Part 98 - Ignored???

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(name) rested her arms in the railing as she watched the students that Azami mentioned before in his letters, 'I seriously dislike their cocky behavior when we first met, but gladly after having shokugeki with them one-by-one with my four wins... they started showing their respects...', she sighed to herself and coked her head to one side as her long black hair jumps on the slight movement, 'oh well~ otou-sama instructed me to do so anyway'.

"Central's soldiers, hand-picked by Nakiri Azami..", Takumi muttered to himself, "they're now part of the faction that rules Totsuki, have you heard about them, (nickname)?".

"of course..... well they do have some annoying personality like Etsuya but at least they showed respect to the superiors who beat their cooking skills", she shrugged her shoulders.

There were 4 students against four of the Central's students, and it was a quick fight because as soon as it started, it quickly ended with all the voting went to Central's side. The food that the student of the Central provided was much better than the hunting survivors' food.

"now choose.... Will you close down your research society, or will you be expelled from Totsuki?", Kusunoki Rentaro grimaced yet had a smirk on his face as he asked to the student whom he just had a shokugeki with and upon hearing the student's reply he smirked even more, "worthless, the whole lot of you, you get it now, right? You weren't chosen", and he continued to blabbered.

(name) was freaking out as she was simply being dragged in between Yukihira and Takumi, she was holding onto Takumi's blazer while her other hand was holding onto Yukihira's jacket. She sweatdropped noticing that the three of them ended up at the stage right infront of Rentaro.

"I can't let that pass!", both Takumi and Yukihira said in unison, while (name) was right behind them, facepalming at the two bold and dense boys.

"did you first-years say- oh? (name)-sama how have you been doing for the past few days?", Rentaro held (name)'s hand and kissed the back of her hand, (name) simply had a blanked look on her face, "again with your rude behavior, stop that Rentaro".

"I will only be rude to those beneath me", he smirked and let her hand go after being swatted by Takumi like a fly. "don't touch her", Takumi glared at Rentaro.

Yukihira lightly glared at the aforementioned guy before a smirked crept up to his face, "....anyway we said we can't just have you guys..", and Takumi continued his words with his own, "..tell us how much we're worth". Rentaro looked down on them, "I see, you're the first-year who was with (name)-sama during the Shokugeki and also the one who defeated Eizan... and you're one of the students from the Autumn Elections, I wouldn't mouth off to me, if I were you, I'm an elite who will shoulder the next generation of chefs.... Of course including (name)-sama.... She's far above my rank, a more elite of elite".

(name) puffed her cheeks in annoyance while grabbing on both Takumi and Yukihira's sleeve, "let's go back...", she whined while furrowing her brows together but for the first time ever they were blinded with anger so they ignored her.

"we're an elite group, hand-picked by the current academy director and (name)-sama was there to judge our cooking the other day and I'd love to serve under her after eating her dish", he smirked while staring straight at (name).

(name) pouted and let go of their sleeves to walk backwards, simply annoyed for them to ignore her but she sighed to herself knowing she was dragged there without them knowing too.

She then felt like she hit something on the back, thinking it was a wall, she simply stayed.

"I miss you, (nickname)", a deep and rough voice could be heard right behind her, (name) flinched in surprised and she quickly tried to turn around but he already wrapped his arms around her waist. "Ryo?".

"been awhile (name)-chan~", Alice interrupted the two, "how was the manga I gave you", she grinned as her red orbs were sparkling with excitement. (name) tilted her head with a smile, "it was great, though I need the next volume as soon as possible". "sure! I'll tell Ryo-kun to send it to you tomorrow~", she smirked.

"Nakiri Alice?!", Takumi's eyes widened but he frowned as he saw what Ryo was doing. "Kurokiba..", Yukihira tried his best not to frown. "ara~! You two, hello!! So you were with (name)-chan? But you shouldn't do that to (name)-chan like that again", Alice's giddiness quickly changed into a slightly angered look, before she quickly put up a smile again.

(name) lightly tapped on Ryo's arm while looking up at him, "Ryo~ you can let go of me now". He didn't answered as Alice were talking to Yukihira and Takumi to distract their attention from Ryo hugging (name), sly girl.

"actually I was shocked too! When I was in middle school, I did a shokugeki against Cutting Edge Cuisine RS, of course, I won~ I'd taken theirs space and their equipment but I'd apparently become the RS's chief on paper~! Mou~ I was so shocked to learn about it!", she said nonchalantly with a bright voice.

"that's horrible on many different levels", Takumi muttered and they talked for a few moments again and then when the battle was about to start, Ryo breathily whispered to (name)'s ear, "wish me goodluck, (nickname)".

(name)'s face was red as her ears were red too, "hng.. don't do that...", she shook her head and covered her ears before smiling up at him, "good luck, Ryo, I know you'll do well". He smirked before he said, "osu", and went on to the stage. Alice quickly clung onto (name), "next time should I ask Ryo-kun to bring the games to the dorm? So we could play there?". (name) let out a giggle, "you don't have to~".

With Rintaro's Salmon Confit Flamme against Ryo's Coulibiac, it was Kurokiba Ryo's win, earning a disbelieved look from Kusunoki Rentaro.

"here you go, (nickname)", Ryo muttered giving the slice of Coulibiac to her with a lazy look, "thanks for giving me your luck".

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