Part 20 - Guest

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"(name)-chin!", a voice cheered as they hugged the girl who just arrived at her mansion. She looked up and smiled, "Kuga, how have you been doing?". He puffed his cheeks, before pulling away and checking her temperature, "I should be asking you that! I heard you got sick in the middle of the training camp".

"yea... (name)-chan... you got us worried there, Erina-san was so panicked that she even banned any hot spring found in this place...", another worried voice called out, it was Eishii, he then reached his hand to her cheek, "you have puffy eyes, were you crying... oh no! did the alumni bullied you?", he asked worriedly.

She giggled, "Eishii, Kuga..... look at me, I'm healthy... and they would never bully me, they love me", she cheered with an eye-smile.

"wah... good that you're healthy (name)-chan".

"if I heard one of them bully you, I'll definitely use my authority to kick their asses, (name)-chin", he nodded his head.

She couldn't help but smile, "anyway... do you guys see Eri-nee-chan?". "I don't think they've came back yet.... Anyway, wanna hang out with me??", Kuga grinned while placing his arms around (name)'s neck.

She thought for a while before smiling, "I'm sorry Kuga, but I'm gonna pack up my things, I'm staying over a friend's place today.... I'll text Eri-nee-chan later.... Thank you for coming here though", she tilted her head before excusing herself to go into the mansion.

As she got into her room, she was surprised for the nth time, she saw spices from Kuga, flowers from Eishii and fresh veggies from Isshiki. She then quickly went to her window to see them leaving, so she opened the window and called out to them, "EISHII, KUGA! THANK YOU FOR THE GIFTS", she then made a big heart with her arms as she smiled brightly, making the two boys warm-hearted.


Fumio was sweeping the floors, when (name) knocked on the door with a smile. "what the.. aren't you too early..? (name)? what are you doing here?", she smiled before she was surprised to see a tall man behind her, "you've brought company with you? Good to see you".

(name) blinked her eyes before turning around to meet a tall man with darker shades of brown hair, "you look familiar", she said. "hmm..... what a unique pair of eyes..... are you the little girl Senzaemon talked about, the one name... (name)-chan?", he smirked while grinning.

"you... oddly look like Soma", she furrowed her brows.

"now come in you two, you can get to know each other", Fumio opened the door widely for the two, "where's Isshiki when we need him, he should carry your bags", she looked around.

"what do you mean Fumio-san?", the older man cocked an eyebrow.

"oh no, it's for (name) here....... It's a special day too since there are two honorable guests here", she added before going into her room, to call for Isshiki.

As the two sat down, (name) couldn't help but stare at him, 'what a manly man', she thought to herself. "umm...", she started. He chuckled lightly, "I guess I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Yukihira Joichiro".

Her jaw dropped before blinking, "then I was right afterall! There are resemblance". He nodded his head, "you bet that right, so (name)-chan, right? Since you notice the resemblance between me and Soma, what do you think about him?", he smirked at the end of his words.

(name) thought to herself as she brought her finger to her lips, "he's a great chef and I love how he do things, it's as if he had a huge experience before..... although the other day during the training camp he nearly failed, it's a good thing that he caught up, which is amazing".

He laughed out loud, "that's how Soma is, he experience everything from failure", his golden orbs then turned serious, "anywho I heard from Senzaemon, that you have a hidden talent", he raise an eyebrow at her, "and you are actually one of the Elite Ten..".

"we don't speak of that", another voice interrupted the peaceful conversation.

(name) look up at to see a serious looking Isshiki, she smiled, "Satoshi", she called. He then switched his gaze to look at (name), "well then, I guess we need to excuse ourselves", he walked over to (name) and grabbed her bags, "let's go to your room", he said, holding her hand.

(name) waved at Yukihira's dad, "talk to you later, Joichiro, let's have a cook off and let Fumio be the judge", she grinned.

"feisty, sure", he shook his head with a smile as they left the lobby. Fumio then came with tea, "eh? Isshiki brought her away? Anyway here".

"hei Fumio-san.... What does that kiddo mean? That they do not speak of it?", he asked before sipping tea. "oh you mean (name)? true that girl is really special, she was brought by someone very... unwanted, at the age of six that girl simply judged food just by looking, she eventually decides to cook ever since Shinomiya Kojiro, the first seat of the Elite ten in the previous years, left for France... many knew her but she was still a mystery, henceforth, the Totsuki Elite Ten made her a mystery, this is based on someone's order from the above..... that is all that I can spoke of", she heaved out a sigh.

"say.... Is she in the same class as that boy before?".

"you mean Isshiki? Actually no, (name) had this habit of calling people especially boys with only their first name...without any honorifics.... And no, he's a second year senior".

"interesting", he closed his eyes while playing with his beard, 'to have a girl the same age as Soma as a rival, he might learn a lot from that girl'.

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