Part 71 - Moon Banquet Festival pt 6

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Today is the second day for the Moon Banquet Festival, (name) was wearing (the picture above), she even tied her hair into a high pony-tail, which was quite rare, but nonetheless she was still very pretty.

"(name)-chan, can I trust you with the broth?", Yukihira asked while he was busy with the noodles, since Tadokoro was serving the customers the black pepper bun. (name) smirked, "why are you giving me an easy job?", she giggled and checked the broth, inhaling it scent while counting in her mind.

"look, isn't she the girl in the newspaper? She's so much prettier in person, hey let's go buy from her booth", two boys went to Yukihira's booth, while peeking at (name) who was in focus mode.

"(name)-chan, you done?", he asked.

She giggled, "done", she lifted the lid open as Yukihira quickly pour the soup into two bowl, before giving the two customers who ordered it. (name) smiled before looking at the customers that were looking at her. "Danzi-noodles please!", the two yelled in unison.

"Tadokoro-chan, you can rest for a while, you must be tired", (name) patted her shoulder after Tadokoro took the plum ticket. Tadokoro was sweating a bit, "are you sure, (name)-chan?". "don't worry, just have a seat for a while, I'll handle it", she smiled sweetly at her making the other girl blush and nodded her head.

'(name)-chan is so kind and very lovable..... people around her adore her, even the superiors.... Even the Totsuki Elite Ten too! She's so amazing, but I wonder.... How come she doesn't have any last name....', she thought to herself as she watched the raven-haired beauty with gentle eyes serving an old woman.

Around 2pm, the customers started to stop coming as they were going to Kuga's restaurant instead to have a decent meal. (name) leaned on the counter and resting her arms there, "so this is how you feel yesterday?", (name) muttered with a small voice.

"well yesterday was a bit worst than today", Yukihira chuckled while staring at (name). Tadokoro nodded her head, "maybe it's because of your influence with the newspaper", she smiled while looking at her.

(name) could only giggle, "what are you talking about, Tadokoro-chan~? It has nothing to do with me. This is because of our hard-work last night".


As (name) heard being called by her nickname, she look to her left side where Yukihira was standing and tilted her head a bit so she can see who was calling for her. Yukihira was really bothered to the fact that someone else is trying to catch (name)'s attention, although he didn't realize what that feeling was.

"Takumi", she called back with a smile. "h-h-here", he panted or stuttered, no one was sure, he gave a plastic bag filled with Italian dessert, "you can share it with Tadokoro-san and Yukihira", he strained his voice as he said Yukihira's name.

"you must be tired, running from the main street area to go here, have some water", (name) tilted her head with a bright grin. He blushed beet red, "n-no it's fine, Isami might need me". She then puffed her cheeks, before patting his head, "you don't have to run, you know". He frowned a bit, "I'm just worried, you might be hungry..... that's all, anyway see ya!", he said before waving her goodbye.

(name) looked into the plastic bag before turning her head to look at the two who had been watching her, "let's eat some dessert Takumi gave us". Yukihira walked over to her and looked into the plastic bag, "that looks good, let's eat!", he cheered as he placed his hand on her head, ruffling her upper hair gently.

Tadokoro smiled at the sight, 'I ship (name)-chan with Soma-kun so bad...'.

When it was already dark, the trio decides to give free food to end the day to various customers at the main street especially.

Yukihira called out, "would you like a black pepper bun before you go?". "it'll be on us", (name) continued his words with a smile on her face, before taking some black pepper bun and wrap it as she offered to the people there.

"eh really? May I have one then?", one of the customers asked.

They nodded their head as (name) gave one black pepper bun to the customer and once the customer ate it, they couldn't help but compliment how juicy it was. (name) then picked up about 5 black pepper buns in her arms and skipped next to Yukihira.

"ne, Soma~ I'll go around and give the black pepper bun around, okay? I'll be back once I'm finished.

He furrowed his brows a bit, "are you sure you're okay being alone?".

She tilted her head with a smile, "did I just turn the table around?", she giggled, "it seems Soma is worried about me". Yukihira felt heat crept up to his cheeks and looked away, "what are you talking about, (name)-chan? You can go but don't go too far".

She nodded her head and smiled, "don't worry Soma, no one's gonna kidnap me", she implied before skipping away to give out free black pepper buns.

Tadokoro was worried even more, "is it really okay, for her to be alone? Won't Erina-san be angry if she found out about this?". Yukihira could only shrugged his shoulders, "let's just hope that she won't found out.... But (name)-chan looks so happy, I can't just stop her".

"I know right", Tadokoro couldn't help but agree to his words.

[miru's note:~ I'm actually watching twitch stream while writing this so I took my time writing and enjoying the twitch stream kekekekeke anyway hope you love this chapter~!❦]

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