precious (name)cchi!!!", Yoshino grabbed the raven-haired girl and hugged her tightly while crying, "you and Erina-cchi can stay here as long as you want!! Don't ever go to that Azami ever again and just stay here!!", she continued to hug her even tighter as (name) lightly patted her back.

Ibusaki strode forward to (name) as Erina found it better to let her be around them, "(name)-san, it's better for you to stay here than in the Nakiri Resident", his gentle voice muttered, "would you like some smoked food? Have you had dinner?".

Yoshino was impressed, "you talk a lot around (name)cchi, ne Ibusaki".

Suddenly Ibusaki stop talking as his blue eyes were still covered by his auburn bangs, he scooted away and disappeared to his room to smoke something without even waiting for (name)'s answer.

"Everyone, we have two special guests at Polar Star Dormitory! Let's throw a big party!!", Isshiki announced like a proud guardian in the dorm.

As they were cooking, (name) received a text from the same number that texted her on the fifth day of the Moon Banquet Festival.

From: -Unknown Number-

I heard you ran away with Erina, are you sure about your decision?

Reading the text made her heart throb as her eyes widened in shock, 'it was otou-sama all along...', she bit her bottom lip as her hands were trembling, "Eri-nee-chan... what should I do...?".

Erina's eyes went wide as she saw her sister trembling in fear, "(name)-chan!", she took (name)'s phone and read the text, she quickly shut it off and held both of (name)'s hand, "don't think about it.... We're staying here and that's that... we're going to rebel otou-sama, and by that I need you to trust me, okay? Everything's going to be fine".

Her normal (e/c) was fading even more and that made Erina freaked out even more. "(name)-chan! Snap out of it". Isshiki was watching her since the beginning so he lightly tapped on Erina's shoulder, "let me handle this, Nakiri-kun".

Erina turned her head to look at Isshiki, who had a serious look on his face but still with a smile on his face.

She took a few steps back to watch Isshiki getting closer to a trembling (name). (name) was gritting her teeth before biting her bottom lip again, she looked at her phone that was on the table, 'what should I do?'.

"(name)-chan? Look at me", Isshiki called gently as he cupped her face in his hands. As his cyan orbs were locked with her golden ones, she stopped trembling.

"now can you tell me, what eye colour do I have?", he asked with a smile. She furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes on him, "...a shade... of turquoise?". He laughed lightly, "close enough~ it's the colour of cyan.... Now try to look at your sister's eyes...", he let her go so she could look at Erina.

She looked at her sister's eyes as Erina was starting to blush.

"it's purple", she answered with a soft small voice. "good, now you can see all of us here, right?", he continued to ask while (name) nodded her head in return. "we promise that we will protect you from Nakiri Azami-dono, so rest assure, okay?".

She nodded her head as her eyes were returning into its normal colour, "thank you, Satoshi". "anything for you, (name)-chan", he smiled sweetly at her.

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