Part 17 - Training Camp pt 10

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The two ended up sleeping in (name)'s bedroom after playing card games. (name) woke around 4 am, stretching her arms in the air before walking over to the balcony, to see that it was still dark but still beautiful.

'I should go take my bath', she said before going into the bathroom, she took about half an hour enjoying the warm water washed upon her skin, before drying herself up and wearing her attire since she's worried that the two might see her naked.

As she walked out of her bathroom, she saw Alice groggily wiped her eyes with a small pout, "d'aww you took a shower already, I'd hope to take a shower with you", she cheekily said, before turning her head to look at Ryo who was still sleeping hugging (name)'s pillow.

"I'll go wash up in my room, go ahead and woke Ryo-kun up", she smirked while chuckling before leaving the room, skipping happily.

(name) sighed to herself, as she walked over to Ryo and started poking his cheek, "wake up Ryo, it's almost 5".

Ryo didn't even bother to open his eyes, when he grabbed the girl and pulled her down with him, "5 more minutes....", his husky voice reached her ear, "you smell so nice......". "that's because I just took my bath, you should too, now wake up Ryo", she pouted while trying her best to pry his arms off of her body.

"RYOO!", she whined before pinching his cheeks, making him open his eyes. He stared at her for a few minutes since he was still holding her, he got up with her and finally released her, "see you later", he mumbled before ruffling her hair and left the room.

She giggled at his cute behavior, "what a funny guy.... Now where's my knife?", she grinned before taking her bag from the desk and inspect it for the nth time of the day.

(name) arrived early and there were a lot more students than she thought, 'maybe they didn't get to sleep', she strode over to her station and made preparations as her eyes were glinting with golden orbs, "let's make 500 servings just in case", she thought to herself while serving, little did she know the person next to her station was watching her, surprised evident in his blue eyes.

"500 SERVINGS??? ARE YOU SERIOUS?? N-not that I care anyway", he looked away with a blush on his cheeks, "I-I mean it's not like I don't like your confidence but......omg what am I even talking about", he quickly covered his face in embarrassment while blushing ten times harder.

(name) couldn't help but giggle, 'he really is such a cutie', "don't worry Takumi, I'll save one serving just for you", she playfully winked, making him a hundred times redder.

It was almost 6am when Dojima announced in the intercom for all the halls, that it will begin soon.

(name) neatly unfolded her sleeve, getting ready to scorch half of her food with a culinary torch.

As the door to her left swung open, revealing people in different ages, she lit up the torch and let it scorched her dish as she smirked, since she knew the spices she used could be smell throughout the whole hall, initially stealing all the guest's attention.

"what is that smell?".

"that smells so good".

"where is that? I wanna try".

"is that even legal???"

"torch is legal"

"this is Breakfast in a Cup and to ease from the strong flavor I also made Meringue Shells with Lemon Curd, enjoy!", she smiled sweetly.

And just with that, the male in her next station was bewildered as within 15 minutes, she already finished 150 servings.

Yukihira frowned to himself, as he saw his finished dish was becoming more ugly and he looked at (name) who almost finished serving 200, 'where did I go wrong?', he thought to himself, 'but dang, the food on her station smells so nice....she actually made two food for each servings! How can I not be impressed? That girl really is something', he smirks at the thought.

He then heard a sigh from the station next to him, which belongs to Erina.

"she's unbelievable.... Already stealing guest right off the bat.... But it's understandable since it's (name)-chan afterall, she's already outstanding from day one", she muttered to herself but Yukihira heard it clearly. 'that's odd....hearing that from Nakiri herself, (name)-chan must've been really good'.

"(name) pass", Dojima who was watching from the CCTV smirked, 'this girl is amazing', he thought before looking at Shinomiya who was eyeing the girl for who knows how long, 'no wonder Shinomiya had eyes for her since the beginning'.

A screech of the chair alerted the older male, he looked up to see Shinomiya picking up his coat, "are you going somewhere, Shinomiya?", he asked. "a walk", he said.

Dojima could only laughed lightly as he saw the smile on the other man's face. A proud smile at that.

45 minutes had passed and (name) had served almost 300 by now, the students around her were amazed.

"you did well", a familiar voice stated while looking onto her menu, "mind if I have one?". (name) smiled brightly before nodding her head, "didn't know you could make it, Kojiro". "oh? So, you expect that I'll come?", he raised an eyebrow at her while taking a plate for himself, "nice plating, you should work in my restaurant next time".

"stagiaire?", she tilted her head with a teasing grin. He scoffed, "if you could last until the Autumn Elections, that is". She puffed her cheeks, making him wanting to poke it, "bold of you to assume I can't make it, wanna bet?".

He chuckled lowly, "no, thank you....... The last time we bet, I end up losing and crying infront of her", he whispered the last part. He then cleared his throat, "I'll go look around".

"make sure not to fire anyone, while you're at it", she teased. "this brat", he gritted his teeth.

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