Part 100 - Visiting Shiomi Seminar

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[miru's note:~ wow omg we reach a hundred chapters!!! I literally just saw one of the reader-can commented on my message board💀 thank you for reminding me!!]

Tadokoro was wearing her comfortable clothes as (name) was wearing her crop-top comfortable hoodie.

"I haven't visited Shiomi-sensei's Seminar for a while", (name) smiled as she skipped under the moonlight, next to a worrisome Tadokoro. "(n-n-n-name)-chan, please be carefuuull", her eyes were swirling in utter despair and worried, thinking that (name) might trip and fell on the ground, scraping her knee again.

"it's fine~ I never usually walked there since I always have Tsubasa around to drive me where I want to go", (name) mumbled smiling, "the breeze tonight feels so great, right, Tadokoro-chan?". Tadokoro cocked her head to one side with a worried look, "well it does feel great at night, but (name)-chan...... I know this is not my place to ask you..".

(name) turned her head to look at Tadokoro with a gentle smile, "ask away, Tadokoro-chan". She pressed her lips together before she asked, "don't you think that Tsubasa-san left because he wanted to find your remaining family?".

The raven-haired girl halted and thought about the words Tadokoro just said. She wondered if Tsubasa left because Azami was there to take care of her and since she was entrusted to Azami, Tsubasa had the chance to go back out of the country.

She thought about it, and she hoped that her understanding of him leaving was for that reason and that was why she could cope with it.

(name) smiled again and shrugged her shoulders, "hopefully, it'd be that way..... or maybe.. Tsubasa was so fed up with taking care of me, so he left since he could free himself from me.... Besides... Tsubasa is an adult, he's bound to leave the nest where he used to belong to.... Well I don't know~ these are just my assumptions anyway", this time her smile was the same smile she had during the finals for Totsuki Autumn Election.

Tadokoro quickly grabbed (name)'s hand, "no, (name)-chan, don't think so negative about that, I'm sure Tsubasa-san left and he meant well..... you don't have to worry about him that much, I'm sure Tsubasa-san is well right now and is quite worried about your well-being". (name) looked at her and giggled softly.

"and.... I'm sure as soon as he's done with his business over there, he'll come back to get you, I'm sure of it! So hang in there, okay??", her bright golden orbs sparkled as it met with (e/c) with a tint of gold ones.

She nodded her head and hugged the girl, "thank you Tadokoro-chan, for comforting but I'm fine. C'mon, let's go~ they're probably waiting for us", (name) gave her an eye-smile before holding her hand and jogged to Shiomi Seminar.

As they finally arrived, (name)'s eyes widened in surprised. There were crane waiting outside with boulders to destroy the Seminar. (name) quickly went into the Seminar, leaving Tadokoro who was speechless and was still looking at the crane.

"Shiomi-sensei! Akira!", (name) yelled.

"oh? (name)-chan you're here..", Shiomi muttered as she looked drained due to something. "isn't Akira going to participate in the Hunting Survivors' Shokugeki?", (name) asked after hugging the shorter woman in a tight hug.

"well.... Hayama-kun seems to still think about it...... but I honestly wouldn't have mind if I lose this place-", Shiomi sighed to herself.

The younger girl furrowed her brows together, "don't say that.... Where's Akira?", she pulled away from the hug to look at Shiomi. Shiomi rubbed the back of her neck, "he's in his room.. maybe you can cheer him up, (name)-chan".

(name)'s face clearly showed how worried she was, she nodded her head and ran to his room, she knocked on the door, "Akira, it's me".


"can we talk?", (name) asked while gripping the door knob in her hand.

"'s not lock..".

She smiled and opened the door and closing it behind her, she switched the lamp open and saw Hayama sitting on his bed, clutching the bed sheet with a blank look on his face. She took a seat next to him and hold his hand, "you watched the Shokugeki this evening, didn't you?".


"how was the talk with otou-sama? Did it go well?", she peeked to look at his green orbs since it was hiding underneath his silver bangs. He didn't answer. She sighed to herself and let her head rest on his shoulder, "I guess it didn't go well.... What did he say?".

"he said..... that he'll tell me where your brother is... as long as I follow as he says", hearing what he said made the girl pulled away and looked at him with narrowed eyes, "Akira..... I told you not to do this because of me, fight all you want but don't-".

Hayama cupped the girl's face and looked into her eyes, "I'm doing this for myself... and I.... I've made a promised with you before, right? And I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen", he said in a stern voice.

The girl was confused, 'what promise is he talking about?? I don't remember what promise he made', she parted her lips to turn down whatever the promise she made with him but he stopped her as he grazed his thumb on her bottom lips.

"it's late now..... you should go back", he said.

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