Part 50 - Taste bad!

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[miru's note:~ omg guys we've reached 50 chapters!!! KYAAAA don't worry it'll be 100! I bet]

After they finished with the cleaning and arranging it for tomorrow's pre-opening, (name) was sitting on the ground as Tsubasa inspect the wound on her knees, "good, it won't leave a scar". "did they force you to do a lot of job, Tsubasa?", she asked with a small smile.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I only fixed the interior design with Abel-san and also helped with carrying things and stocks into the kitchen store..... if (name)-sama didn't call me, Yukihira-san and the others would've feel troubled", he laughed at the end.

(name) then remembered something, 'what was Soma going to ask anyway? I'm quite sure his question isn't about Tsubasa', she thought before looking up as Shinomiya volunteered to cook for lunch.

"should I help?", (name) got up with the help of Tsubasa.

"not with that knee", he stared at her knee.

Her jaw dropped, "it's only my knee... it has nothing to do with my hands though", she pursed her lips while resting her hand on her hips with a knowing look. He narrowed his eyes on her, before sighing, "fine... you'll make dessert... how about making one from the L'Occitane café?".

She grinned and chimed happily, "yay, okay~!", she scurried over to his side who was already infront of the kitchen door. As the two enter the kitchen, Yukihira couldn't help but peek from the door along with the other three Shino's workers.

Tsubasa simply crossed his arms across his chest while waiting patiently, praying nothing bad happens to her while she is baking.

After Shinomiya finished his cooking, he watched her; who was closed eyes, focused onto her dessert counting in her thoughts, as she finally could smell the scent, she swiftly took out and grinned, "done~", she chimed, before taking a knife and cutting the cake into 7 pieces and putting them on a tray.

"looks beautiful", he said to her, her eyes still shining with golden colour. He pushed the kitchen door with one hand, letting the girl pass first before he followed in suit.

Shinomiya made Quiche De Legumes Oublies while (name) made L'Occitane Dessert Medley. The people around them were surprised to see the beautiful dish made by two amazing chef, well of course the three Shino's workers didn't know how amazing (name) was as a chef, but one thing made them curious was her eyes, her striking golden eyes, looking down at them, as if they're some kind of prey.

"this may not be my original..... but I assure you, these are to die for", she tilted her head before bringing her fingers to her plump glossy lips, "munch off now~", she smirked, eyeing the man standing next to her who had similar golden orbs.

He furrowed his brows but couldn't help but have a small blush on his cheek. Yukihira grinned, "don't mind if I do~", he said before taking a huge bite from Shinomiya's Quiche and then one of the Dessert medley (name) made.

Tears were flowing down his cheeks, 'this wasn't even her original dish but..... how come it feels like she's the one who create this dessert...?', he turned his head to look at (name) who was still smirking.

The other three Shino's workers couldn't help but get curious about why Yukihira was crying while eating (name)'s dessert, 'was it that good?', they asked themselves.

Curiosity build inside them even more after seeing their respective chef, covering his eyes with one hand as he clutched (name)'s shoulder, pained written on his face. They eventually tasted the dessert after taking a bite from Shinomiya's Quiche.

Their eyes widened as it was brimming with tears in a second.

(name) twirled her long black silky locks with a smirk, "thanks for enjoying the food", she giggled in the end before taking a seat as her eyes changed into their normal colour. Tsubasa walked over to her, "you should have a drink, (name)-sama".

"right~", she smiled sweetly before looking up at a recovered Shinomiya.

"Kojiro~ sit down", she ordered him with a smile on her face. He immediately took a seat next to her before tasting his own dish, "it's not enough...", he muttered, before smirking, "let's have some wine", making them cheer.

"and you're not allowed to", Shinomiya turned his head to look at (name), who was munching the Quiche, cheeks filled with food making her look like a cute chipmunk. His brows were twitching before he fixed his glasses, "you look like a fat chipmunk".

(name) gulped down the food before pinching his arms, "I'm not fat!", she pouted. "yes, you are", he rose an eyebrow at her. "I'm not!", she pinched his cheek. "you are", he repeated, trying his best to hide his smile. "baka! I'm not", she whined and got up from her seat and started pulling both of his cheeks in an annoyed manner.

"they look really close", Abel said to himself while carrying a better wine. Lucie nodded her head, "I know right, I ship them!". "I actually heard that Chef Shinomiya once talked about a girl who never complimented his food..... is it her?", Gao Wei tilted her head in curiosity. "we didn't even hear her praising Chef Shinomiya's food though..", Abel added.

"your food taste bad", (name) pouted.

"ah there it is", they said to themselves while watching the two.

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