Part 40 - Totsuki Autumn Elections pt 12

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Isshiki then walked forward while pushing a big ass ice cube to reveal the theme for the Totsuki Autumn Elections Finals. "hup!", he said before breaking the cube with a mallet, revealing a fresh-looking pacific saury.

"the theme for the finals is pacific saury", Isshiki announced making the crowds gleefully impressed, since it is famous during autumn, "while it used to be known as the poor man's fish, it's now served at upscale restaurants, it's also served at restaurants worldwide, the theme for the final battle will be a dish using this fish. Hayama Akira, (name), Kurokiba Ryo and Yukihira Soma, I think destiny brought you to this point because the pacific saury has a strong aroma, can be cooked both professionally and traditionally, is a well-used seafood, and familiar to all. Each of you can use your own strengths with this ingredient. the finals will be in ten days. I promise it will be the ultimate battle", he ended as the three of the boys stared at (name) who was simply smiling sadly.

'why is her expression like that?', the three of them thought at the same time.

(name) sighed to herself before smiling brightly to the three boys, "it's amazing that the four of us could battle at the same time", she stated. Yukihira laughed lightly, "guess it's amazing...... ah, that's right Hayama, stop pretending to be calm and get mad", while crossing his arms across his chest.

"I have no reason to be, I followed my agenda.... going to the finals and beat this girl", he pointed to (name), "and win the grand prize". (name) could only smile at him, "what a confident Akira".

Ryo scoffed before wrapping an arm around (name)'s neck, "you're still on a high horse after you tied, spice-guy? All you do is spices, it's always the same! I've figured you out and I'll beat you next time, you too Yukihira.... Then I'll finally beat her!!", suddenly Alice pulled his bandana off of his forehead, making him slumped onto (name).

"Ryo?", (name) looked up at Ryo who was uncomfortably too close to her.

"what are you doing? Stop bullying (name)-chan! And let's go home!!", Alice yelled at him, "(name)-chan are you okay? Isn't Ryo-kun heavy??", she looked at her pitifully. (name) giggled, "well he is... but it's fine, he's adorable in his own ways".

'adorable?', both Hayama's and Yukihira's eyebrow were twitching in annoyance, looking at the sly lazy boy, slumping on the raven-haired girl.

"good bye", Alice said while walking away. "kya! Why are you taking me too, Ryo?", she squeaked as she was carried bridal style by Ryo as he only muttered, "good work", to the boys, before slyly looking at the two boys with his usual lazy smile.

"oi!", Hayama gritted his teeth.

"what the heck......", Yukihira was speechless.

(name) sighed to herself as she let her head rest on Ryo's chest while hugging his bag to her chest, "are you going to make me have another cook off with you Ryo?". He nodded his head, "yes, I don't feel like resting when the finals is still around the corner".

She pucked her lips, "I would've rested though, it must've been tiring for having that magma-like power almost everyday". He scoffed before staring at her, "if you make that face again, I'll kiss you right infront of other people".

"mou~ Ryo-kun's becoming even more daring!", Alice smirked at the two as (name)'s face was red and she started to hide her face by covering her face with his bag. "Alice-nee-chan, don't provoke him even more", she whined.

"what are you talking about~ it's fun!", she giggled.

Tsubasa followed them from behind without a word, facepalming, 'sometimes I think this cooking off is actually about the boys fighting over (name) instead', he shrugged his shoulder before stating, "then Alice-sama, Kurokiba-san, (name)-sama, I shall get the car for you", and then he excused himself.

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

That night (name) won again against Ryo and despite this was not his first ever lost, he was curious, 'maybe I could beat her with my way of choosing the pacific saury', he thought to himself while staring at (name) who was giggling at Alice's cries about her dish.

"(nickname) are you going to check the pacific saury tomorrow at dawn?", he asked lazily. "maybe", she shrugged her shoulders. "good, come with me and I'll show you how a pro choose", he said before walking away.

Alice stifled her laughter, "I guess I can leave Ryo-kun in your care then, (name)-chan~ I wanna sleep more anyway, oh and sleep here! I'm sure Erina won't mind".

Erina on the other hand was fuming for the nth time of the day, "when will I have a peaceful sleep like this? Hisako is not even here".

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