Part 99 - Alice's naggings

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(name) was munching on the Coulibiac as Ryo had his one arm around (name)'s waist while Alice had her arm on (name)'s shoulder.

"nice! We got one back at Central!", Yukihira cheered. Tadokoro nodded in agreement, "yeah!".

(name) stopped eating, she turned her head to look behind her and her eyes went wide, 'I knew this scent was familiar.... It was otou-sama's cologne'. Azami smirked before clapping his hands in a slow dramatic manner, "that was a good match", making the other five students next to (name) turned their body slightly to slightly glare at Azami.

"Uncle Azami, it has been a while", Alice seethed, taking one step to cover (name) from Azami. Ryo quickly took that chance to guard (name) as his arms were raised over her with an obvious frown and glare on his face.

"I see Little (name) is with Alice..", he smirked but he looked twisted. "how have you been doing child? I've only exchanged text with you and letter, but it has been a while since I see you in the flesh, Little (name)". (name) grabbed onto Alice's arm, "Alice-nee-chan took good care of me from time to time, so rest assured", she replied calmly.

"it seems I must offer her my gratitude for taking care of you and Erina", Azami smirked sinisterly, "but Little (name), I've been waiting for you to join us..... don't you want to know what's taking your brother so long....out of country?".

(name)'s calmness immediately faltered as soon as she heard what he just said, her bottom lips were quivering as she tightly clutched onto Alice's sleeve. "Ryo-kun", Alice called. "osu, ojou", he complied before covering (name)'s ears with his warm hands.

"wh-where is..", (name) was trembling as her eyes were focus on Azami.

Tadokoro noticing the scared tone coming from (name), she quickly stood right infront of (name), golden focus orbs meeting with gold with a tint of (e/c), "(name)-chan, we're here..... we're going to support you.... Don't listen to him, whatever you're thinking of, always know that Tsubasa-san is fine and healthy, I'm sure of that".

Azami lightly clicked his tongue, "Alice, your Shokugeki is the only one that won today while the other 32 all suffered defeat and will be disbanded". "regardless of the outcome, I will not let (name)-chan be used by the likes of you, Uncle, and moreover Ryo-kun won against Central, are you sure your way of thinking is absolute?".

Azami scoffed, "how disappointing, Alice, I thought you would support my utopia of true gourmet dining... and of course my beloved daughter right there couldn't agree less, she's still, nonetheless, supports my utopia.. she is one of the Nakiri family after all, and it is the responsibility of the Nakiri to advance the world of gourmet dining... hence that is what this great revolution is for".

Alice crossed her arms across her chest, still glaring up at him, "I can't agree with your methods, Uncle, nor do I wish to". "my, my... what a stubborn child you are... you even took both of my beloved daughters out of the house without permission, you should consider whether you should speak to me that way", his gaze already showed his true intention about the said gourmet dining and how he would use anything to make things happen.

"I don't care and I am angry! I will never forget what you have done, Uncle.... I don't like you, Uncle Azami! I will not let you do what you want with Totsuki Academy! With (name)-chan and Erina!", she yelled confidently at him as his face was almost cracking to show his demonic demeanor, "..I see.... For today, I'll just congratulate you on your one victory", he turned around and frowned deeply, "Little (name)..... I am still waiting for you to come back to my side", he said with a low voice before walking away.

"......-nee-chan....", (name)'s hand was trembling before she accidently dropped the plate in her hand, making a cracking sound as the plate broke into pieces.

"(name)-chan?!", both Alice and Erina quickly ran to her side. The two brought her to the side so she won't step on the broken pieces of plate on the ground. "otou-sama....said..", her teeth were chattering as if winter had just arrived. "(name)-chan", Alice called with a smile, "you should trust us more.... You don't have to help Uncle Azami just because he wanted your help.... I know you too well that you only helped because of two main reasons! First, you always help people in need! Second, you only helped him because you want to know about where your brother is right??".

(name) nodded her head and looked away with a small blush on her face.

"the two of you have been looking too gloomy lately! Why don't you stand up straight and proud?! Especially you, Erina", Alice pointed an accusing finger to the sisters, "you should be like (name)-chan here, going in and out of the Polar Star Dormitory. I heard you've been holed up in your room, haven't you?!". Erina puffed her cheeks and hugged (name) from behind, as if to hide herself from Alice's outburst, "y-you're the one who made us run away from home!".

(name) puffed her cheeks and pulled away from being hugged by Erina after hearing Alice said, "that's because I couldn't stand to see you all terrified of Uncle Azami and to top it all of I hated seeing (name)'s fake smile and being used like a pawn all the time! The two of you should show Uncle Azami and that you are your own person and so that you won't become someone else's puppet.... You should know how hard it was for me to watch (name)-chan who always listen to us, suddenly listen to Uncle and saying that she's a pawn to be used!".

The girl in the middle let out a sigh as her eyes return to their normal color, "calm down both of you.... My ears are going to burst if you yell with me in between", she pursed her lips while tilting her head to one side, "come on~", (name) hummed before wrapping one of her arm around Alice and wrap her other arm around Erina, before pulling them together in a hug, "there we go~~ don't fight anymore... I hate seeing you two do that.. Eri-nee-chan, Alice-nee-chan".

Erina couldn't help but smile at the girl, while Alice sighed to herself and enjoyed the hug.

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