Part 26 - What is in that letter?

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The following day~

"(name)-sama, you received a letter from Totsuki Elite Ten", Tsubasa stated as he hands her the letter. She tilted her head in confusion, "why didn't Eri-nee-chan just tell me by herself?". He shrugged his broad shoulder as he waited for her to read the letter after giving a knife specifically for cutting the letter.

She slid it open, before reading it out loud.

"Dear Totsuki Student (name), we hereby announce on behalf of Totsuki Elite Ten, that you are one of the selected students for the Totsuki Autumn Elections. You are one of the 60 students that were selected to participate in this Autumn Elections, therefore we congratulate you, however since you are within the Totsuki Elite Ten circle and it is not allowed for Elite Ten to participate, we shall give you a proposal in which you must abide...............during the Autumn Election, you should........", (name)'s eyes widened in horror as she dropped the letter, and quickly rushed to Erina's office.

Erina knew that (name) would come to her and she would hear her never-ending nag about the letter. There she was, waiting for the door to open, as she laced her fingers while her arms rested on her desk.

"are you okay Erina-sama?", Hisako asked, looking at her worriedly.

"she's coming..", she said as her fingers tremble.

The door swung open, revealing a blank-faced (name), along with a worried Tsubasa. (name) stomped her way to Erina's side.

Erina quickly shut her eyes for any impact from her.

But it never came.

"(name)-chan I'm sorry, we just-", before she could reasoned. (name) encased her in a tight hug, shocking them. "(name)-chan?". She pulled away with the brightest smile, "thank you Eri-nee-chan! I will use it wisely", she hugged her again.

Erina sighed before patting her back gently, "some would go for you participating in the Autumn Elections and some were against it....... But after I heard Isshiki-san that you were looking forward to it, I couldn't help but lean on to it, but still.... You agree with the conditions, right?", she pulled away slowly to look at her.

"don't worry Eri-nee-chan, since this is my first time, as I said before..... I will use it wisely", she smiled at the end of her words.


Hisako knocked on (name)'s door as she was inhaling the scent of Holy Basil in her hand, which was given by Hayama. "come in", she said. "it's the letter for the Autumn Elections", she said while giving the paper to her.

"curry, huh?", (name) said as her orbs were glinting with amazement, "Tsubasa, let's go visit Shiomi-sensei", she placed the small jar into her bag as she got up, making the other girl in the room tilt her head in confusion.

"thank you Hisako-chan", she smiled brightly. She blushed as a response before the two raven-haired left the mansion to go to Shiomi's seminar.

Just as they arrived at the place, Hayama was about to enter the place, so he stopped to greet the girl.

"fancy seeing you here (name)-chan", he said while ruffling her upper hair. "how come you just came here?", she asked while tilting her head a little. "oh, I brought what Jun wanted, let's get in then-".

Before he could finish what he was about to say, a crash could be heard.

"what now...", Hayama sighed to himself, before holding (name)'s free hand in his bigger ones and pulled her into the place to see the commotion.

(name) opened the door with her other hand, only to be surprised, "Tadokoro-chan,.... Soma???? Are you okay?", she quickly let his hand go to aid the pitiful boy who got punched by Shiomi.

"ara?? (name)-chan, what are you doing here? Eh?? You know each other?????".


Shiomi babbled and babbled about spices on the whiteboard, as Hayama brought the four of them to the kitchen to try the curry.

(name) simply looked at the spices before grinning widely, "ne Akira, can I borrow these? For research purposes", she piped up. Hayama chuckled with a genuine smile on his face, "anything for you (name)-chan, as I was saying, I use water to make the spice strengthened", he then talked again about the use of spice as if he was a lecturer.

(name) was still looking at the spices as she imaged the recipe in her mind.

"umm, (name)-chan", Yukihira called out to her.

She swiftly turned her head to look at him, "yes~?", she played with the spices by her finger. He blushed as he grinned, "have you made curry before?", he asked.

Hayama placed an over-protective arm across her with a small frown, 'I don't like the way he looks at her'. "Akira?", she softly spoke while tapping his arms, "is something wrong?". Hayama, noticing that he did that without thinking, sweatdropped as he rested his hand on the wall literally next to (name)'s shoulder, "uh, no... sorry".

She let out a sigh before tiptoeing and ruffling his silver smooth hair, "whatever you're thinking, it's not it~", she smiled brightly before looking at Yukihira, who was raising an eyebrow, 'now that I remembered.... He was there in her room too when she was sick.... I wonder what's their relationship?'.

"I've never made a curry dish, so this would be my first time.... I usually watch them", she implied.

"then, if you don't mind.... I can teach you how to make one (name)-chan", Hayama's voice was close to her ear as if he was whispering, but at the same time, he made sure it was loud enough for Yukihira to hear, making the other boy internally pissed off.

"I don't want to waste your time, Akira~ besides... if you help me, what about your recipe? So, it's okay", she patted his head lastly before showing the lemongrass in her hands, "I'll be using this then.... See ya Akira, Soma and Tadokoro", she waved goodbye.

A nice sweet scent then appeared after she left making the three curious at the spice she was playing with her finger.

'what a nice scent' – Yukihira

'she was only playing around but this smells really good' – Tadokoro

'this is......' – Hayama

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