Part 51 - Shinomiya or Yukihira?

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The pre-open day, first day. (name) was wearing the chef coat, she as always let her hair flow majestically without a care of the world.

She walked into the kitchen, making all of them look at her. She was indeed a beauty.

Shinomiya strode over to her and lift strands of her hair, "you look good in the chef coat..... I nearly thought you'll look funny, but", he stopped mid-way, knowing that the others were looking, he cleared his throat and walked away, fixing his glasses while he's at it, "prepare, it's about to start", he said before leaving the kitchen.

(name) waved at the stunned Yukihira.

"you look good in white", he praised while nodding to himself. "thank you, Soma~ you too", she smiled brightly.

Lucie patted (name)'s shoulder, "Chef told me that you will be assisting him yourself while Yukihira will be my assistant", she grinned, "aren't you proud? To be Chef Shinomiya's right-hand at the bat". Abel clenched his fist, 'why is (name)-chan getting more attention than me? Aren't I the supposed to be head-chef in this place?', he thought to himself before shaking his head.

Soon enough the customer had arrived and Shinomiya informed them to get prepared since the customer has arrived. (name) already started prepping the ingredients for Shinomiya, while Yukihira was freaking out internally due to the tension in the kitchen.

She was in her normal form with her normal colour as she only was simply an assistant for Shinomiya. Shinomiya entered the kitchen and stood next to her to see the finished preps. He nodded himself and started frying. The place was silent since he was very concentrated on listening to his frying dish, while (name) was next to him, watching his every move, thinking of what he needed next, before prepping the things immediately.


Yukihira made a sound as his bowl was placed on the counter, making Shinomiya glare at the boy's mistake, "if you do that again, I'll fire you". Yukihira gulped down and nodded his head, before he was called by Lucie.

(name) walked over to Shinomiya and let him finish as he informed the others that his frying was finish. She let her hand do the work with pinching his cheek and whispering, "don't be so rude, it's his first time". He sighed and looked away.

As it was finally the closing time, (name) opened the top button of her chef coat, it was kind of tiring and hot, but it was fun cooking in the kitchen with all of them.

Shinomiya looked at her, "you can use the shower for the girls", he said, never leaving his eyes off of her. She look up with a smile, "no, thank you, Kojiro~ Tsubasa will be arriving soon", she added before skipping over to Yukihira who was heaving out a sigh, she held his hand, "you did well for day 1 Soma".

He lightly blushed, "you did way more better than me... have you worked at Shino's before?". She giggled as she could feel Yukihira's hand tightened lightly, "I've never worked at Shino's but I'm used to watching Kojiro cooking before", she spared a glance at an annoyed Shinomiya.

"I actually got curious..... how long have you known Shinomiya-senpai?", he asked with a raised brow.

"Abel", Shinomiya called, making the other man nodded his head and dragged Yukihira to the men's locker room.

"eh wait, I haven't even heard her answer", he said but was still ignored and dragged by Abel.

(name) blinked her eyes in curiosity before looking at Shinomiya who was frowning deeply. "what's with that?", she tilted her head at him. "that assistant of yours is coming, right? Let's wait outside", he said as he walked away while grabbing her wrist to make her follow him out of the kitchen.

"hei Lucie.... Don't you think Chef Shinomiya has a thing for (name)-chan?", Gao Wei asked to a smirking Lucie who had a @w@ face.

"I don't know about you, but don't you think, Yukihira has a thing for her too! Didn't you see how he looks at her?", she smirked.

The taller girl laughed, "let's have a bet, who do you think (name)-chan will choose in the end? Chef Shinomiya or Yukihira Soma?".

"I'll bet for Yukihira then!", Lucie grinned widely. "okay, I'll bet for Chef Shinomiya", the other girl smirked, "who won will have to treat the others with an expensive food, how's that?".

"fine by me Wei!", she grinned before peeking at the other two who were just about to leave the restaurant to wait outside under the moonlight.


"so tomorrow will be the same schedule, you are allowed to come early to this place... but I recommend you not to", he muttered while staring up at the sky. "why not?", she asked.

"because, it will start at evening, so why come early, am I right?", he raised an eyebrow at her. "then Soma would be alone", she sighed at herself. A tick mark appeared on the side of his face, "I don't want you two, to be alone together.... It's my restaurant afterall". She giggled, "it's not like he'll do anything bad to me~ oh Tsubasa's here, see you tomorrow", she left to the limousine while the other male was gritting his teeth, 'that brat'.

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