Part 48 - Second stage of the Stagiaire

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[miru's note:~ THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! HELLO MY FELLOW READERS, TOMORROW IS THE START OF MY SEMESTER WHERE I WILL BE MORE BUSY THAN BEFORE AND I'M BASICALLY IN MY THIRD-YEAR WHICH IS AN IMPORTANT YEAR FOR ME~ SO THE UPDATING WILL HAPPEN WHEN I'M NOT BUSY.......this is also the year where I had to do my first ever thesis... I'm scared...ugh.. anyway so there will be really REALLY slow update and for that I shall apologize... I"M SO SORRY!!] 

"what are you talking about?", Shinomiya frowned while he was in another call with one of the Totsuki's staff, "what do you mean two? I'll only approve the finalist for the Autumn Elections that is all", he walked out of his restaurant and saw someone standing in front of the door with a smirk.

"osu, Shinomiya-senpai", he greeted.

"why are you alone?", he asked while raising an eyebrow at him. Yukihira cocked his head to one side, "what are you talking about senpai? Should I bring someone with me?". Shinomiya sighed before looking around and spotted a limousine arriving, it stopped right next to Yukihira who was surprised and backed away, almost thinking that he nearly got run over by a car.

The person from the driver seat got out of the car and quickly open the door for the back seat, revealing (name) in her casual and comfortable attire(picture above).

"hello", she greeted with an eye-smile.

Shinomiya couldn't help but smirk, "the main character always arrives the last, is that what you're trying to say?", he walked over to her and ruffled her hair. "(name)-chan??", Yukihira tilt his head in utter confusion.

She giggled, "what are you talking about Kojiro~? This place is quite far from the apartment I'm staying at". Shinomiya looked behind her and frowned a bit, "are you staying in a room with that bodyguard of yours?", his brows were twitching.

"of course not~ why? You jealous?", she playfully winked at him, making him took a step back with a small blush on his cheek, as he quickly looked away and covered his face with one hand. (name) skipped over to Yukihira with a smile, "good morning Soma", she waved as her hand was hiding beneath her sleeves. 'cute', he thought to himself, "morning to you too, (name)-chan, so what are you doing here?", he asked while rubbing his nape with a grin on his face.

"oh? In the letter I got, since I worked alone in my first stagiaire, I got to work in pair in the second stagiaire", she smiled while tilting her head adorably.

"what do you mean, (name)?", Kojiro's voice interrupted as he placed a hand on her shoulder, gently turning her around. (name) turned her head to Tsubasa, initiating for him to come over and he did. Once he did, he brought the letter and gave it to Shinomiya who was frowning deeply, "why are they being so harsh on you? How could they go against Totsuki protocol and changing your task into a one-person internship when it was supposed to be in pairs, you could've dropped out and failed because of this", he crumpled the paper in his hand, "I'm going to make a call", he growled while stomping his way into his restaurant.

(name) quickly followed him into the restaurant with a worried look, Yukihira followed confusingly but he was annoyed at the fact that (name) might've failed the task since she was working all alone.

Shinomiya was tapping his finger on the table as he was waiting for the call to be answered.

(name) was really worried of him, 'who is he calling?', she thought to herself.

"hello? This is Totsuki, right?", he asked in the call, her eyes quickly widened at the thought of him complaining to the Totsuki staff about it, so she quickly took his phone from him and end the call.

"(name), why did you stop me? I couldn't just sit quietly after hearing you went through tha-!", before he could even finish his words, (name) with all her strength forced him to sit down on the chair as she rested both her hands on his shoulder.

"look at me...... ", she said softly.

He sighed and took off his glasses and placed it on the table before pinching the root of his nose in frustration and closed his eyes.

"Kojiro", she called while cupping his face.

He finally opened his eyes, gentle (e/c) with a tint of gold stared at another angered golden ones.

"did I fail?", she smiled at him, "did I got dropped out?", she asked again. "I didn't, right?", she giggled at the end of her words, "I'm fine, okay? I did my best out there and proved that I can do it on my own without having a pair". Shinomiya couldn't resist it, he couldn't resist her, how could she become so lovable and sweet, he hated it but at the same time.... He loved it; he loves her.

He pulled her waist closer to him and hugged her, burying his face on her chest (not in a pervert way cu'z he's not) with a frown on his face. (name) sighed to herself and let her fingers played with his salmon locks and massaging it while she's at it.(like the picture below)

Completely forgetting that Yukihira was there, watching the two

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Completely forgetting that Yukihira was there, watching the two.

A tick mark appeared on his forehead, before he cleared his throat and pulled (name) away from his strong hold, "hei, (name)-chan... I need to talk to you about something", he said with a grin, before casting a serious look to Shinomiya who simply returned the same expression to him.

"oh? What is it, Soma?", she smiled at the boy as he was still holding her hand.

"I actually got curious about something, since you know basically a lot of things", he said, "oh right, where's Tsubasa-san?". "he left, since he said he'll come and pick me up at the end of the day", she answered while looking at the door. "we might need his help though", Shinomiya got up from the chair and looked at the door, "because we're still fixing the restaurant". "alright! I'll call him", she smiled before walking out the door to make a call, leaving the two boys glaring at each other.

[miru's note:~ for those who skipped the announcement I made above, please read it, okay? THERE WILL BE SLOW UPDATE, thank you for supporting my story/ies so far TwT I'm so happy reading all the comments, it seriously made my day huhu~]

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