Part 45 - Tsukasa Eishii called

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"(name)-chan, are you feeling alright??", a worrisome Tsukasa could be heard from the other end of the call making her giggle. "of course I am, why?".

"it's just all those scary reporters were around you, I bet they bullied you"

"what are you talking about, Eishii~ I'm not being bullied by them".

"huuh, are you sure you're okay?"

"yes, I am.... You haven't answered me though, how are you doing?".

She could hear him heaved out a huge sigh.

"Rindo-san is making me do all her work again.... So it's piling even more".

"Hehe~ Rindo-senpai always pushes her work to you, should I come over and help you?"

"I'd love to, but it's okay (name)-chan.... I'm more worried about you tiring yourself out, in a few days you will have a stagiaire and it's gonna be more tiring.... So you should rest more, okay?".

"d'aww~ Eishii is worried of me but you don't have to! I'll do my best".

"oh right.... Now that all the students knew about your seat......can you take my first seat?.... at least you can have both seats!".

"hahaha~ you being the first seat is already good, so why do I have to take the first seat~ I'll go talk to Rindo-senpai later about shifting her work to somebody else, if that's fine with you".

"ah... I don't think you should........ Rindo-san is very persistent, you can just save your breath".

"but aren't you working a bit too hard? And don't worry... after the stagiaire, I'll go to your place and help out a bit. Ah right!... how's Kuga doing? I haven't heard from him ever since Autumn Elections".

".......... Let's talk later again some time okay, (name)-chan... have a good rest".

"? okay, you too Eishii, don't push yourself too much".

"hahaha~ thank you for worrying about me (name)-chan, well then..".

Then he hung up and (name) tilted her head, 'he must've been busy.. I haven't heard Kuga for a long time... I wonder how he's doing', when she looked up, she saw that both Yukihira and Takumi were staring at her with furrowed brows.

She smiled at them with a confused look, "what's wrong?".

"who was that?", Takumi asked as he placed the plate infront of her so she could eat, he also made another serving for Yukihira. "I heard you said something about first seat...", he added.

"he's not your boyfriend, is he? And who bullied you?", Yukihira was looking at her with speculating eyes, making the girl giggle, "you guys are adorable..... Eishii is the first seat of the Elite Ten, he called since he was worried about me because of the reporters..... he thought the reporters bullied me, I don't really like being interview nor reporters flocking me like that time", she shivered at the end while looking away.

Takumi nodded his head in acknowledgment, "yea... you seem very panicked everytime, except when there are only two reporters", he smiled at her, "anyway enjoy my Napolitan Curry Fettucine". She grinned, "will do~", she chimed before eating the food with a smile.

"hum~ this is really good, very Italian", Yukihira muttered with wide eyes.

"umm... any critiques, (nickname)?", he looked at her with worrisome, "well?", he cleared his throat, "since you're the phantom seat, I-I would want to hear anything that could improve my food", he said carefully. She smiled, "I'd love it better if you add some smoke into this dish like Shun, but since this is your way of cooking it'd be better if you boiled it more less by a few seconds.... because you were 5.4 seconds late and also the curry would've taste even better if you add this more", she said while walking away to the ingredients to teach him around a bit. Yukihira just watched, couldn't help but think about the phone call. 

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