Part 28 - Totsuki Autumn Election pt 1

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[Miru's note:~ Hello there dear loveliess~ so I just added a paypal in my profile.... incase you guys want to help this broke af of a writer.... I'd be happy even if you give me $0.01 hehe, thank you in advance ]

In block A, Eizan was waiting for the honorable guest to arrive, it was Sendawara Natsume, along her were Minatozaka Makito, Koda Shigenoshin and another two judges. In block B, Isshiki was standing behind Sendawara Natsume's sister, Sendawara Orie, a very flirtatious and somewhat horny sister.

Along with her was, Kita Osaji, Ando Shingo and another two judges, who were blushing at Orie's attempt to bring Isshiki along with her.

She then let out a sigh before looking at the students that were elected and said, "then.... give me all these students.... Except for the girl with the ponytail.. and that girl who didn't tie her long black hair", she cringed in disgust, 'it'll get in the food'.

Isshiki looked at who she was talking about, and made an annoyed face for a split second before laughing at her lightly, the judges around her were bewildered at her words.

In minutes, one by one the selected students in both halls presented the powerful scent of their spices used for their curry. Hayama's curry was the most anticipated one, as the whole hall was infuriated by his spices.

(name) was in her own world, didn't even bother what other people were saying or doing, she was unbothered as usual....since all she sees and smell is her own cooking. Other students might display or boast their curry, for all her care, however, she only sees what she was doing, that was all.

'I wonder how (name)-chan/(nickname) is doing', Soma, Hayama, Ryo and Takumi thought simultaneously as they were busy prepping things since the time was almost over.

As the time was over, it was serving time. Most of the students got lesser than 40 marks and Nao was the first to break it with her putrid black which-was-sort-of-inedible-when-it's-actually-edible curry. Then it was Hisako's turn, she made a curry that seemed like a clear and light curry, however she got a higher mark.

It was coming to an end, when Alice revealed her curry dish, Thermal sense Curry, as she got a 95 score, "ara? Not 100? I was so sure I might get 100", she turned to look at (name) who has yet to serve her curry.

Urara then looked at the crowds, "now since it is all over, there will be another duel between Isami Aldini and Miyoko Hojo!!", she said as the crowds go wild.

Alice furrowed her brows, "what are you talking about? (name)-".

"excuse me, I still haven't served my curry", Tadokoro raised her hand with a worried look, ".... And.... Umm.... (name)-chan too...", she turned her head to look at (name), who was gripping her knife with menacing golden orbs.

Urara who was annoyed internally then rolled her eyes, "umm.....unfortunately everyone, there're still students who have yet to serve their curry", she announced lazily.

Tadokoro then met the people who worked with her in her hometown, letting out her dialect.

Urara, once again annoyed, lazily said, "you, please serve your curry now..", a tick mark appeared on the side of her face. Tadokoro dashed to her tray and brought 5 servings for five of the judges.

As she lifts the lid, she revealed, Goosefish Dobu-Jiru Curry. To them, her curry dish was a let down after eating Alice's curry, therefore as judges, they still had to eat it. One by one, the judges ate and felt at ease as it was delicious, before giving a total score of 88, making her go into the finals.

However, her nervousness hasn't fade since everyone was looking at the last student who was smirking with menacing golden orbs.

"here she comes~", Isshiki smirked to himself with a proud smile on his face, making Orie look up at him in wonder before focusing on the girl who was walking forth to them.

"the last one is here, let's get this over with", Urara said the last words to herself but (name) heard it, making the girl bore her golden orbs to dull brown eyes. She shivered as her eyes widened, 'what the..'.

"aah~ I wish Tsubasa was here to open the lid for you~ fufufu~", she grinned to herself, "Satoshi, would you be a darling and help me out?", she tilted her head with a smirk. The aura around her was different, even the judges could sense it.

"anything for you, (name)-chan", he grinned back before lifting the lid off to see, a very simple fresh fish with a white sauce, but to them it doesn't seem like a curry.

"now... allow me to introduce you... this is Hamachi with Coconut Green Vinaigrette .... Here", she let Isshiki helped her with burning half of her food with a culinary torch like she did during the breakfast buffet.

The whole room, could smell the intoxicating scent emitting from the curry.

The judges' eyes widened as they had a blush on their faces. They were anticipating as they look up at the girl, waiting if the curry was ready.

"munch off now~", she lifts her fingertips to her glossy lips as she watched the judges hastily ate the food.

Silent. It was silent. The judges were speechless.

"another silent after Alice Nakiri's dish???".

"I'm so curious!!!".

"the smell is sooooo gooodddd!!".

"I wanna taste it too!!".

(name) turned her head lightly to see that all the selected students were looking at her as blushes were visible on their cheeks, curious about the dish, she smirked.

"umm... s-so judges?", Urara looked at the judges with curiosity, even she felt that the food was overwhelmingly delicious with just the scent.

"it's like yin and yang..", one of the judges let their tears flow.

"it felt like I had a journey to Thailand...hisk hisk..", another added.

"this so unique, making Alice Nakiri's Thermal sense curry bland", another judge said as tears were flowing.

"uwa! The judges are crying after eating (name)'s curry dish!", Urara announced to the crowd.

Isshiki quickly give out tissues to the judges as Orie who was in the middle, were crying out her heart, but still ate it until the plate was clean.

"now... the scores", Urara anticipated.

(name) turned around, heading back to her station as she replied, "thanks for enjoying the food", she gave a sweet smile as she twirled strands of her hair with her finger.

"100!!!!!! Her score is 100!!!!", Urara's eyes widened as she herself couldn't believe it, "(name) is going straight to final!!!!". Cheers could be heard around the hall. The participating students gawked at her as she walked past them when her eyes changed back to its original colour.


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