Part 4- Spice

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(name) was leaning on the railing as she watched Erina having a shokugeki with the President of Chan RS. Erina having the upper hand since she is one of the Elite Ten, easily won the shokugeki, it was all in her favor. After the President of Chan RS admit defeat, Erina made a call for the abolishment of the Chan RS-building.

Noticing, (name) at the railing, Erina waved at her with a small smile before walking away to meet Hisako.

(name) turned her body around to look at her aide, Tsubasa, "what should we do next? We can't just go check on Yukihira, right? We don't even know where he could be......".

Tsubasa hummed before checking his tablet, "(name)-sama, how about meeting up with Shiomi-san? I recalled her saying she found a rare new spice".

Grinning from ear to ear, she nodded her head and skipped through the door, meeting two pair of blue eyes. "Italian, I see", she muttered, but that didn't leave unheard by the Italian twins. She walked past them with an evident smile on her face.

"did she just said that to us, nii-chan?", the younger, yet taller Aldini stated in an amused tone.

"Isami, do you know who she is?", the older twin raised an eyebrow as pink hues traveled itself across his pale cheeks.


"hold up, (name)-chan...I thought you should be studying by now", Hayama placed his warm hand ontop of the ravenette's head, as he leaned his head down to reach her height.

"what are you talking about, Akira? I'm going here to study with Shiomi-sensei, now shoo shoo", she tried her best to pry off his big hand from messing up her (wavy/straight/curly) black hair.

Well, she tried.

"I CAN HEAR (NAME)-CHAN'S VOICE!! IS SHE HERE??!!!", stumbling could be heard from another room.

Hayama facepalmed, "Jun....".

After a few more crashes, a door finally open revealing a messy Shiomi Jun, of course.

"you've come finally, I'm so happy! Come here you", she ushered for the younger girl to go to her, but Hayama still made (name) stay in place, "'s too dangerous for (name)-chan, besides you broke something didn't you?", he crossed his arms across his chest.

Wrong move.

(name) quickly dashed to Shiomi who was open arms, "I missed you (name)-chan, it's been a while since you last come to this place, whether you like it or not, Hayama-kun here has been patiently waiting for you to visit, right Hayama-kun?".

"just shut it, Jun", he rolled his eyes.

"now, where's the new spice?", she pulled away before walking into the room, noticing a broken jar on the floor. "don't touch it (name)-chan and don't move, I'm not risking anything..... stay still, I'll get the broom", (name) could hear Hayama's voice from behind her.

She stood properly and looked around from there, "a mess as usual, Shiomi-sensei you should start cleaning if you want to have guest", (name) tilted her head to look at Shiomi who was still standing at the door next to Tsubasa, the younger girl smiled sweetly at the two.

"but rarely anyone visits this place, ah! I should make tea for you two", she quickly, still stumbling, dashed to her other room.

Hayama appeared with a broom-stick and a dustpan, to clean the broken jar around the girl. "it's good that you're here (name)-chan....". "why though?", her smile never fades. "I missed the scent of your shampoo".

"then go ahead and buy it, its name is (the name of your shampoo)".

The male sweatdropped, "I'm not talking about that.....", he sighed and shook his head, " two can take a seat over that sofa while I put these away".

Tsubasa walked into the room and went to the sofa to put the files away from the seats, and he arranged it neatly on a nearby desk. (name) flopped down on the sofa while humming a song that came into her thoughts.

(name)felt something heavy on her lap so she looked down and noticed a head. That nearly surprised her if it wasn't for the peaceful face Hayama made, "you feeling okay Akira?", her gentle voice filled the room like a strum of a guitar.

"yea.... I just wanna stay like this for a while....if you don't mind".

"sure Akira~", she hummed just in time for Shiomi to come by with a tray of biscuits and tea, "sorry for the wait, here you go", she then looked at the two of them before smiling, "Hayama-kun is being a clingy boy, aren't you too old for that?", she snickered.

"anyway, here's the new spice I got", she said before revealing a jar with an orange-red condiment. (name) couldn't help but smile, "oh my....isn't this Achiote from the tropical region?? This is a very rare spice".

"so you knew what is was, (name)-chan", Hayama's deep voice reached her ears, since he was really close, "coming from you, it's not impossible for you to not know, I'm honestly amazed despite the fact that you didn't have to smell".

(name) could only smile.

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