Part 31 - Totsuki Autumn Elections pt 4

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[Miru's note:~ hello there my lovely readers~! I know some of you realized that I don't post the stories everyday like I used to, But I had this headache almost every day...huhu... so I decide to change my schedule a bit.. so the first day 'writing day', second day is 'post the story day', this will be repetitively unless I'm really busy..... this is for the purpose of not overworking myself hehe~ thank you for reading this rant of mine and enjoy the story ^^]

(name) puffed her cheek as she sat on one of the sofas in Eizan's office, where Eizan, Isshiki and Erina were. Tsubasa simply waited from outside of the room. "Sometimes I just wished I didn't get a hundred.... I wanna cook too", she pouted as she rested her chin on the sofa's handle to look at Yukihira who had just arrived.

"ara? Am I battling you, (name)-chan?", Yukihira nonchalantly walked over to (name), who was still pouting. "I wished". "now that I remember... since you score 100, you went straight to finals, right?", he added with a grin.

She heaved out a sigh, "Soma~ you're giving more oil to the fire", she slumped. He laughed and patted her head before going to the front desk finally. Isshiki then told him about the Quarterfinals and the theme, he also told him who was his opponent.

After he left, Erina then left the place since she was busy. Eizan, who scoffed at (name), walked away after (name) glared at him. Then Ryo walked in and spotted an annoyed (name). "what's wrong (nickname)?", Ryo asked.

'(nickname)?', Isshiki frowned lightly.

"Etsuya's being such a jerk, that's all", she looked up at him, noticing the two were staring at her. Ryo stared at her before clenching his fist, "should I beat him up?". Upon hearing his words, (name) quickly got up from the sofa and hold his clenched fist, "no, don't". He stared at her again, "okay".

"excuse me...", Tadokoro greeted as she walked into the office to feel some weird tension coming from Isshiki, before he smiled and started explaining.


Alice served the judges her Temari Bento and the crowds were in awed as they compliment how beautiful it looked. (name) simply watched from the railing, as Tsubasa was next to her, watching the battle too. "Alice-sama seems very confident", he said.

"afterall~ it's in her blood, she is one of the Nakiris", (name) stated before shifting her gaze to an unbothered Yukihira, "however.... Soma seems quite focused; I was worried he might feel pressured by Alice-nee-chan's taunt".

Tsubasa laughed a little, "Yukihira-san is like you a bit (name)-sama, quite focused while cooking and very unbothered". (name) tilted her head to look at her aide with a confused look, "what do you mean, Tsubasa?". He simply smiled at her before looking at the stage, "Yukihira-san is serving".

"we should head down", she implied.

As (name) walked to the stairs, she could feel all eyes on her, since they remembered her as the girl who created history. However, the protective aura coming out from Tsubasa made them stay put. Tsubasa was afterall a very good-looking person.

(name) noticed Erina at the middle, where the participated students come from. She was alone. (name) quickly hugged her with her bright smile, "Eri-nee-chan, who do you think will win this round?". Erina cleared her throat, "as much as I hate to say this... I don't think Alice will win".

She pulled away and grin, "besides~ what Alice-nee-chan prepared... isn't befitting for a bento anyway", for a split second her golden eyes were glinting.

"UWAA!!", Alice cried out loud as she lost, "(name)-chan!!!! UWAA!!!", she wailed before Yukihira helped her out and teased the girl. She hmphed and stomp her way to (name) who was standing next to a cocky Erina.

"(name)-chan! Huhu!!", she quickly hugged the girl. Erina scoffed, "atleast you now know your limits Alice".

"mou! You are not only good in cooking but also good at insulting!!! Baka-Erina", Alice yelled while still hugging the raven-haired girl who simply pat her back gently, "don't worry Alice-nee-chan, you did your best".

"see! This is why (name)-chan is my favorite cousin! Come let's sit together later (name)-chan", she fumed before letting her go and left to go to her waiting room to change.

"did you hear that?"

"she said (name)-san is her cousin.."

"but (name)-san doesn't have a last name.... she doesn't even have the same last name".

"maybe she said something else".


(name) heard their conversation, so she cast a look at Tsubasa and he understood completely as he disappeared from under her gaze. Erina stretched her arms. "Eri-nee-chan, are you-!", her words were cut off as she felt arms snaked around her waist, "wish me luck, (nickname)..", he muttered lazily. Erina simply sighed while looking at the two, 'they are so cute together'.

(name) giggled, "you'll do well Ryo, I know you will". 

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