Part 32 - Totsuki Autumn Elections pt 5

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[Miru's note:~ I bought this yesterday and I'm so proud of it uwu]

As the cooking battle between Ryo and Tadokoro starts, (name) and Alice took a seat behind Yukihira, who didn't notice they were there until Yoshino look up to an explaining Alice, and that was when they spotted both of them.

"you see~ Ryo-kun was an admirable chef at the port....that's why he's specialized in seafood too, right (name)-chan?", she grinned up at her. In return, she nodded her head, "yup.... Every time we had a cook off, he would use seafood as both main and base".

"who won?", Yukihira asked.

"(name)-chan of course.... Ryo-kun never won, but he always learned from (name)-chan in order to beat her", Alice giggled. Takumi looked up at (name), "it's understandable since (name)-chan score a hundred...".

"you guys might not know this, but... (name)-chan's cooking is utter perfection... to the point that she is completely on par with the first seat of Elite Ten.....what was his name again?? All I remember is his name is close to Tsubasa-kun's name", Alice looked at the girl next to her from the corner of her eyes, as her words made (name) the center of attention, especially from the Polar Star Dormitory since they have been listening for knows when.

"if I say so myself, she might've even beat the first seat", she added lastly.

(name) pouted, "Alice-nee-chan.... Are you sure Eri-nee-chan won't say anything about you saying all this?". "fear not! I will make sure Ryo-kun to save you from her demise".

"what do you mean...", Yukihira asked as his golden eyes were serious.

"oh and I also heard during the training camp, (name)-chan here had a cook-off with the scary chef..... what was his name again? Shine?", she thought for a while. Yoshino stated, "you mean Chef Shinomiya?". "ah yes! That guy! (name)-chan won the cook-off~", she giggled at the end of her words.

"y-you.... You won against the first seat Elite ten, Chef Shinomiya Kojiro????", Marui's eyes widened. Isami was speechless, 'who is she actually? When did they even had the cook-off?', he then looked at his wide-eyed twin brother, it was clearly written on his face that he is both amazed and inspired more than surprise.

"w-well.... Our bet was just simple though... since Kojiro never heard me complimenting his cuisine, his goal for the cook off was simply to hear me compliment him....but of course.... That won't be easy for him", she smiled at the end, "oh~ Ryo's done".

After both presented their own ramen, along with tasting each other's ramen, the score was set, with Kurokiba Ryo winning the second round.

Then Urara announced that the next Quarter finals will be tomorrow, and soon enough the crowds dispersed.

Ryo, who had been grinning widely as he was still wearing his red bandana, finally look up at Alice and (name). Alice quickly snatched his bandana from his forehead, making the boy slumped into his usual lazy self.

"you did well Ryo", (name) smiled at him.

"now apologize to me, Ryo-kun!!! You were rude to me before your battle starts!!", she nagged while hitting his back. Ryo's eyes never left (name), since he was proud that he got closer to have a battle with her. "mou! Ryo-kun!", she smacked his back and continue to smack it, "listen to me when I'm talking to you".

(name) giggled as she watched the two, "well Ryo? Aren't you going to apologize to your ojou?".

"okay.... Sorry", he simply said lazily.

"you should put your heart into it!! You only listen to (name)-chan!! Unfair!! We're going to have another cook-off once we go back!!", she kept hitting his back over and over again like a broken cassette. (name) just shook her head in disbelief, "you should just rest though".

"nope", she whined, "this Ryo-kun should listen to me more and respect me! Hmph!", she pursed her lips before grinning at the other girl, "you can come and be the judge of course, (name)-chan~".


"but (name)-sama..... your schedule tonight is full, you are visiting two places", Tsubasa interrupted their conversation. "d'awww, Tsubasa-kun is no fun, fine then", Alice rolled her eyes.

"where are we going to anyway?", (name) asked to Tsubasa as they walked away to the car. "I believe, last night you said you wanted to visit the two before they have a battle", he stated while looking at his tablet with a knowing look.

Heaving out a sigh, she finally nodded, "alright then, can you please contact them beforehand so they would be there, I'll need to talk to Hisako-chan.... Do you know where she is?".

"she replied that she's in the kitchen at Nakiri mansion", he said as he opened the door for her. "let's go there and wish her luck then before we go to the two places".

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