Part 80 - Protective Hayama

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"(name)-san, is it true that you were adopted by Nakiri Azami-dono?", a student asked (name) as she was walking alone in the hallway. She simply nodded her head and stop to look at the window with her blank façade.

"then how about your real family?".

"do you know who they are??".

She shut her eyes as her head was getting dizzy by seconds, she hold onto the wall next to her and gritted her teeth. She was getting paler than before.

"oi leave her alone", a familiar deep voice, reached her ears, as she tried her best to look up but was too dizzy to lift her chin, so she stayed like that as the students that were surrounding her, left her.

"let's go to Jun's Seminar", Hayama muttered as he picked her up bridal style, while (name) let herself doze off while in his arms. Hayama looked at her distraught face, she looked as if she didn't sleep well.

'she must've been really worried about Tsubasa.... I used to be so jealous when Tsubasa is around (name)-chan.... But now I understand why he always smile at us when we glare at him...', he sighed to himself, 'I know how it feels to be abandoned suddenly by your family.... But (name)-chan..... Nakiri is still here'.

When he finally arrived at Shiomi Seminar, Shiomi was worried sick about (name)'s condition, she basically heard the news from Hayama, in which he got the news from a blabbering Yukihira who couldn't stop talking after the event that happened on the night, because of his concerned on (name).

"geez...... why does (name)-chan have to suffer like this?... she's already suffered when she was younger", Shiomi furrowed her brows as she let (name) rest on one of the sofas.

"I'll go get the Ginkgo Biloba while Jun you take care of (name)-chan for a while", Hayama ordered Shiomi and she nodded in agreement nonetheless beside being call by her first name again.

Shiomi took a blanket from one of the cupboards and place it over (name)'s resting body. "Tsu..basa....", she lightly cried out, furrowing her brows together as she curled into a ball. Shiomi was even more worried than before, she started patting the younger girl's back, whispering sweet nothings to her ear, trying her best to calm the girl down.

But to no avail, it didn't work.

She was tossing and turning, brows furrowed together while sweat dripping from her forehead. She seemed very distressed in her sleep. Who knows what her nightmare was. [miru's note:~ or is it daymare, who cares~]

"Jun, can you prepare ginger tea for (name)-chan? I'll wake her up in a bit", Hayama arrived carrying the herbs along with food to go with it, so that (name) could digest it easily. Shiomi nodded her head again and quickly leave to the kitchen.

Hayama sat on the sofa next to (name) and placed his warm big hand on (name)'s cheek, he could feel dried tears on her cheeks. She was crying in her sleep.

"(name)-chan.... ", he called softly with his gentle voice while slowly holding her back so she could sit up properly. When she was fully awake, she wrapped her arms around Hayama's waist, "Akira.....wh-what should I do..?", she cried.

"i-i-if I knew that..... Tsubasa would leave me that night, I would've... I..uwaaaa", she cried again hiding her face in his arms.

Hayama hushed her, "shh.... It's going to be fine, (name)-chan, I'll help you find Tsubasa.... I will do my best, even with my life on the line", he whispered to her ear, as he lightly sniffed the scent of her hair, he always loves the scent of her hair, it makes him feel like he's home.

"here... eat this curry with these herbs, it always helps your dizziness every time", he muttered softly before pulling away to look at her face, he wiped the tears from her face and smiled charmingly, "I'll update Nakiri for you later, okay? She might be worried of your sudden disappearance".

(name) nodded her head and looked away to the curry and herbs before eating the curry with the herbs together.

"(name)-chan, you're awake, how are you feeling? Here, I brought you ginger tea, it will help ease your headache", Shiomi walked in with a tray of tea and placed it on the table next to the food and herbs.

"thank you...Shiomi-sensei..", (name) mumbled after munching on the food with the spoon. She looked at the ginger tea which was being poured, she wondered for a moment before parting her lips, "Shiomi-sensei.... Do you have milk?".

"milk???", her eyes widened for split second before remembering, "oh THAT milk, sure, I'll go take it", she got up abruptly and left the room again.

Hayama stared at (name) as he adjust his legs a bit, "turn to the side a bit", he muttered, "let me massage your neck, I'm sure you are stressed about all the things that had happened... also, here is some cinnamon stick", he took out from his pocket a small plastic contains his cinnamon sticks and gave one to her.

She turned her head lightly to look at Hayama with her mastered fake smile, "thank you, Akira".

He frowned and wrapped his arms around her small body, "please don't smile like that". 

[miru's note:~ Good evening!/morning! and Happy New Years eve/Happy New Years my dear lovelies~! it's a bit short but I hope you guys enjoy your time~ and be lovely as alwaysss]

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