Part 8 - Training Camp pt 1

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[Profile of the reader:

Name: (name) [Last name will be known in the future chapter]

Age: 15

Height: basically reader-chan's height~

Appearance: Her eyes are two toned, just as in the title picture... that's basically how she looks like, long black hair, golden orbs and (e/c). Her eyes will change it's color every time she cooks or when she's really angry or annoyed

Attributes: she seem to have a dual personality, one is her sweet lovable behavior, loved by all. Another is when she cooks, her behavior will change into a *Himedere... the reason why it started to trigger will be known in a few chapters in the future, she's also sometimes forgetful , she loves warm hug

*Himedere means a personality like a Queen or a princess, giving orders to everyone around them

Cooking style: All types as she could pour all her feelings into her cookings

Her real family: this will be known in the future chapters ;)

Love interest: well..... I actually wanna make it as a reverse harem, cuz I love making stories like that, so the boys are; Yukihira Soma, Takumi Aldini, Kurokiba Ryo, Hayama Akira, Shinomiya Kojiro, Isshiki Satoshi, Tsukasa Eishii, Terunori Kuga


Profile of  reader's aide:  

Name: Yo Tsubasa

Age: 27 

Height: 180cm

Appearance: Black hair with red striking eyes, strong but lean body

Attributes: serious guy all the time but if it's about (name)s cooking he'll go all mushy, he's strong since he's a bodyguard, he's usually silent if there are a lot of people, but he will talk more when they're alone, actually really sweet, very protective and worried over (name), treats her as his sister

His family: unknown

Now On With The Story My Lovelies ]

(name) was sitting in the lobby while playing UNO with Tsubasa. Students were starting to crowd in the lobby since it was time for the students to arrive.

"(name)", someone called out to her.

"Eri-nee-chan?", she answered searching for the voice, "wait a moment Tsubasa", she stood up and looked around in search for her sister.

"kya!", she squeaked as she felt someone hugged her from behind. "why didn't you tell me you came here early, mou~", the intruder said. (name) giggled and turned around and hugged her back before answering, "I just wanna meet up with the alumni".

Alice pursed her lips, "you should've brought me with you, (name)-chan....or just bring Ryo-kun with you~", she giggled, before giving way to a waiting Ryo. "I remembered you promised me to play 8 Ball Pool with me", he muttered.

(name)'s eyes widened in shock before she turned her head to look at Tsubasa who was sweatdropping since he forgot to add that into her schedule, "omg I'm so sorry Ryo, let's play 8 Ball when we got back home, okay?", she gave him the best puppy eyes she could muster.

Ryo gulped with a small blush before looking away lazily and replied, "yeah, sure".

'home', (name) thought to herself, 'I've grown to like Totsuki Academy and made it as my home....... I wonder how was my previous home'.

"(-name)-chan", someone snapped their finger infront of her face, making her eyes widened in surprise, "huh?".

"aren't you going in?", a friendly voice spoke, it was Yukihira. "oh? Yukihira", she smiled widely, "sure, let's go in together", she wrapped her arms around one of his arms, making the boy blush a little bit.

She walked with the Polar Star Dormitory group, her mood was oddly clingy due to the thought she had, 'what if I wasn't found by otou-sama... I wouldn't have met these friendly people'.

Everyone else was nervous which includes Tadokoro who was still panicking ever since she arrived at the said place.

"o! it's Nikumi! Haiiii!", Yukihira grinned at her. Ikumi blushed immediately right after hearing his voice, "", her blushed deepened when she saw the girl clinging beside Yukihira.

"(n-name)-sama?", Ikumi's eyes widened, "omg it's (name)-sama in the flesh".

"woa, even Nikumi knows her, how did you met her Nikumi?", Yukihira grinned like a cute idiot.

Before Ikumi could answer his question, a voice echoed across the hall, gaining the students attention. "welcome fellow students, I've brought along me special alumnus who will be the judge of your cooking skills, they're Totsuki alumni who have agreed to join us, despite their busy schedule", Chapelle stated as he walked in along with the alumni that (name) met a few days' time.

(name) accidentally made eye contact with a glaring Shinomiya.

Shinomiya parted his lips after pointing to the crowds around where (name) was standing before saying, "you over there, nine rows back, the boy with a scar on his eyebrow".

Yukihira lifted his hand to point at himself with a curious look, while (name) was still clinging onto him like a lost puppy.

He then clicked his tongue, "oh thought it was you, I mean the one next to you", he continued making another boy next to Yukihira pointing at himself, "yeah you, you're expelled. You can go home now. Your hair product has a citrus scent, it interferes with the aroma of food. As a chef we need to pay attention to our sense of style, if the chef who have no sense of style like you, they should've used the unscented hair product from now on".

"wait I'm expelled just because of that????", he yelled in disbelief.

"that is enough in losing your customers, are you trying to destroy my restaurant?", his glare deepened, this glare however made both Yukihira and (name) shivered all of a sudden, it was as if his glare was on them too.

(name) released his arm, before Hinako engulfed her in a hug again, for the nth time of the day, "poor (name)-chan, you must've got scared by that Stinky-bastard, right?", she stroke the back of (name)'s head, while (name) could only sweatdropped at her behavior, and cue Donato coming to where the two of them, complimenting Tadokoro, making the poor girl a blushing mess.

"sometimes, you just have to learn to endure it, Tadokoro-chan", she muttered softly since Hinako was squeezing the life out of her.

Chapelle was annoyed by the behavior of the alumni so Dojima took that as his turn to speak, "ahem, so this proves the authority of the alumni on firing any of you students who does not meet their expectations, well then now you are assigned to groups, please view your name on the list shown outside the hall, and that shall be the start of your assignment, that is all".

"we'll meet later ne (name)-chan~", Hinako patted her head before walking away to where the other alumni were waiting.

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