Part 11 - Training Camp pt 4

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(name) met up with Erina who was a bit annoyed.

"(name)-chan, where have you been? Did you know I've been looking for you before gathering in the Hall? Did you know how I thought you've been kidnapped by some mafia? I know I allowed you to come to this place to meet with our senpai but please, can you at least update me?? You made me-", before Erina could finish her words, (name) quickly engulfed her in a loose hug as a smile engraved itself on her glossy plump lips.

"calm down, Eri-nee-chan, as you can see, I'm fine", she pulled away slowly and tilted her head, "no harm done, and not to mention Kojiro and the others treated me well".

She huffed a puff before looking away, "they better be".

"Eri-nee-chan, the next assignment is from Hitoshi, right?", (name) grinning, "this ought to be fun", she tilted her head to look at Tsubasa with a smile, "Tsubasa, if you don't mind come up to my room and prepare my bathrobe and my other essentials~ oh and you can enjoy yourself after that, you can go to the hot spring after that", she shrugged.

Tsubasa laughed lightly, "I may not be your butler, but sure (name)-sama, I shall excuse myself then", he bowed as his right palm rest on his chest, before leaving.

After the three walked into the huge room where Sekimori Hitoshi was waiting, they could feel that eyes were on them.

"it's Erina-sama".

"she's so pretty".

"who's that girl next to her??"

"you mean her aide?"

"no, raven haired girl".

"no idea....but she's hella cute".

Hitoshi, the alumni of that night looked at the three girls, (name) simply smiled at the older male before waving at him. He returned the gesture lightly, breaking off his strict look for a moment.

"oi did you see that?".

"is that even legal???".

"what the heck are you talking about dude?".

(name) took the closest station, which was next to Ryo and Alice. "good evening Ryo, Alice-nee-chan". "good evening to you too (name)-chan", Alice excitedly answered before grinning, "wanna bet?".

"are you sure ojou?", Ryo turned his head to look at Alice. "what do you mean?", Alice tilted her head with a pondering look on her face. "the last time ojou and (nickname) had a bet, you end up crying again and you never won", he continued with his voice laced with laziness.

Alice puffed her cheeks with a visible pout before hitting his back, "mou~ Ryo-kun don't embarrass me like that! We're not friends anymore! Hmph!", she rolled her eyes.

(name) giggles making the other ravenette looked at her, "Alice-nee-chan is so funny", she then switched her gaze to Ryo and as she noticed him looking at her, she blushed a little before smiling sweetly, "let's do our best, ne Ryo".

He loved it.

He loves the expression of hers, he loves the way she said his name, he loves everything about her.....including her personality when her eyes changed.

Hitoshi at the front cleared his throat gaining all of the students' attention before talking about their assignment which is to make a serving of 50 beef steak meals for the hotel guests then the students can cook their own meals.

'I knew it', (name) smiled.



That laughter, yes that laughter made everyone stopped what they were doing as they saw (name), the beauty ravenette, assessing her dish quickly and efficiently, with striking golden eyes, her hair flowed behind her as if it was dancing with the wind.

'who is she?', everyone thought except for those who already knew her.

30 minutes had passed and (name) had finished 100 servings, she made Caprese Steak, (name) passed the last dish over to Hitoshi with a smirk on her face, "munch off now~", she muttered.

"(name)...more than pass", Hitoshi muttered, speechless, even if he already expects her to do that, but still it surprises him all over again.

"thanks for enjoying the food", she smirked while she twirled strands of her hair as her golden eyes were glinting, before she walked back to her station and enjoyed a serving for herself and passed another two serving for Ryo and Alice who was next to her, "enjoy my treat", she smiled sweetly as her eyes changed into their normal colour.

She walked out of the room, hearing loud cries from the hotel guests.

"let's go enjoy the hot spring", she grinned to herself while stepping into the elevator.

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