Part 64 - Alice's whining

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After (name) helped with the design for the Polar Star Dormitory Booth, she was resting in her mansion since class was about to start in an hour or less. Tsubasa was busy rescheduling (name)'s schedule in the tablet from outside of her door.

(name) was resting on the bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about her life. She even tried her best to recall her previous odd dreams that felt so real to her. She could only remember 4 of her dreams, all of the dreams she had was when she was 4 years old, she remembered having an older brother, a beautiful caring mother and a heart-warming father.

The dream was too good to be true, she wanted that family more than anything.

'who are they?', she thought to herself with an evident frown on her face, 'who am I?', she let her arms hover over her eyes.

After a few minutes of resting, she jolted up and remembered, "I wonder what idiot-Etsuya was talking about a few days ago..... he said there's going to be a surprise on the fifth day of the Moon Banquet Festival", she stretched her arms above her head before standing up and taking her school uniform with her to change.

As usual, she wore a sweater over her uniform instead of the blue blazer, because she's comfortable wearing sweater all the time, just like Alice. After combing her long black hair, she smiled while looking at the mirror, "let's smile again for today".

"(name)-sama, Erina-sama is waiting downstairs with Hisako-san", Tsubasa called out from behind the door, "your lecture starts at 10am", he added. (name) nodded her head in acknowledgement before opening the door, only to see him waiting behind the door with a worried look on his face.

"are you sure you have to help them out? You've done enough already...", Tsubasa frowned a bit.

She simply waved her hand off with a gentle smile, "it's only helping with shopping", she giggled in the end. Tsubasa shook his head in disbelief, "I will stop you if you're doing more work than that". "fret not, Tsubasa~", she grinned ear-to-ear before hugging Erina's arm with hers as they finally met each other downstairs.


(name) received a call after her class, she picked it up and smile.

"what is it Alice-nee-chan?~".

"mou! Hayama-kun doesn't want to listen to me about the menu! warn him for me! He only listens to you!".

"what's wrong with the menu??".

"Hayama-kun insisted on keeping the menu as curry, but I, as the leader, don't want curry for menu".

(name) pursed her lips for a moment as she was heading to the main street area for the booth.

"why don't you want curry for the menu though?".

"(name)-chan~ I, Nakiri Alice, prefer to use Molecular Gastronomy in my cuisine style~".

"then why not combine those two?"

Before Alice could answer her thoughts on it, Alice saw (name) arriving with Tsubasa next to her. She hung up and dashed to the girl before hugging her, "mou~ (name)-chan~ help me~". (name) giggled as she let herself being hugged by the silver-haired beauty, "I already told you, didn't I?".

"but I wanna try something out first!", she pulled away with a grin on her face, before dragging (name) to their booth.

"there!", Alice smirked.

(name) raise her hand up and waved at the two boys, who were looking at her, "hello there". Hayama heaved out a sigh, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, (name)-chan". Ryo cleared his throat before showing his phone and stating lazily, "this is what Professor Shiomi said".

"Jun....", Hayama couldn't help but facepalm.

"(name)-sama, they are waiting", Tsubasa cleared his throat. She quickly nodded her head and turned her head to the three of them, "I have to go now, I'm sorry I couldn't help you that much, I promise I'll help out when I'm not busy", she waved them goodbye as she left again with Tsubasa by her side. The two boys never left their eyes from looking at her.

"Isami~", (name) called out with a wary look, "was I late? I'm sorry", she tilted her head with an apologetic smile. Isami patted the girl's head, "don't worry (name)-chan, nii-chan is a bit late too".

"oh! Pop-up Trattoria Aldini! Eh? (name)-chan?", a friendly voice reached to both of them. (name) turned her head, only to smile, "hello Tadokoro-chan, Soma". "what brings you here?", Yukihira asked.

"Yukihira!!", another voice yelled, which belongs to none other than a fuming Takumi, with his fangirls standing behind him fawning over his good-looks. "I heard you're going to challenge Kuga-senpai, let me say this... you're not the only one who's grown during the stagiaire, don't even think that I'm the same man I was during the preliminaries. I'm the one who'll defeat you!", he brought his fist up.

"we have to go shopping with (name)-chan, nii-chan", his twin brother pulled him to stop from picking a fight with Yukihira even more. "(nickname) is here?", his face started to get red as he didn't realize that he just humiliated himself infront of his crush.

"well then, that's my cue to leave.... See you next time, Soma, Tadokoro", (name) waved as she skipped over to a stumbling Takumi. Yukihira frowned to himself, 'didn't even get to talk to her'

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