Part 13 - Training Camp pt 6

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Dojima was stretching in the hot spring, Tsubasa was soaked under the water while Yukihira was standing at the door with a surprised look.

"Dojima-senpai! And......(name)-chan's aide", he pointed out with his usual dumb but cute grin.

"it's Yo Tsubasa", he replied lazily with one eye open.

"I just saw her on my way here, she looks stuffy", he lightly laughed.

Tsubasa's eyes widened, "what?! Is she okay??? Why didn't you help her on the way????", he growled as he got up from soaking.

"eh~ it's fine, she's fine....she said so.... I think", he looked away with a laugh before thinking about what happened moments ago, "she just needed rest I guess, maybe hot spring is not that good for her", he finalized.

Tsubasa slumped back into the water, as the other two talked with each other, he completely forgot that Shinomiya was resting in her room. Completely.

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"you're awake, Kojiro", (name) muttered as she placed her basket. "yea", he said while standing as he looked at the window. (name) walked over to her desk, "you should drink some water", she stated before pouring some water in two glasses, since she herself needed one.

"here", she placed one of the glass near him, while she took a seat on her bed, drinking the water.

"we need to talk about something", she continued. Shinomiya was still silent, not moving from the window, but he still see her from the reflection on the window. "you...back down on your words".

He swiftly turned his head to look at her while glaring at her, "me?? I back down on my words? I only become a professional chef this morning, it has nothing to do with the bet", he argued before gripping the glass in his hand.

"oi look at me brat!", he yelled.

"in our bet.... I told you not to be a prick", she muttered softly, still without looking at him.

"and who the f*ck is that boy you were clinging on?", he growled, trying to hold his anger by sipping onto the water. "you mean Soma? He's a friend, a decent chef", she replied.

"and I'm not???", he spat.

(name) let out a sigh before getting up on her feet, wobbling at that, and walked towards a pissed-looking Shinomiya, "what does that have to do with you?", she said before the glass she held fell from her grasp and she passed out, since the heat of the hot spring still got to her, not to mention the bickering they had.

Shinomiya's eyes widened as he quickly grabbed her from hitting her head on the desk, "oi brat, wake up, this isn't funny...oi!", he lift her up in a bridal style before laying her on her bed, "(name) wake up", he frowned before he touched her forehead, 'sh*t she's having a fever', he quickly tucked her in and lower the air-condition before rushing to the bathroom, taking a small towel for her forehead.

An hour had passed and her fever won't go down.

A knock on the door, surprised the male.

"(name)-sama, are you feeling alright?", it was Tsubasa. As much as Shinomiya didn't like it, he just couldn't leave her be so he opened the door, glaring at the other male. "she fainted....she has a fever", he said. Tsubasa dropped what he was holding and rushed into the room to check on her.

"darn it", he took out his phone and dialed a number, "yes, you should come to her room.............she's sick and she fainted-", he then raised his brows while looking at his phone as the person on the other phone hung up on him.

Stomps could be heard from outside of the door before it swung open, revealing a worried Erina and Hisako followed in suit.

"(name)-chan", she called out while rushing into the room only to be surprised seeing (name) on the bed with a wet towel on her forehead.

Shinomiya stood there as if he was a bystander, crossing his arms across his chest, he might seem like an asshole on the outside but he's actually worried sick of the girl.

"I'll call the doctor", Hisako called from the phone to connect with the receptionist to ask for the nearest hospital and asking for a doctor.

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

"she's fine however she need some rest, she's overheat at some point", the doctor replied before checking the iv stand that connects with her hand, "she should rest for at least two days, she's in the middle of a training camp, correct? Then can you excuse her for not attending?", he looked around to see who's the focal person in the room.

Everyone in the room, turned their head to Shinomiya since he is incharge of her next task for day two.

Shinomiya heaved out a sigh, "I'll make an exception for her", he said before he looked away with an evident frown.

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