Part 86 - Who do you like?

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[miru's note:~ konnichiwassupppp!!! Goodluck to those who are rolling for Scaramouche/Wanderer today(in genshin)!!!!! Hope you win your 50/50 cuz this author is rolling for him too😜 anywayyys enjoy✨]

"well then, I shall be leaving... please take care of Erina-sama and ... give extra attention to (name)-sama...", Hisako muttered as she was holding an umbrella under the rainy night. "even if I'm not around, the other guys will... it has always been like that", Yukihira let out a chuckle, "I just hope that them running away will make their dad rethink about the whole situation a bit".

Hisako's band were covering her eyes, "I'm not sure if it will be that easy as both Erina-sama and (name)-sama are they key to Azami-dono's plans... although I'm still searching for any traces of Tsubasa-san in order to see (name)-sama's smile again".

Yukihira placed his hand in his pocket, "sure, just contact me if you have any update about Tsubasa-san, have a safe walk, Arato", he waved lightly as Hisako finally left the dorm in the rain.

As he enters the dorm, he smiled when she saw the dormmates were splitting in two to cheer up the special guests.

"by the way (name)-chan, I made a new rice wine, please have a taste", Sakaki pour the rice wine into (name)'s glass as she looked at how it was being fermented, "I see you fermented it for almost 3 weeks".

Sakaki giggled and patted the raven-haired girl, "of course, I want it to be the best so I could let you have a taste, who would've thought it'd be today though". "how was the smoked duck?", Ibusaki asked the girl while drinking the rice wine.

"it's really good, I heard you also cured some food with smoke, may I have some?", she looked up at Ibusaki. Ibusaki couldn't help but smile and nodded his head as he quickly left again to take his cured food. (name) turned her head to look at her sister as she was playing trump cards with the other, she was happy that her sister is enjoying new stuffs she doesn't usually use.

Suddenly (name) remembered the meeting she had a day ago, she frowned a bit thinking about Azami's proposal going by.

"ne, Sakaki-chan".

Sakaki smiled in return and sat beside her, "yes?".

"do all of the dormmates has a place to return to, other than Polar Star Dormitory?", she asked with a small yet hearable voice. Sakaki laughed and tilted her head, "what are you talking about, (name)-chan? This dorm is where all of us belongs to and a place where we return to".

(name) gulped before nodding to herself, "then...what if someone is to tore down this place?".

Sakaki was surprised as she heard about it before squeezing (name)'s free hand, "(name)-chan~ we as the Polar Star Dormitory students will not let that happen", she said proudly, making the other girl let out a sigh of relief.

"yo, (name)-chan~", Yukihira smiled widely as he took an empty seat next to (name)'s other side, "it's a bit sad I can't let you taste one of my...", he laughed creepily, "creations", he cleared his throat, "since you're not well at the moment".

"I can hear that you know~ Soma, I heard Oji-chan visit you", she look at him with a wondering look, as Sakaki who was on her other side simply grinning to herself, and was drunk.

[miru's note:~ talking about oji-chan, suddenly I'm reminded of Genryusai from bleach in the latest season🥲]

Yukihira made an 'o-shape' mouth before laughing loudly, "how did you know, (name)-chan?? I was sure no one saw me".

"oji-chan visited me before he visited you... he also said that he asked for some favor from you, so I can't wait to see what you have under your sleeves, Soma", she stated calmly. He stared at her for a moment before ruffling her upper hair, "sure~ you can always count on me", he grinned widely.

The next day, (name) was sitting on the porch, waiting for Hisako to come, since she heard it from Erina that she'll be sending a change of clothes for both of them.

"(name)-sama! Geez, it's really cold out here in the morning, you should've just wait inside", Hisako squeaked seeing her out there while still wearing her night gown. (name) stood up, "it's fine, I didn't wait that long anyway".

She heaved out a sigh, "alright then, here are the change of clothes.. and these are your bath essentials", she gave her two bags before looking at (name) who was checking the things. "umm, (name)-sama... I hope you have a pleasant stay here and I hope to see your real smile the next time I come here", Hisako smiled at her before leaving for class.

(name) walked into the dorm while carrying the two bags in her hands as she had a blank façade.

"(name)-chan! Takumi Aldini called", Erina called out to her from the top of the stairs. She tilted her head in confusion, 'It must be because of his shampoo product', she simply shrugged her shoulder while walking up the stairs, "what did he said?".

"he asked you to call him when you're back", Erina pressed her lips, "I'm honestly confused at the moment, (name)-chan, who do you actually like??".

(name) pouted lightly, "Eri-nee-chan... I've told you before, haven't I? I love everyone".

"that really doesn't answer my question....", she muttered to herself.

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