Part 67 - Moon Banquet Festival pt 2

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[miru's note:~ hello there I am here to make an announcement, I WILL BE BUSY THIS YEAR SINCE IVE STARTED MY SECOND SEMESTER AND SOON ENOUGH PRBBLY BY JUNE OR MAY I'LL BE EVEN MORE BUSY CUZ IM TRYNA FOCUS ON MY INTERNSHIP..... the only time I would be less busy is on December 2021, 🥲🥲 I'm sorry guys, and fret not I'm still continuing this fanfic even surpassing 100 chapters💞💞 oh and since the previous chapter there isn't any question to be asked then I guess I'll leave it at that~ anyway thank you for reading my story and hope u guys will support me until the end of this fanfic😍😍😍 THANK YOU MY LOVELIES FOR READING THIS NOTE💖💖💖💖💖]

(name) was walking around with Rindo, who was carrying a lot of food in her plastic bag while munching on some street food with a bright grin. "This is sooooo good, (name)-chan~ you should try it too", she said before stuffing some food into (name)'s mouth.

The girl pouted and took it out from her mouth, "senpai... I'm already full".

"ehh? That early? You should eat more though~ oh I know that guy, he's one of the students during the Autumn Elections, right?", she peered as she skipped over to the booth while dragging the raven-haired girl with her, it was the Pop-up Trattoria Aldini.

The beautiful ravenette smiled sweetly as the twins spotted her, "you guys must've been so busy, having a lot of customers". Takumi smiled before asking one of the girls to take charge for him a bit, "(nickname)", he grinned with a spec of pink on his cheeks, "glad you could come, ummm I made one just for you", he quickly dashed to a spot before quickly making something and putting it in a disposable street food container.

"my treat for (nickname)", he averted his gaze as he gave it to (name), "and this one is for your friend".

She blinked her eyes in curiosity, before checking what was inside and as she spotted a familiar food, she grinned widely and look up at him, "Thank you so much Takumi for the Napolitan Curry Fettucine". "of course, buon appetito bellissimo~", he placed his right hand on his left chest, making himself charming than before, well he was already charming.

"grazie~(thank you)", (name) replied him with his own native tongue, making the boy returned back into his own embarrassed self.

"ooh~ another guy", Rindo who was standing beside her, smirked at her, "so his name is Takumi, an Aldini huh? I'll remember him~ anyway let's continue to shop!", she grinned, dragging her to the next booth.

"let's buy this one! And this one!", she pointed to the food. (name) just looked around and spotted a troubled trio. She strode over to them, "are you guys doing okay?", she asked in a worried tone. Hayama furrowed his brows and simply shook his head, "Nakiri bought the wrong ingredients".

Ryo showed the two tomatoes to (name), "we only have two tomatoes", he said lazily. She couldn't help but giggled, "silly Alice-nee-chan..... I couldn't pinpoint on what you guys are going to sell", she pursed her lips. Hayama sighed for the nth time of the day, "Nakiri kept on changing the menu before the day", he walked over to her. Both of them did.

(name) smiled and placed her food on the table for a while before tiptoeing to reach their height, "you guys can do it, I trust you", she smiled sweetly and ruffled both of their soft black and silver locks.

The two couldn't help but smile at her. She then stood properly, "good luck!", she gave them her usual eye-smile before skipping over to a smirking Rindo, who had been watching her for a while. The two even accidentally made eye contact with Rindo's golden robs which was almost the same as (name)'s orbs when she was cooking.

"here you go, this is your lamb skewers", Rindo passed the stick to (name) as she nodded her head a thanks before staring at the lamb skewers in delight, she always love smoked food, which includes lamb skewer. "if only it wasn't greasy, it would've taste great! And if he let it smoke for another 13 minutes 35 seconds, it would be really good", she stared at the lamb skewers before munching on it.

Rindo chuckled, "I know you'd like it, (name)-chan~ hey let's visit Isshiki at the Polar Star Dormitory~ he's there right? Let's goooo~!", she cheered as she dragged her again to Tsubasa, so that he would take both of them to the Polar Star Dormitory.

As they arrived, (name) gawked at the sight, "it's so beautiful". (name) skipped over to the bridge and let out her melodious giggle as she tucked strands of her black locks behind her ears, she didn't even realize a reporter took a picture of her. It was Mitsuru, from the Newspaper Club.

Rindo smirked, "you look pretty cute, maybe next time you should wear a cute dress to go with it, then you can take a lot of pictures with it... and I can sell it to those boys", she said sneakily and said the last one lowly so only she could hear, but Tsubasa who was right beside her could hear it clearly, he only shook his head in disbelief.

"(name)-chan~ so glad to see you here", Isshiki waved to (name) as she finally went down from the bridge to go to their booth. She softly smiled up at him, "the bridge and the small river is so beautiful, Satoshi.... All your hardwork has now become fruitful", she looked at the others who were helping in the kitchen, they waved to her too making the girl giggle.

Isshiki ruffled the girl's upper hair, "come on in and try out the foods we made, you should join us too Kobayashi-senpai", he smirked a bit before smiling widely as (name) tugged his arm, "you too Tsubasa-kun". "I'll pay for Tsubasa", (name) looked over the menu before turning her head to look at Tsubasa, "Tsubasa, come here".

Tsubasa nodded his head and walked over to the others were and decide to enjoy his time with his Mistress with a small smile.

Rindo grinned, "this is really good, Isshiki!".

Isshiki chuckled lightly, "of course~ all the ingredients are made from this dorm so I assure you it's clean and natural.... Anyway (name)-chan, have you gone to Soma-kun yet?".

(name) frowned a bit, "we haven't visit the Central Area.... I'm quite worried".

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