Part 87 - What wolves?

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Few days had passed and Nakiri Azami suddenly made a sudden announcement which caused an uproar to all the students. (name) was in the midst of a call with Isshiki.

"Satoshi, I'm sure you're seeing what I'm seeing at the moment, right?".

"yes, I am.... Well I did hear what (name)-chan said on the first day you stayed here... something about tearing this dorm apart".

"why am I not surprised that you heard it.... Are you busy at the moment?".

"unfortunately, yes. I'm quite busy at the moment.... I had to finish up some paperworks... *sigh* Nakiri Azami-dono is being out of control, I'm sure you've already heard during your previous meeting, right? About the other Totsuki Elite Ten who didn't cast a vote for Azami-dono".

"....... Yeah... I'm sorry I couldn't be of help to you, Satoshi".

"it's fine (name)-chan, you're not in the wrong here... you were only used, that's all".

"then.... What about me and Eri-nee-chan? Are we not going to be one of the Elite Ten any longer?".

"hahaha~ I don't think Azami-dono would let her daughters free like that, I'm sure he wants to make sure that the two of you are within reach...... but you can rest assure, we will prevent that from happening".

"I just hope that the others wouldn't think of you betraying them, when they found out that you're not here when they decide to tore this building".

"they won't, you know how I am, right? I will never betray anyone, especially you (name)-chan... now rest up and let Fumio-san take care of both of you".

"alright Satoshi.... You too, take care of yourself and you should rest a bit while doing paperworks".

"ha~ I love it when (name)-chan is worried about me".


He laughed from the other line before hanging up the call. She pursed her lips while looking at her phone.

While with Isshiki~

He cussed under his breath, "darn it, I keep forgetting on telling her...", he looked at his phone again before sighing, "she should rest anyway~ I don't want to make her worry about her brother", he decides to continue on his paperwork, 'if I'm not mistaken... Tsubasa-kun would be at that place...', he shook his head again so he could focus on his work.

(name) was sitting in the kitchen in the dark as she tried to remember what else happened during the meeting. She rubbed her forehead and whined, "why do I have to be so forgetful at a time like this?".

The light suddenly switched on, by a wandering Fumio, "what are you doing in the dark, (name)? are you trying to remember again??", she asked as she walk closer to the girl.

(name) was visibly frowning as she let out a sigh, "Fumio-san.... I just..... do you think I have some sort of...  short term memory loss??", she looked up at her since she was still sitting on a chair. Fumio took a seat beside her and smiled, "as much as I dislike talking about this thing....... You have to confront Nakamura about this, he knows what happened".

Furrowing her brows together, she was even more confused after hearing what Fumio just said.

"but... Fumio-san, what does that have to do with my forgetfulness?".

"oh! So, you were talking about forgetfulness! You should've said so~ you're just stress lately.....and depressed", she whispered the last words to herself, before staring at (name) with a smile as she patted her head gently, "would you like some warm milk?", she asked.

"sure, thank you", she tilted her head with a calm look in her eyes as Fumio got up from the chair to heat up some milk.

"(name)-chan~~~!!!", a cheery voice entered the kitchen as her red orbs glint in excitement, she quickly hugged her, "how was your stay so far? Ryo-kun was worried that wolves might go to you while in your sleep, so that's why we're here~!", Alice grinned ear-to-ear and just in time Ryo entered the kitchen with a bored look on his face.

"I didn't say that, ojou", Ryo muttered as his hands were in his pockets. "mou! Don't lie Ryo-kun! I heard it clearly that you said you're worried of (name)-chan", Alice stuck out a tongue at him. (name) lightly tapped Alice's back, "there are no such thing as wolves in this dorm".

Ryo frowned, "I never said anything about wolves".

"YOU DID!", Alice pouted, "you said that some boys want to sneak in (name)-chan's bed at night!!!".

"I never said anything about wolves though", Ryo simply corrected again. (name) simply sigh.

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