Part 83 - Ryo's thought

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"in situations like these, normal boys and girls run away from home!", Alice grinned ear to ear as she was proud being the mastermind for the said idea. "where should we stay from now on though....", (name) mumbled, not noticing that Ryo was close enough to hear what she was saying.

"umm... it's fine to run away but where to? Both of them needs a place to stay.. moreover (nickname) is only wearing her nightgown... we can't afford to go far with (nickname) like this", he muttered as his red orbs were staring at her gold orbs with a tint of (e/c) ones.

They thought for a while before Alice point her index finger up with a smile, "well, wouldn't Arato Estate work?". Hisako quickly cut her words off, "what!? We have people involved with the Nakiri family coming and going all the time, we can't possibly hide both of them there!!".

Ryo added with his lazy tone, "Alice-ojou, your room is within the Nakiri Estate and so is mine".

(name) decided to intervene, "h-how about Shiomi-sensei's seminar?".

Ryo narrowed his eyes at her, "I won't let you be alone with Hayama like that".

"geez, if Tsubasa-kun was here, he would've had an idea since he has a car", Alice puffed her cheeks. Hearing Alice mention Tsubasa's name made the raven-haired girl frowned to herself, 'am I nothing...without Tsubasa?', (name) hugged his neck even tighter but not too tight to choke him.

Ryo wanted to pat her head so badly but he remembered that he was carrying her with two of his arms.

Suddenly it started raining. (name) pulled away and look at the sky, letting the rain washed away her tears that she had been hiding by hugging Ryo.

"everyone.... Thank you so much for trying to help me and Eri-nee-chan", she gave one of her fake smile again, "I'll just go back... Eri-nee-chan can stay with Shiomi-sensei, right Ryo?", she avoided his narrowed eyes on her. "no, (name)-chan.... If you're going back then I should go back too... I'm not leaving you alone there", Erina looked down.

Ryo gritted his teeth, "then-".

A rustle from the bushes made the group stop from preventing the two from going back to the Nakiri mansion. Ryo wrapped protective arms around (name) as he was wary someone might take her away from him.

Thankfully it was someone familiar.

"Tadokoro Megumi-chan!", Alice called out with wide eyes.

"what are you all doing out here? You'll catch a cold! Oh my (name)-chan are you okay???? Do your knees hurt?? Come on in!! Come to Polar Star Dormitory", she invited them all into the dorm.

Erina looked at (name) and narrowed her eyes at her so she could stay there with her, in return (name) lightly nodded her head agreeing silently.

As they finally got into the dorm, Fumio spotted that all of them were drenched wet, "oh my Vox, what happened to you? Is (name) okay?", she quickly went over to the girl as Ryo put her down gently. "I'm okay, Fumio-san", she lightly tugged on the wet blazer.

"stupid me, I should get some towels for the five of you", Fumio hit her fist on her own palm before quickly walking away to get towels for them.

(name) looked around and saw Hisako tending Erina like an aide should be, she heaved out a small sigh and clenched her fist as her other hand was holding her phone.

Ryo walked over to her and held both of her hand in his, "(nickname)..... calm down, I'm here", his rough yet gentle voice reached her ears making the girl guiltily look up at him as he brought her hands up to his face, he blew his hot breath onto her hand to keep her warm, thinking that she was cold and she was actually cold despite wearing the blazer.

"if only I could be your assistant too....", he muttered under his breath, so only she could hear him.

Her eyes widened after hearing what Ryo just said. 

"here, use some towel to dry yourselves", Fumio intrude and passed the towel for each of them.

"welp! Since now you have a place to stay, we can leave now, Ryo-kun", Alice smirked while looking at Ryo who was frowning. He sighed to himself and rest his forehead on (name)'s forehead, "be safe and give me your real smile.... I hate looking at your fake smile (nickname).. I should go", he whispered before letting her hands go.

"wait Ryo... you should take your blazer with you", (name) stated while slowly taking off the blazer revealing her drenched silk nightgown, "besides... it's warmer here than outside... I don't want you to get sick because of me, Ryo".

Ryo's face was red as he looked away while taking the blazer from (name)'s hand, "just cover yourself with a bigger towel.....". Hisako quickly wrapped another towel around (name)'s body, since she saw her laced bra and panty through the drench nightgown, "th-there".

"return safely", (name) waved at the two as they left. 

[miru's note:~ hai my beloved readersssssssss how have you been???? I'm sorry that it had been a while since I last updated, I was a bit busy with my thesis, and now work huhu~ but do not worry as I the awesome Miru is still alive and well. I mean, I did got covid back in March 2022 but anyway~! hope you had a great dayyyy today >w< and stay awesome!!!!]

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