Part 92 - Eizan VS Yukihira

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"Prepare to fight back", (name) was in the middle of a call as the Shokugeki was about to start between the two. "thank you for the heads up, (name)-san, we'll tell Fumio-san", the person on the other line replied with his monotone-like voice. "I'm sorry I can't be there while you guys are going to be in a pinch", she apologized while watching Eizan talking with Yukihira.

"even if you're here, we still would rather you be away from all this mess", the person on the other end of the call stared at the window in shock, 'what's that?'.

There was a long pause as Eizan was talking about speeding up the schedule for the eviction of Polar Star Dormitory, before (name) could hear from the end of the call, panic noises from the dormmates.

She hung up and placed her phone into her pocket as she sat on the chair that was prepared by Eizan. She crossed her legs and flipped her hair, like how Erina usually does.

"by the way senpai, if I win this Shokugeki you'll stop the eviction, right?", Yukihira grinned as finally (name) stood back up and tilted her head with a smile, "I'm sure you can't back down on your words, right Etsuya?", she said as she stood next to Yukihira while crossing her arms across her chest.

Rindo, on the other hand, decide to add fuel to the fire for Eizan, "they're right~ by the way, what are you making, Yukihira?", she grinned at him, giving him a side glance.

"I'm making gyoza", he replied simply. "you do know if you mess up, you'll destroy the refined aftertaste of the Satsuma chicken, right?", Rindo looked at him, worriedly.

"stop loitering around, (name)...-san and Rindo-", before Eizan could finish his cocky words, the two were glaring at him with their golden orbs, making him shut up and end his own words with "-senpai".

"Why don't you 'do your best' then, Etsuya?", (name) muttered with a dangerously low voice before smiling at him. He shivered for the nth time of the day. "besides if you wanna fight with Soma.... He'll only listen to you through cooking, so you oughta 'do your best', right?", she stared at him, making him sigh and took off his glasses and was getting ready to prep.

"pfft... I didn't know you look that old Etsuya", (name) stifled her laughter, while Rindo on her side was simply patting her shoulder while she was holding in her laughter. "sshhh (name)-chan, don't bother him, he's gonna have loads of wrinkles if you do~ pfft-!", Rindo covered her lips trying to tone down her laughter.

Eizan was already annoyed as it is but he decided to simply focus on his cooking.

An hour had passed and Eizan was the first one to finish cooking even though Yukihira had an early preparation. (name) tilted her head as he served three plates to the judges and gave another plate to her, "here", he said and walked away again to make another serving.

"Hainanese chicken rice?", (name) muttered as she scanned the ingredients he used before narrowing her eyes a bit, "In other words Singapore Chicken Rice, looks unappealing to me". Rindo went to her side and grinned, "Let me have some, (name)-chan".

"here's for you", Eizan picked up another palate and gave it to Yukihira. Yukihira nodded thanks before taking a spoonful of rice along with the chicken.

"I've prepared three sauces", Eizan smirked as he placed the three sauces in front of the judges before taking another one and giving it to a blank-faced (name), 'You're lucky your father is Azami-dono... if I messed with you, that'll be the death of me".

"I'd rather have Smoked Shoyu Sauce", (name) bluntly said while staring at the broth of each sauce. He clicked his tongue and strode away as his brows were twitching in annoyance.

(name) sighed to herself before looking at the pan that was covered since Yukihira left the stove for a while to wait for the finishing touches.

"This is good!!!", Rindo chimed with a gleeful look as her right hand was holding an empty spoon. (name) took a chopstick and tasted the chicken while nodding her head, 'It tastes exactly what I had in Thailand before, well it's good but I can't help but excitedly await Soma's food... I can see tomato and cheese from here...'.

"as expected of Alchemist~", Rindo smirked.

After a battle of words between Eizan and Yukihira, he finally made Eizan triggered by saying that Eizan is scared to have a taste of Yukihira's dish. Soon enough he finished his dish and asked Eizan to taste it, before giving another pan to (name)'s side as he winked, "I know you eyed my food for a while, (name)-chan".

He went back to Eizan who was speechless after having a taste of Yukihira's food. His silence made the three judges intrigued as to what made him so speechless about the B-grade food.

Yukihira smirked even more, seeing the expression of Eizan before walking over to the judges while carrying another pan for them, "Enjoy ~". (name) smiled while enjoying the sizzling chicken from the pan and of course, Yukihira noticed the smile.

Rindo got excited so she had a taste and she chimed in delight, "Hey! This is good, Yukihira Soma!!", while munching the gyoza.

In the end the judge who sat in the center finally had a taste of Yukihira's gyoza and he couldn't help but love the taste as finally, the vote went to his side, making the red-haired boy smirk and eventually stopped the eviction for Polar Star Dormitory.

(name) went straight to the camera and smiled, "Now Central, it's best if you don't let a dog loose like Etsuya, buying the judges. It would be better to try maintaining the traditional Shokugeki, having fair judges and judgment", she gave the camera an eye-smile.

One of the live broadcast viewers scoffed, "A traditional shokugeki, huh? That shall be the only fair judgement I'll let, little (name)".

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