Part 52 - Who's blushing?

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The second day for the pre-open day and (name) didn't heed to Shinomiya's warning as she arrived with Tsubasa to Shino's restaurant. She was already wearing her chef coat.

"Good afternoon, Soma", she greeted the boy who was sitting on one of the chair, with clean dishes and peeled food. "omg..... are you okay? Did you even get enough sleep?", she went over to him and looked at his face to find any signs of dark circles and surprisingly there was none.

He laughed it out, "don't mind me (name)-chan".

"you could've at least called me, I would've help you out", she tilted her head while looking at him with worried eyes. He looked at her and stood up from the chair before gently ruffling her hair, "(name)-chan is worried about me again". She bit her bottom lip, "I'll help you out tomorrow, okay? No backies".

'backies?', he laugh lightly, "4 hands are better than 2 anyway".

Then Lucie and Abel came from the second door for the kitchen which leads to the lockers.

"oh? Abel-senpai, I have a question", Yukihira walked over to Abel. Abel had a sour look on his face, "we don't have time for questions, we need to clean the dishes and start peeli-", before he could finish his words, Lucie cut him off, "wait Abel", she stopped him making him switched his gaze to the kitchen counter and (name) who simply took a slice of carrot and nibbled it with her lips.

"Lucie... answer his questions", he said while looking away.

"sure, what is it Yukihira?", Lucie walked over to him with a smile, as (name) strode over to Abel with a smile on her face, still nibbling onto the carrot between her plump lips, she took it out and asked, "is Kojiro with you?".

"u-um, he'll be coming in a fe-".

"I'm here", the door behind them flew open revealing Shinomiya with a serious look, he walked over to (name) and ruffled her head with an annoyed look on his face, "I told you to come later, but you decide to not heed my warning, well aren't you stubborn?".

She grinned, "guess who I learned it from~? The master of all stubborn, Shinomiya Kojiro~", she then nibbled the carrot with her lips again after officially pissing the man off.

"you brat", he growled before taking the carrot off from her lips and eating it himself. "h-hey! You took my lunch", she pursed her lips with clear annoyance on her face.

"you haven't eat lunch? It's already 2 in the afternoon", he frowned at her.

Abel being the audience was blushing wildly, seeing his honorable chef worried of a girl. 'did Chef Shinomiya just made an indirect kiss with the girl??', he was stunned in his place.

The raven-haired girl puffed her cheeks and avoided his eyes while twirling her long soft locks, "well, it's not my fault I got worried". Shinomiya's glasses were glinting before he sighed to himself, "it's not too late to have a light lunch... come with me (name)", he said slipping his fingers slyly into her smaller ones, making the girl blush lightly.

"eh? Is it really okay to leave the place?", she asked worriedly while being dragged by Shinomiya to leave the restaurant, earning a frown from Yukihira, making Lucie noticed the said frown. She was smirking at the reaction.

"it's fine, it won't be that long's not like we're leaving Shino's restaurant for a while", he still dragged her to find a nice simple lunch place and found Subway.

"I know it's nothing fancy, but since you're worried of leaving the place for too long, this place would be nice", he added lastly, before letting her hand go unwillingly, "go ahead and choose... It's my treat".

(name) pursed her lips, "then you should eat with me too.... I-I... don't like eating alone", she looked away.

'why the holy f*ck is she getting adorable.... I might lose my mind', his brows were twitching, "fine, I'll eat you.............I mean, with you", he looked away with a wild blush on his face after receiving a wondering look from the younger girl.

After eating and enjoying each other's company, although Shinomiya was still fairly embarrassed about what he said moments ago, he couldn't help but enjoy being with her. 

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