Part 14 - Training Camp pt 7

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"(nickname) come over here", a fatherly voice reached the four-year-old girl. "papa", the small girl ran up to him and gave him a hug before climbing onto his lap.

Another voice sighed, "(name), when will you grow up", a boy, years older than her laughed at her, the same raven haired, just like their father.

Then an older woman showed up with (h/c) and (e/c), "#$%%^# you shouldn't tease your sister", a motherly voice said patting the boy's head, before placing the food she made on the plate.

"mama~ you forgot to add a quarter of that thing", little (name) pointed her small finger over to the jar of spice, a green one with a tad of dark brown.

The mother shook her head, "why do you love smoked seasonings, but you do have good eyes (nickname)". She walked over to the jar before sprinkling some seasoning onto the dish.

(name) jolted up from that dream, 'what was that..', she thought before rubbing the side of her head.

"(name)!", a familiar voice called.

'wait...this voice...', she thought before looking up to see a worried Tsubasa. "how are you feeling today?", he checked her temperature with his palm before sighing in relief, "thank God, you're getting better, (name)-sama", he smiled.

"Tsubasa.... I had this weird felt so real.....", she then looked around and saw that it was dark outside, "what time is it?".

"it's 7pm, and yes you missed Shinomiya-san's class but it's okay, he made an exception for you..... and if I may add, Inui-san secretly told me that Shinomiya-san is going to have an unofficial shokugeki with a student.... I believe their names are.... Tadokoro Megumi and Yukihira Soma".

"he WHAT!?? That Idiot!", she stood up and rushed over to the door. Tsubasa was surprised, she was still recovering yet she's walking right now, so he quickly grabbed (name)'s cardigan so she won't catch a cold.

"that guy needs a beating", she huffed an annoyed sigh as she got into the elevator with Tsubasa by her side as he placed her cardigan over her shoulder.

Both (name) and Tsubasa strode to the underground where she previously had a cook off between her and Shinomiya. As she arrived, she dragged her feet down the stairs to see both of them already finished serving.

"(name)-chan", both Tadokoro and Yukihira gasped, since they haven't seen her today.

"(name)?", Shinomiya's eyes widened, "w-wait, you should still be resting-!", he said but he was too late since (name) jabbed his side and kicked his knee, making him on his knees wincing.

"Aho-jiro!", she then proceeds to pinched his cheek and stretching his cheek.

"well that's unusual", Yukihira made a surprised look, while Tadokoro was trembling since she couldn't believe her eyes watching the scene right infront of her. (name) was definitely beating the scary-strict-french chef.

The judges simply sweatdropped, Dojima just laughed out loud and Hinako was cheering for the girl. Yukihira couldn't help but join Hinako with cheering, while Tsubasa chuckled as he leaned on the nearest wall.

(name) stopped the beating after Shinomiya grabbed hold of her wrists, "(name), how are you feeling?", he asked out of the blue, not an ounce of anger in his tone, which was quite rare, really rare since he's a stubborn Tsundere bastard just as Hinako said.

Golden orbs meeting with (e/c) with a tint of gold.

"I heard what Tsubasa said on my way here", she tried to pry his hands off from her wrist before looking away and crossing her arms across her chest, "you shouldn't just fire Tadokoro-chan, for all I know she's a decent chef and she also knew how to make an alternative, can't you just give her credit? It was basically your fault too since you put in some cauliflowers that aren't fresh".

"good that you're alright", he stood properly.

His reply made (name) shocked, he wasn't angry at her for yelling at him, which is again quite rare.

(name) went over to Tadokoro and hugged her, "(name)-chan?". "I promise on my own name that you'll still continue to stay in Totsuki", she squeezed the girl lightly. Yukihira was watching the girl from behind, 'what's her relationship with Shinomiya-senpai?'.

She then looked up to see Yukihira staring at her with confused eyes, "you did well Soma", she smiled.

"you feel cold (name)-chan", the girl she was hugging said before pulling away and looking at her worriedly. (name) simply giggled, "I'm sorry I'm still recovering". Tadokoro quickly shook her head, "eh? Why are you apologizing for that? You don't have to be sorry".

"ah? So last night you were sick, I could've sworn you looked okay after finishing a hundred serving", Yukihira pondered to himself while making his usual thinking face.

"so it's a tie", Dojima placed a coin on Tadokoro's plate, "no one's going home", he finished his words with a grin. Shinomiya clicked his tongue and looked at (name) who was happily chatting with the other two, Yukihira couldn't help but noticed, so he stared back at his senpai with his cute-stupid grin. When Shinomiya noticed the boy, he only stared back with a small glare, before looking at the judges, "okay so who told (name) about this shokugeki?".

Hinako looked away while pursing her lips and whistling, "definitely not me".

"it's definitely you", Shinomiya gripped her head and squeezed it, making the woman struggle.

"(name)-chan help me!!!! This evil-stupid-tsundere-narcissist bastard is choking me".

"I am not!!".

"Kojiro, stop that", (name) couldn't help but giggle. 

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