Part 43 - Bickering boys

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[miru's note:~ I apologize for not publishing this chapter yesterday.... I dunno what's wrong with my mood yesterday~ anyway enjoy~!]

After the finals, with Hayama's win, (name) was flocked with reporters to the extravagant news of her being the phantom seat. The three boys never left their eyes from (name), they wanted answers and explanation, however the raven-haired girl only cast them a sad smile and mouth them 'sorry'.

Being surrounded by reporters made (name) freaked out so Erina glared off the reporters so they could back away and helped her out, to leave with Tsubasa, while Isshiki and Eizan escorted the judges away from the place.

"did you know that (name)-chan was within the Elite Ten?", Sakaki looked around her to her friends with a worried glance. All of them shook their heads, except for Ikumi. "to be honest, I once heard some rumors about there being a phantom seat, but the Elite Ten always manages to keep it a secret...and... while I was younger, when I visit the Nakiri meeting hall, I saw (name)-sama with Erina-sama... but over the years, the Elite Ten would always surrounds (name)-sama , rather than surrounding Erina-sama who is the God's tongue....... But I wasn't sure enough about my suspicion, but guys..... isn't it amazing? (name)-sama have been a phantom seat since she was six years old!!", Ikumi stated excitedly in the end.

The Polar Star Dormitory looked at her with widened eyes and jaw dropped, "she-what!???".


(name) was in her room, her phone couldn't stop ringing with both notifications and calls from her friends. It was already midnight, she was frowning to herself as Erina was right by her side, worrying about her.

"are you feeling alright, (name)-chan?", she placed a comforting hand on (name)'s shoulder. "I just wanna talk to them....but at the same time I don't want to, what if all of my friends hate me for this??", (name) hid her face by hugging her knees together. "you should go to sleep and rest, I know it was hard for you to forfeit during finals...... but it is part of the rules...", Erina patted her head, worried of her sister.

"but Eri-nee-chan...... now everyone knows about me", she looked up with an evident frown, "I don't want people to judge me like I'm some sort of a student that make used of Totsuki's name... or what if people think that I'm using Elite Ten to take care of my own name???? I'm scared Eri-nee-chan", she hugged Erina who was surprised to her words as she didn't think that far about it.

Erina sighed to herself, "don't worry about it..... I'll make sure that they don't bully you or harm you, cuz if they do...... I'll dispose them during stagiaire".

"don't do that......", the younger girl whined.

Erina patted her head, "let's go to sleep okay? This is basically one of the times where students can rest", she said before leaning over to switch off the night lamp, "rest well and good night, (name)-chan".


A few days later~

The reporters outside her mansion finally cleared out and she finally could leave the mansion in peace, her first destination was at Shiomi's Seminar, since Tsubasa told her that the three of them were at the same place after the finals.

(name) walked in to the place and met with Shiomi who was carrying a tray of teas and cookies. "(name)-chan! How are you feeling?", Shiomi grinned before remembered, "oh my, I should add more tea cups, come in! Hayama-kun and the others are in the room", she smiled before walking away.

(name) looked up at Tsubasa who only shrugged his shoulder with a gentle smile, "you're doing well for now, (name)-sama". She nodded her head while chewing her lips before knocking at the door, hearing bickering, she opened it and smiled at them, "hello", she carefully greeted.

Hearing the girl's voice, the three of the boys swiftly turn their heads to the door, finally seeing (name) in the flesh.

Tsubasa quickly hover an arm across (name) so they won't get unnecessarily close to her like usual as they walked over to her bearing questions in mind.

"(name)-chan, you have explanations to do", Yukihira stated while holding a spoon since he was scooping for another servings for Ryo.

She nodded her head before placing a hand on Tsubasa's arm, "Tsubasa..". He sighed and nodded his head as he put his arms down to his side while (name) casually walked to the sofa to have a seat. Both Hayama and Yukihira sat next to each other on the opposite sofa, while Ryo sat next to her staring at her intently for explanation.

"now... where shall I start...", she looked down at her own trembling fingers before chewing her bottom lip. After breathing out a sigh she finally parted her lips to talk about it, "to be honest...... I didn't want anyone to know about me being one of the Elite Ten....... Especially you guys.... I...... I don't want to be hated for hiding this from you, but I end up making you guys hate me, right.... Haah... I'm so sorry for not telling you", she bowed her head while clenching her hands together.

"(name)-chan, it's- oi!!!", before Hayama could finish his words, Ryo was already wrapping his arms around (name), who was surprised. "it's okay, (nickname)...", he whispered so only she could hear him.

Yukihira had a tick mark on his face, "stop being so clingy to (name)-chan, Kurokiba.... She feels stuffy", he said with an obvious annoyance in his tone. Hayama got up and pulled the boy away from her.

"I brought tea!", Shiomi finally enter with a bright smile.

Hayama noticing the rare cookies, he quickly went to her to talk about how she shouldn't prepare that for them, but it was okay if it were for (name) only. "oi Hayama, we could hear you from here", Ryo said with a bored tone, before walking over and downing the rare cookies without a care, making Hayama even more annoyed. (name) couldn't help but giggle at their behavior.

She then looked at the pot and smiled, "you must've really like miso, huh Soma?", she smiled at the boy. Yukihira laughed it out, "you're really amazing (name)-chan! To be the phantom seat! I heard from Nikumi that you've been a phantom seat since you were six years old!", he grinned ear-to-ear.

Smiling back, she replied, "I'm more amazed to how Ikumi knew about it".

"nah~ she just said that it was her suspicion at first, but hey!! You still owe me the braised duck meat you made during the training camp, you remember, that right?", he took the initiative to take a seat next to her. (name) giggled, "of course I remember, you should bring Takumi to the Nakiri mansion, I recall he wanted to taste it too".

"good! How about tomorrow?", he grinned widely as he held her hand in excitement.

"let her hand go, Yukihira Soma!", both Hayama and Ryo yelled at him.

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