Part 5- The Meeting

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"as Erina-sama had explained previously to you, this training camp will be a place where hundreds of students are expelled and there are various alumni that will attend in this training camp, most of them are from the previous generations that had studied in totsuki, there are important task for you to do and of course all of the task will be about cooking, cooking and cooking..........(name)-sama, is this really okay for your debut? During your task, I cannot be alongside you as I am only your bodyguard to begin with....however, I will still be there for the purpose of taking good care of your utensils and yourself", Tsubasa explained after scrolling through the tablet.

(name) nodded her head with a smile, "it's my first time so I'm sure everything would be fine....can you tell me more about the task for each day?? And also, the alumni in charge of each task".

As Tsubasa read the files, he smiled, "I guess there will be a reunion between (name)-sama and the alumni", he showed the list from the tablet with his charming smile plastered on his face.

Her eyes spotted familiar names and faces, "can we go there early? I'd like to catch up with them at least for a day?", she plead while tilting her head to one side.

He looked at (name)'s schedule in the tablet before smiling, "you are free from today onwards, so it'd be fine... but (name)-sama, this afternoon Erina-sama had made a meeting for the Elite Ten and wished you to join her, it'll be in two hours from now, when do you plan to leave?".

"let's leave after the meeting, I'm sure Eri-nee-chan would let me, since I'm meeting them, let's go eat what would you like to eat Tsubasa?".

His eyes widened, "please it's an honor for you to bless me with your cookings (name)-sama". (name) giggled and stood up from her chair, "fret not, come on I'll make some Pan Seared Chilean Sea Bass, you love filet right Tsubasa?".

If this was a comic, you might see heart in his eyes.


In the meeting, the room was very dark, a few people were missing so there were empty chairs.

(name) was walking around the room and let herself roam among the Elite Ten, Isshiki was there too, but he was in his serious mode so (name) was off to play with Kuga's long hair and he didn't mind it at all. In fact, he liked the attention. We all know how Kuga is.

"let's fix your hair like a sumo", she whispered so only he could hear her. At first, he furrowed his brows because he thought sumo has to have big forehead like Sakura, but simply shrugged his shoulders.

(name) took the clip from his hair making his hair flow softly covering his slanted brown eyes.

However, this attention ticked another two boys, one who was obviously ticked off, another who was worrisome but at the same time ticked off, [miru's note:~ not sure if that made sense]

"this may be a bit too early but practically not all knew about (name)....moreover her cooking skills, so we should put a hold in revealing her status within the Elite Ten, will that be okay?", Erina finished her statement by narrowing her eyes at each of them.

"so, when is the best time for her status to be revealed? I'm sure (name)-chan doesn't even like to be revealed", Isshiki added while crossing his fingers on the table.

Rindo grinned as she raised her hand, "why not ask her yourself? She's right here ya know~".

(name) looked up and met with different pair of eyes, after clipping Kuga's hair revealing his wide forehead, she replied, "let's just keep it down, we don't wanna surprise the other students that the Elite Ten is hiding someone".

"you mean hiding a gem?", Isshiki smirked.

"a monster brought by Azami Nakiri you mean".

Erina's glare hardened at the words that came from Eizan's mouth, it was like venom to her. (name), on the other hand simply shrugged, since she knew that Erina's relationship with Azami is different compared to her relationship with Azami, (name) knew too well that Azami is the sole person who brought life to her, she is thankful for that despite she still haven't known her origins.

Nene replied in a serious tone, "Eizan, there are times when you should just shut your mouth....and this is one of those times". Eizan rolled his eyes in annoyance. "calling her a monster will only anger Azami Nakiri-dono", she continued.

The air around the room darkened as (name) stated, "now now......let's talk about something else, shall we, ne...... Etsuya..", (name) who's eyes were now all golden, stared intensely at him, who in return clicked his tongue and looked away, fingers trembling.

"(name)-chan", Erina quickly went over to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder in order to calm her down, "don't listen to Eizan-senpai's words, he's just spouting nonsense". (name)'s eyes returned into a normal color as she grinned at her sister, "alright".


Eishii slumped beside the ravenette girl, "(name)-chan, when will you take my place as the first seat?? I'm tired of doing paperworks all the time". Rindo laughed lightly while wrapping an arm around (name)'s shoulder, "no can do, then who's going to do my paperwork if (name)-chan takes your place, I won't let her do my work since we can't trouble her, besides~ Eishii-kun you are the best victim for my paperwork!", she grinned at the end of her words.

The girl in between giggled, "thank you so much for thinking of me, Eishii, Rindo-senpai but I'm in a middle of a mission and Eri-nee-chan said it's important....soooo.... we'll just have to wait", she smiled sweetly.

Eishii let out an exasperated sigh but little did she know, he enjoyed staring at her sweet smile.

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