Part 22 - Dream

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"Tsubasa!", (name) called out as she was surprised by her dream. 'why did he look like him...', she thought as she looked at her watch on her wrist before walking down the flight of stairs to the kitchen, with a small pout.

"Eri-nee-chan", she called and then when she noticed all eyes were on her, she stopped dead in her tracks. "good morning (name)-chan", Isshiki smiled brightly at the sight of her. "they're having a cook off early in the morning", Tadokoro explained.

(name)'s face flushed since she recalled calling Erina's name while in the kitchen. The boys only laughed at her, before Isshiki brought a chair for her to sit. (name) took the carton of milk from the fridge before getting a glass and sat on the chair Isshiki prepared for her.

She hummed while drinking the milk as she still pouted since she remembered the dream she had.


A four-year-old (name) was clinging onto her older brother who was 12 years older than her. "nii-chan... what's going on", she cried. "don't worry, I'll bring you to a safer place", he said as he ran into the darkness. "what about papa and mama", she muttered.

"they're coming to get us later", he still continued to run.

But someone hit the back of his head, making him collapse and made her fell to the ground, hitting her head on the wall.


Tears were streaming down her warm cheeks, as she covered her face with her knees.

"(name)-chan, are you okay?", Tadokoro placed her hand on her shoulder. Isshiki was worried, he wanted to hug her close but he remembered her warning that he should not hug her while wearing nothing. Fumio walked over to the girl, hearing her cry was a rare thing, since she was a happy-go-lucky child in her eyes.

Isshiki of course knew what had gone through her... every Totsuki Elite Ten knew that, that is why it has become a secret within them, even the fact about her real parents.

"Isshiki, can you help with cheering her up?", Fumio called out to him, making him snap out of his trance and scooted over to (name).

" okay?", he gently lift up her face, to see her blushing red face with tears streaming down, it was beautiful hurt him to watch her sad. He decide to not heed her warning as he encased her in a bear hug, "now now....don't cry..... umm... I'll bring her outside to calm her down, okay...don't eat without me, and Soma-kun make another serving for (name)-chan too, if you don't mind".

"noted", he said.

Isshiki lead her to the back of the kitchen through the door.

"(name)-chan", he called, trying to grab her attention, "look at me, everything's going to be fine, you just had a bad dream, right?", he smiled gently. Her eyes widened, 'how did he know?'.

"Nakiri-kun once told me about it... when you have bad dreams, you would always go to her room in the morning and asked for glass of milk from Tsubasa, right?".

She looked down, embarrassed that he knew about it moreover embarrassed at the fact that Erina talked about her to other people. Erina actually thought of her as cute, so she usually boasts at people about (name).

"cheer up, okay? It's just a dream", he patted her head gently. "okay....", she pouted while looking away. He just laughed it out, "come, let's go back in", as he placed a gentle hand on her back, bringing her back into the kitchen.

(name) sat back on her seat as she could feel eyes on her, she simply smiled, "let it be our secret", she tilted her head with a smile. "o-okay!", Tadokoro cheered.

"let's taste Soma-kun's dish".

(name) stared at the food, before turning at the others, "is the theme to energize oneself after waking up?". "spot on (name)-chan, it's still amazing that you knew simply by looking", Isshiki gave the girl a thumbs up.

She continued to stare at the plate, it was refreshing to see but for her it wasn't enough.

"what's wrong (name)-chan, aren't you going to eat?", Yukihira rubbed the back of his neck with a confused grin. She shook her head with a smile, before taking the pepper and sprinkle it on the dish.

"oh?? How'd you know? I was going to ask them to put it in there too", Yukihira laughed with a huge smile on his face, "it'll give a totally different taste", he said. She continued to stare before shrugging her shoulder and ate it, 'it's refreshing but.....'.

"this is so good Soma-kun", Tadokoro complimented.

(name) finished it out of courtesy, it was good and appetizing but she simply kept herself silent, she didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Then Joichiro finally finished his dish, which was a Ramen. The other three were surprised. (name), however, was jaw dropped due to other reason, "Joichiro...... what a unique broth".

"you caught on there Little (name)", he chuckled before patting her head, "then enjoy", he winked. After scanning the ramen a bit, she smirked before slurping it. As she slurped it, the other three decides to do it as well.

(name) finished it with a smile, "I enjoyed both dish, Soma you did well, Joichiro again I love the broth". He chuckled, "I love your dish too when we had a cook off".

"wait??? Dad, you had a cook off with her and you didn't tell me??????", Yukihira's jaw dropped.

In the end, Joichiro won the cook off between him and Yukihira, making it a total of 490 loses for Yukihira.

As the other took their bath, (name) was still waiting at the door since she forgot to bring her usual shampoo.

"whatchu doing out here Little (name)? isn't it cold out here?", a voice reached her ears, making the girl look up at him.

"I called Tsubasa, so he's on his way here to give me my things.... Are you leaving early?", she asked. "yeah, I still have things to do anyway", he smiled, "you know, if you get to know Soma, he's actually a charmer, like me", he joked making a smile spread on her face. "he is charming in his own way, Joichiro", she replied with a grin, "oh since you're leaving and this place is quite huge, I'll tell Tsubasa to give you a lift".

"are you sure it's okay?".

"of course!!", she smiled brightly, and cue Tsubasa's car driving in, Tsubasa quickly got out of the car while carrying her items, "(name)-sama, you should've stayed in the dorm, it's cold outside, you might catch a cold".

"Tsubasa, this is Joichiro, would you mind giving him a lift, he needs to go somewhere", she checked her things before looking up. "sure, let's go Joichiro-san".

"bye bye Joichiro", (name) waved goodbye to the two which both return the gesture with glee.

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